TIME: 2:00 PM

Today, being the third day of our call to reparation, I saw in a vision, Our Lord holding a crucifix of His crucified life. I saw Him walking about in a desert. After a while, we met. He said to me: “Barnabas, take this.” He then offered Me the Crucifix and continued:

This is your crucified Lord who loves you. He is the One whom you daily crucify. Accept it from Me; carry it always. Show it to the world; let all men have it also. Children, this is what your sins do to Me.
(The Crucifix is the same as the crucifix we all know. The difference is that the Wounds and Blood on His Sacred Body appeared well. On the Cross was written, “I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who loves you”.)
“You shall make this Crucifix as you see it. I am giving it to you as the instrument and Armour, which you must all have before the Evil man comes to reign in full force. Listen, My children, all the necessary warnings have been given to you. The plans of your enemy have been made known to you. I call you all, not to give you any further warnings, but to prepare and get you ready for the Hour. You and all men are to have this cross as an Armour of protection against evil forces that fill the earth now. I promise to perform numerous miracles through it. I will break their hearts of stone, and pour in My love. I promise to draw the straying souls closer to myself through this Crucifix. Children, captives shall be freed through this Crucifix. Children, no enemy of My Holy Cross will approach this Crucifix. On the days of the evil one, you will be able to move about freely without any harm through this Crucifix. Children, accept this gift with love. Let this order never be like the previous orders I have made known to you. If you neglect it, you will feel the gap.
Listen, My children, My Priest will anoint the first artist to make this Crucifix, so that I will fill Him with My Spirit and Wisdom. Other artists will follow the first handwork.”
“Children, I want you and all men to be consecrated to My Precious Blood. I want you all to consecrate yourselves to Me this Friday. This is the order or procedure for your consecration. There will be a Votive Mass of the Precious Blood, You will recite the prayer of consecration to the Precious Blood and have the badge of My Precious Blood as the sign of your consecration.
When you have been consecrated, it means that you will fulfill all My appeals to you. You must live the life of your consecration. All who cannot fulfill all My appeals and the orders will not receive this consecration. I will give you a special blessing from Heaven. All who will later consecrate themselves will follow this rule, which I have given to you.
Children, go back to all My messages given to you in the past. Neglect not even the least among them. Find out the neglected appeals and fulfill them. You will be filled with joy if you do so. Make out time to read My messages. Have time for meditation. Have time to visit the holy places. Learn to live a crucified life. I am near to lead you.
Receive My blessing: Let My Precious Blood be a fountain of life to you all. Flow out, purifying water from My Sacred Side and wash their sins. Let the Wounds of your souls be healed. Let My peace be with you all. I love you all. I bless you all”.
Immediately, the vision passed.
TIME: 3:00 AM

In our prayer, I saw a vision of the holy Archangel Michael; he was holding a chalice, which had a tongue of fire on its tip. He came down from the cloud with the little cherubs who adored the Spotless Lamb with hymns.
As I was looking, I saw a large crowd. They had come from different countries of the world. We were all gathered at the entrance to the Holy Sanctuary, worshipping and adoring the Most Precious Blood.
After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. The Archangel Michael drew nearer to us and said:
“Drink this, all of you; this is the Precious Blood of your Master and Saviour, Jesus Christ”.
I saw in the chalice, a small Crown of Thorns and on the tip, a tongue of fire. He continued:
“This is the Chalice you will all drink. This is a Chalice of love”.
Everybody said: “Amen!” and he then shared it among us. After that, he said:
“Tonight I was sent from Heaven by the Eternal Father, to come and build a new Tabernacle of love inside your souls. I will keep this chalice inside your hearts. This is an Everlasting Seal. Whenever you feel dry, the ocean of the Blood of Christ will flow from the Tabernacle of love within you and renew you.
Children of light, this establishes, today, a covenant that you will love the Agonizing Jesus Christ. You are His consolers. I am the Archangel Michael, an Apostle of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.
Then, I asked, Michael: What does this Crown of Thorns in the chalice mean and what also does the flame on the tip of the chalice mean? He answered:
“I will explain them as they concern you. The crown represents the sufferings you will undergo for the sake of Christ. It also means the pains and sorrows you will bear for the truth. The tongue of fire means your victorious reward in the end. It represents the love of God.
Son of man, you see this large number of people, they came from every part of the world. They are the Apostles of the Precious Blood. This Seal and Blessings remain forever.
Adoration and praise to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, the source of my power. May it fill you all with strength and power, Amen!
Adoration; to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ which opens up the seal. May you all be sealed with the Blood, Amen!
Adoration; to the Blood that opens up the ocean of Divine Mercy. May it grant you mercy in your days, Amen!
Adoration to You, Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, may You reign in their hearts forever, Amen!
Children of Light, the Eternal Father loves you all. That is what motivated Him to send me to share this blessing among you. This is to prepare you for the days that are coming.
Children of Light, think of what it means: that in your soul, there is a Sanctuary of the Most Holy Trinity. This means that your soul is a Little Heaven, a dwelling place for the Holy Trinity. Give thanks to the Spotless Lamb whose Blood opens the Seal. Honour; to the Woman from whom the Word took His Blood and became man. May she open your mind to understand the value of the Most Precious Blood of Christ, Amen! Children of Light, tonight, I promise to be at your side to fight for you and to defend you. I am praying for you. Remain in the peace from Heaven. So I leave you.”
Immediately, the vision passed.