About Us
The Apostolate of the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is a pious society in the Holy Roman Catholic Church. We propagate the Devotion to the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ in the world with the intention of achieving the wish of Christ returning all men and women to the Father as a way of promoting the dignity of human value and saving life. Devotion to the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is not a new one in the Holy Catholic Church. It is as old as the first Holy Thursday when Jesus Christ instituted the Priesthood and the Holy Eucharist. The proclamation of the following words on the night before He suffered: “This is My Body, which is given for you. Do this in memory of Me…. This cup is God’s new covenant sealed with My Blood which is poured for you” (Lk. 22: 19-20) evoked from the Apostles a sublime religious fervour or reverence. Before then Jesus had performed great miracles but they saw the miracle of miracles in the institution of the Holy Eucharist, the Sacrifice of the Cross, the Sacrifice of the New Law, the most admirable Sacrament, the wondrous presence, and the abiding memorial of Christ’s Passion. Seeing Christ setting Himself before them as a sacrifice of reconciliation or salvation and as the food of eternal life in the most precious and wonderful banquet made them adore the wondrous presence with a faith beyond description. Since then it has always been so in the Holy Catholic Church and it will continue to be so until the Lord comes back in glory. That is the Lord’s command. We must continue to proclaim the Lord’s death until He returns. (cf. 1 Cor.11:26). We see the face of Jesus in the needy, the thirsty, the hungry and the unloved and console Him. With our lives, we point the cross to all men; for there is no other sign given for the salvation of man than the sign of the cross. In this way, we attempt to lead many to behold the One pierced on the cross. This is the call to love the Love. This is adoration.
Christ's Message To The Nigerian Visionary-"Banabas Nwoye"
"On the 5th of July, 1995, at about 3.00pm, the Agonizing Jesus Christ called and appealed to me in these words; "Barnabas console Me, adore my Precious Blood". The voice was so gentle and pleading; I turned and could not see who was calling me. The voice continued, "Barnabas, console Me, adore My Precious Blood; I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ". He kept silent for a moment. I noticed that there was a sudden calmness and quiet in the room in which I was. It seemed to me that there was no movement of any object in the world, that one could even hear the sound of a dropped pin. In this silent moment, I heard the voice of a choir, which sang the song of the Precious Blood and prayed in these words; "Precious Blood of Jesus Christ; save us and the whole world". In the end, the voice said, "I bless you My son". Immediately the whole episode passed. On the 6th of July, 1995, I had the same encounter as the previous day. It was the same hour of 3.00pm. As I was looking at the crucifix hanging on the wall, suddenly, cloud came down and covered it. In the cloud, appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging on the cross, bleeding. His Head was crowned with thorns. The Sacred Heart appeared at the position of His Heart, which issued Divine Rays. He kept silent for a while and then said: "Barnabas, I am Jesus Christ who died on the Cross of Calvary to save the world. I am the One Who laid my Body to be scourged that men might be free. I bore all the shame they deserved. With my Blood I purchased them, yet My people did not know me. I am still the One, Who is suffering the agony due to their sins. Barnabas, console Me, and adore My Precious Blood. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who loves you much; have mercy on Me, I bless you, My son". Immediately, the whole scene passed. During these two incidents, I was unable to utter a word while they lasted, but pondered in my heart what all that could mean. On the 3rd day, that is, 7th of July 1995 and at the same hour, the Agonizing Jesus Christ appeared, with His Face bathed with Blood and calmly said "Barnabas why is it that you cannot answer My Appeal of Love? Have mercy on Me. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who you and the world crucify every second and minute of the day with your sins. I called you to adore My Precious Blood. If you answer My Call of Love to adore My Precious Blood, I will choose you as My instrument to save you and your people, who will return to Me. Through My Precious Blood, I will renew the face of the earth. There shall be done on earth the Will of My Father as it is done in Heaven. Your eyes will see the Reign of Peace in the World". He kept silent for a while. It was then that I answered, 'Agonizing Jesus Christ, I am willing to do Your Will. I love You; I love You;…"As I said these words my heart melted and I wept with a heart full of sorrow. In the end, the Agonizing Jesus Christ said; "Remain in My Peace, I bless you, My son". Then He varnished and the episode ended".

Chaplet Of The Precious Blood
After the event of 7th of July, 1995, I narrated my experience to my sister Irene Magbo, who advised me to record the whole experience. This I did and the incidence stopped for the year. The memory of these incidents had almost gone when I had the fourth encounter on the 5th of July, 1996, at about 5.30am. On this day, the Agonizing Jesus Christ offered me the Chaplet of His Most Precious Blood with Its Litany. He said, “Barnabas, I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, console Me, adore My Precious Blood. Consecrate your life to My Precious Blood and make constant reparation for sins committed against My Blood. Take this” He then gave me the Chaplet and said: This is the Chaplet of My Blood. Pray it and make it known to the whole world”. I received it and said: “Adoration to Your Precious Blood” He continued by saying: “Through this Chaplet, I will renew the face of the earth and draw all men to acknowledge the Price of their Redemption. I will also renew the Church so that the Holy Sacrifice offered to me will remain pure and worthy before ascending to My Altar in Heaven. I promise to protect anyone who devotedly prays this Chaplet against evil attacks. I will guard his five senses. I will protect him from sudden death. 12 hours before his death, he will drink My Precious Blood and eat My Body. 24 hours before his death I will show him My Five Wounds that he may feel a deep contrition for all his sins and have a perfect knowledge of them. Any person who makes a novena with It will get his intentions; his prayer will be answered. I will perform many wonderful miracles through It. Through It, I will destroy many secrets societies and set free many souls in bondage by My Mercy. Through this Chaplet, I will save many souls from Purgatory. I will teach him My Way, he who honours My Precious Blood through this Chaplet. I will have mercy on those who have mercy on My Precious Blood and Wounds. Whoever teaches this prayer to another person will have an indulgence of 4 years. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who made these promises to My people who will embrace this Chaplet of My Precious Blood. Barnabas, if you carry out this Devotion faithfully, you will suffer many agonies with Me because the way is a desert way, so dry and rough. I will lead you and all men who answer My Call of Love, through this way to the Land of Promise. I promise again that I will renew the face of the earth through My little ones. Then, comes the Reign of My Glory, when all shall be one in Me”. Then I asked: “My Lord, people will not believe me and the Church will not welcome It. What shall I do to make It known to the world?” Our Lord replied: “Barnabas fear not about the spread of the Devotion. Only offer your life to Me. Be humble and obedient to the Church. Surrender to every cross and offer it for My consolation, pray always and never give up. If you do, all who hear of this Devotion will look for It and all who see It will embrace It and spread It also. My Church will welcome It when the time comes. Barnabas the way is hard; it is a desert way. You will pass the hour of dryness and confusion. Some will complain on the way. Some will give up their faith. But I plead with you, My son; remain faithful and obedient to My Command. I promise to lead you to the Land of Promise. There, your joy will be complete”. Then I asked some questions on the Chaplet of the Precious Blood: “Lord may I ask why the small beads are twelve in number and the big beads are one at the end of each set of twelve beads and it is prayed one Our Father and one Hail Mary on It. If people ask me, what will I tell them? He answered: “My son, this Devotion had been in My Holy Church ever since My day of circumcision. My Mother was the first to adore My Precious Blood with her Penitential tears as She saw Her only Son bleeding for humanity. But you can see that this age has forgotten the Price of their Redemption. Today, I give you this Chaplet for you and for all men to adore My Precious Blood, the Price of their Redemption. Wake up this Devotion and hasten the Kingdom of My Glory on Earth. Barnabas, each small bead represents a tribe of Israel. As you recite the Chaplet, My Precious Blood will rain on the earth for the conversion of the whole Israel, I mean the whole world. Each time you pray one “Our Father” and one “Hail Mary” in every portion of the Chaplet, you honour the mystical Wounds, Pains and Precious Blood of the Agonizing and Sorrowful Hearts of the Son and His Mother. I assure you, many wounds shall be healed. I and My Mother will be consoled. The mercy of the Father will multiply; the Holy Spirit will rest upon you, My Precious Blood will flow to save. Know also, the red colour of the beads represent My Precious Blood and the white beads represent the Water that comes out from My Sacred Side, which washes away your sins. Remember that I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who loves you much. Receive My blessing; I bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”
Submit Everything To Your Parish Priest
After the event of 5th July, 1996, I entered into series of prayers and mortification to ask God for strength and the way forward. On December 8, 1996, at about 9.30pm, in my prayer, I saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who said to me: “Barnabas I have seen your obedience and that of your people over my orders. I appreciate your sacrifice. I am happy. Now, it is time to submit the prayers as I have given to you to your Parish Priest. On December 28, you will submit everything to him as I have given to you”. At this word, I asked: “My Lord, how can he accept it, since he was the one who burnt the message of Aokpe which one of our brothers gave to him last week?” our Lord answered: “I will take away his heart of stone and give him a heart like Mine, so that he will share much of My Agony. Obey My Order; I will do My work, which is Mine alone. Your obedience to My Orders will melt the hard gates of trials and give peace to My Flock. But if you remain unmoved to My Order, My Flock will suffer much. Barnabas, remember that I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who loves you much. I receive much consolation in every cross you accept with love. Accept your crosses and give Me joy. I bless you, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”. On 28th December, 1996, I submitted everything to Rev. Fr. Boniface Onah who then was my Parish Priest. Unlike him, he did not burn the document. He gazed at the tabernacle and said; “My son, I have not seen anything like this before. We shall offer a Holy Mass for it. Let us make it nine days novena Mass”, he said, I replied; “Father nine days is too long. Let us do three days. Let us have it by 9.00pm”. He accepted as I requested, after which I went home. On 30th December, 1996, at about 11.30pm, I woke up to say my prayers; then I saw before my crucifix, the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who said to me after a brief silence, “Do whatever your Parish Priest tells you. I am beginning My work which no one can stop. I will inspire him to follow My Plan, which I have set to draw all men to Myself. I need your humility; I need your obedience. Remain in the peace from Heaven. I bless you”. On 1st January, 1997, we started the novena. From then to date, the Devotion spread as the Agonizing Jesus Christ

Our Spirituality
We live the spirituality of the Cross. Our gazes are centered on the One who is pierced on the Cross. We see in Him the need to carry our own crosses every day of our lives in imitation of Him. We equally assist in carrying all the rejected crosses the world had abandoned. We see these crosses as petals of the rose of perfect purity scattered all over the world. We do these by surrendering to every cross; seeing them as coming from God. In our lives, we wish to be crushed, to be trampled underfoot so as to be the step through which others come to God. In this way, we point to the world that there is no other way to salvation than the royal way of the Cross. True Devotees of the Precious Blood shall be the Apostles of the Cross. They will not be afraid to follow the suffering Master with their crosses on their own shoulder. Their feet will not be trembling to step into the fire of crucified love. Like their Master, they are ready to journey to Calvary, so as to die with Him, in order to resurrect with Him.

Finally, Our Lord is appealing to us all to return to Tradition, the Mass of the Ages, the Traditional Latin Mass ( TRIDENTINE}
Chaplet of the Precious Blood
The first segment of this Devotion is The Chaplet of the Precious Blood, to be recited immediately after the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It consists of Five Mysteries relating to the Five Sacred Wounds of Christ.

Consolation Prayers to the Agonizing Jesus Christ:
Eternal Father, when You were about to send Your only-begotten Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, into the world with the aim of saving us and bringing a new Paradise into the world through the Most Precious Blood, out of love You said: "Whom shall I send, who will go to redeem My people?" Heavenly court was silent until Your Son answered: "Here I am, send Me Father".
Honour and adoration be unto You, O Divine Love; praise and worship be unto Your Name, O Loving Jesus Christ. Take consolation, O Agonizing Jesus Christ. The reward You got from Your people for Your benevolence was sin. They sinned and blasphemed day and night against Your Holy Name. They fought against You and disobeyed Your commandments, etc". (see prayer book) Immediately after the prayer, Precious Blood from the Sacred Head dropped on my head twelve times; I came back and recorded it. Though I can not remember the tune of the songs, at a later date; we were instructed to use the inspired songs composed by our Spiritual Director to fill the gaps. Our Lord said: "I am the one who inspired those songs in him". (Jesus, 28th April 1997)
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Consolation Prayers
Consolation Prayers directed at the Eternal Father and His only - begotten Son constitute the second segment of this Devotion, These prayers seek to appease the Father and the Son for the world's ingratitude, blasphemies and neglects of the Precious Blood. The Consolation prayer was dictated to the Visionary on 28th April 1997.
During this hour in my Reparation prayers, I saw the vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging on the cross bleeding. Above, the Angels and Saints were adoring the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Then I had a voice which commanded me, thus: "Barnabas pick up your pen and write whatever you hear". I obeyed, and the. Consolation and Adoration prayers below where dictated to me with songs for 50 minutes.
Adoration Prayers
In the third part of the Devotion, there are seven prayers which adore, glorify and make petitions to the Precious Blood. The petitions are for the entire Church, its hierarchy, the clergy and the faithful. Appeals invoking the Precious Blood are also made on behalf of unrepentant sinners, souls in Purgatory, non-Catholics, for devout souls and for aborted babies that they may all be accorded the benefits of the Precious Blood.
The Adoration and Consolation prayers were both dictated to Barnabas by Our Lord Jesus Christ on the same day and time: 28th April 1997.

Adoration Prayers to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
Opening Prayer
Almighty and Eternal Father, the magnitude of Your love for us is reflected fully in the gift of Your only begotten Son to humanity. He is not only equal to you but one with You. we are indebted to you and it stares us in the face.
Obviously, we cannot repay You commensurately. But we are asking for Your grace while demonstrating our willingness to love You in this adoration. We appreciate Your benevolence and solicit Your continued loving kindness in helping us put forth a more satisfying gesture of love and gratitude through a change of life for the better. May the Holy Archangel Michael, with Your hosts of Angels and Saints, join us and lead us closer to You through this adoration. We make this prayer through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be...
For latest edition of the Prayer Book, Chaplet and further procedure

The Anguished Appeals (Reparation Prayers)
The fourth segment of the Devotion deals with reparation. In Seven Anguished Appeals, Our Lord describes the various sins in the Church and in the world at large that have mystically continued to crucify Him. These include neglect of the Holy Sacrifice of The Mass and the Sacraments by the clergy and the faithful, immodesty which is causing millions to troop into Hell, materialism in the Church and the world, cultism, greed, avarice and so on.
The Anguished Appeals (Opening Prayer)
Lord Jesus Christ, throughout history You are leading us back to the Almighty Father, We are immensely grateful. We appreciate Your love. We remember with heartfelt sorrow, our weakness, sins, and all Your suffering in this noble task. Can we lessen it? We pray You, help us to do it by our style of life. Henceforth, we shall do whatever is required if only You will it. Show us more love by willing it. We make this prayer through in the Name of Jesus Christ Our Lord, Who lives and reigns with the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.
Eternal Father, I offer You all the Wounds of Your dearly beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the pains and agonies of His Most Sacred Heart and His Most Precious Blood, which gushed out from all His Wounds, in reparation for my sins and those of the whole world. amen ( Three times)
I Believe in God........(Once)
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The Mystical Prayers
Besides the four principal parts of this Devotion, there are key intercessory prayers which Our Lord has revealed as the prayers He said during His Passion and before His final human breath for our salvation. They include prayers to defeat all enemies of the Holy Cross (the Anti-Christ and his forces), for faith, endurance, for release from ancestral curses and so on.

Rose of Perfect Purity
The rose is regarded as the ''queen of flowers'', and often symbolises Mary the Queen of Heaven. Also an almost universal symbol of perfect love, its colour, perfection of form, and fregrance as well as its thorns sygnifies Mary's role in salvation history as Mother of God the Saviour who was crowned with thorns and shed His Blood on the cross for love of Mankind
Offering of the Rose of Perfect Purity
''Eternal Father, I kiss this perfect Rose with love.(here kiss the Rose) This Rose which Your love offered me reminds me of my vow of purity, I offer it's merits together with the sufferings of the martyrs of chastity in union with the Most Precious Blood of Your Son, Jesus, for the purity of all Your people. Amen.

For latest edition of the Prayer Book, Chaplet and further procedure

The Roses of the Glorious Reign
Chaplet of Renewal
The gift is the ''Roses of the Glorious Reign'' or you call it. THE CHAPLET OF RENEWAL''. O! This is another kind of Rose, like the Roses of Angelic Psalter, that is worthy to be laid on the Alter of God in Heaven. Receive it from me for blessed are the hands that will receive it''... ''Take your Rosary and offer God your Roses''. Our Lady, 7th June 2003.
The Chaplet to use is the Rosary of Our Lady

The Seal
From this Devotion comes the Great Seal of God (the living Tabernacle in our hearts) which the Angels place in our Souls during the hour of Seal. Without this seal, one will bear the enemy's own seal of 666.
The Great Seal is renewed by constantly struggling to remain in the state of Sanctifying Grace. Simplified, this seal is a more determined renewal of the one obtained by every Christian at Baptism, but the idea here is about securing it with greater divine assistance against defilement by sin.

Gethsemane Hour
Finally, following the appeal of 20th July 1998 and many others, Our Lord Jesus Christ invites all to observe every Thursday night (11 pm) into Friday (3 am) as the Gethsemane Hour of Prayer, to pray and to watch. This is in line with His earnest appeals on the first Holy Thursday when He said to His Apostles: ''Simon are you asleep? Can't you stay awake and watch with me even for an hour?.... Keep watch, and pray that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." (Mark 14: 37 - 38). The devotees observe this call every week for the sanctification of their souls, for their needs and the needs of the church and those of the world at large.
Click here on Thursdays by 11 pm to join the Pre-recorded prayers
List of Prayers for the Gethsemane Hour
The Holy Rosary and Litany (Preferably sorrowful Mysteries). Pages 1-9.
Chaplet of the Precious Blood and Litany. Pages 10-24.
Consolation Prayers to the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Pages 25-31.
Adoration Prayers to The Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Pages 32-42.
Reparation Prayers to The Agonizing Jesus Christ (The Anguish Appeals). Pages 43-64.
The Mystical Prayers of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Pages 66-71.
Chaplet of Renewal (The Roses of the Glorious Reign). Pages 83 - 89.
The litany of the Saints. Pages 90-100 or Litany of the Holy Spirit. Pages 101-103.
Prayer for the new Israel
Prayer for the Triumph of the Cross. Pages 78-79.
Exposition/Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament if the vigil is held inside the church or chapel.
For latest edition of the Prayer Book, Chaplet and further procedure
Month of July Novena
Jesus has also requested that we make three very important Novenas in the month of July, they run thus;
July 13th - 15th
Novena of the Precious Blood in Honour of the Blessed Trinity
July 20th - 31st
Novena of the Precious Blood for the New Israel
July 1st - 9th
Novena of the Precious Blood in Honour of the Nine Choirs of Angels
September Reparation and The Feast Of The Exaltation Of The Holy Cross
Monthly Thursday/3RD Friday 7 Hours Uninterruptible Reparation Prayers And Reading Of Precious Blood Messages/Meditations
Weekly Friday Observance Of The Hours Of Seal With Prayers And Silent Meditations

Become A Consecrated Devotee
A devotee becomes eligible/qualified for consecration by participating in the Gethsemane Hour Prayer vigil for a consecutive period of six months, every Thursday from 11:00 pm - 3:00 am Fridays. and continues in the observance there-after.
The consecration is performed by a Priest during the celebration of the Holy Mass specifically meant for this purpose.
A Call to Holiness
The Precious Blood Devotion is a daily call to holiness. At least the Chaplet (after the Rosary of Our Blessed Mother), the Litany and the Consecration should be recited daily by a devotee. This Devotion is the ultimate weapon against Satan and evil spirits. Above all, the Devotion is a way of life. The Lord describes it as “the dry and the desert way” full of crosses. It is a reminder that only through the Cross can a soul reach the land of happiness (Heaven). Any other way will result in Hell. It is a holy call to Catholics and all Christians to return to the True Faith in a corrupt world, deceived by Satan, in which all sorts of Gospel are now being preached even within the Catholic world.

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