DATE: 20TH JULY, 2001
TIME: 8:00 PM

On this first day of our twelve-day prayer for the twelve tribes of Israel in the month of July, I saw the vision of the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ that emanated from the Blessed Sacrament exposed on the altar. Within a short time, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the clouds, the Holy Face appeared brighter and said:
“My children, I welcome my children all over the world, who have gathered to adore my Precious Blood, to this call to holiness and mortification. I am happy to see a large number of my children, who are responding to my call, consecrate themselves to my Precious Blood. My mother is happy too.
Children, I am happy in seeing you sowing the seed of purity. Work harder, for the days are evil. The day of the evil man is at hand; the day of evil, when your eyes will see the Beast. I am calling all my children to my Love and Mercy. I am calling you all to perfection. Children, I have given you the Rose of PERFECT PURITY. During these days of adoration, I will reveal the plan of the Evil One. I will open your eyes to see the coming battle. I will lead you into the battlefield as your Supreme Commander.
Those who obey my voice will conquer. Children, be near to my love. Let all who consecrate themselves today remain united in my love. Children, how many of you will receive the Rose of Perfect Purity? How many of you will fight and win?
“The battle is great. Children, say always the prayer you will find in the Book of Sirach 36: 1-17. Through this prayer, the mighty Hand of my Father will be lifted to defeat the enemy. This is a prayer for Israel to defeat their enemies. I have given it to you because the battle is great.
Children, come nearer to hear the advice of your Commander. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who loves you.
I bless you all in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in Peace.”
Immediately the vision passed