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DATE: 31ST JULY 1999

TIME: 10:00 PM


In our novena prayer on the last day of the great month of July, I saw, the vision of the Holy Trinity in the cloud. The Son of God, Jesus Christ, held a Chalice in His Hand as He sat by the right side of His Father Who held a staff in His Right Hand. The Holy Spirit gave out Divine rays from above. I saw also a Crown of Thorns, a sword, and three nails, all lying by the feet of the Son of God.

After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud, appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, Who calmly said:

“My children, receive the Holy Spirit!


Let the Spirit of Truth and of Knowledge rest upon you. May the Spirit fill you all with power and wisdom!


Be filled with the Holy Spirit of Light. Fear not for I am with you always to help you.

My Priest, the bearer of My agony, fear not to carry out this devotion. Today, I fill you with the fullness of My Spirit, the Holy Spirit of Light and Wisdom. Go and make My Will known to all men. I have said this before; I am repeating it; that I have opened the gate of the devotion. No one has power over My Precious Blood, the Blood of the New Seal. My Priest, edit and compile all the messages and prayers I have for this devotion as soon as possible. The Evil One is about to attack. During that time, you will not be balanced to do this work. There will be great confusion in the world. Only those who live in Me and I in them will know what to do.

My Priest spread all the prayers fast. Let My people pray and console My Agonizing Heart. Those, whom I want to know these truths revealed to you, I mean this devotion, will hear you. They will believe you and spread it as well. But all whom I did not permit to know will never understand. You should not send this devotion to your bishop again until you edit and compile well all the messages I gave you. If you do send it, he will not give any answer. If you obey Me, fear not again. Leave the work for Me. When the hour comes he will do My Will. My Priest, never disobey My Church. Submit to the authorities of My holy Church. Even if it does not please you, OBEY! You console Me with obedience. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ.

My children, wake up. Make My Will known to all men. Evangelize this devotion. Teach all men all that you have learnt from Me. Today, I fill you with the fullness of My Spirit. Let your mind open to understand, your eyes open to see and your mouth open to proclaim My goodness. Teach them the value of My Most Precious Blood. I promise to protect you all. The coming persecution will not snatch your souls. I promise to convert 12 sinners of your lineage, all of you who devotedly adore Me in this month of My Precious Blood. These sinners will know My Holy Will.

Today, I am releasing 24 souls of your lineage from the purifying fire of Purgatory. They are now rejoicing with the Saints. I will grant your requests according to My Divine Will.

Barnabas, today, I release you all that I held. It shall be well with you and your people, who are with Me in My agony. I will hide you all from the sight of the Evil One. My plan will be carried out and you will still be hidden. This is to fulfill all I have promised you.

Children, as I am hiding you, help and hide yourselves in the blanket of humility and simplicity. My blessing remains with you.

Children, know now that you are living in the hour of purification. Hold firm your faith. Do not betray Me. Do not deny Me. Do not leave Me alone. The hour has come, the hour when the forces of darkness rule. This is the hour of the Evil One, look out and see, let’s go and meet them.

Children, I promise you, in the end, My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph. My Precious Blood will reign. How many of you will live in Me to reign with Me? Happy are you who have the privilege to enter the Land of Promise. They have power to eat the fruit of the new Garden of Eden. They will enjoy the Golden Peace of the new Garden of Eden. Children, struggle hard, fight and win the battle.

Today, I have given you everything I planned for this devotion. Children, do you love Me? Make My Will known to the whole world. Barnabas, do you love Me?” I replied, “Lord, Lord I love You and promise to console You. I will show You love by adoring Your Precious Blood”.

He said; “Bear all the agonies you will suffer for Me”.

Children of My Heart, do you love Me?

Remain in My Heart of Love.

All these blessings I have given you remain forever for all who devoutly adored Me this month.”


The Precious Blood mingled and flowed from His Sacred Head and poured on us. Our Lord said: “I bless you all with My Precious Blood, In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Remain in peace from Heaven.”

Immediately, the vision passed.

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