During this hour, I saw the vision of Our Lady. She came as she promised and gently said:“Peace from heaven be with you my son and all my children. I am the Rosa Mystica, Mary the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I am the Mother of Sorrows. I am the Woman at the Foot of the Cross. Children, I am there calling on all my children to come. Reparation! Reparation!! Reparation!!! Reparation!!!! Reparation!!!!! Reparation is the only way out! Let all knees bend in reparation. Let all hands rise up in reparation. Children reparation is your hope of survival.Today, I am here again to call for prayer and penance. You are to do penance for your sins and the sins of the whole world. Children, iniquity has piled up everywhere and calling on God for revenge. O, if God should strike the world for their sins, who will survive!Children, thank the precious Blood of Jesus Christ; He has been wedging the wrath of the Almighty Father. He is pleading on behalf of the world. But see how much this blood has been offended in the world! The Precious Blood receives all manners of coldness, of mindlessness, and of neglect from the people He purchased. No one was found on earth worthy to say, “I keep the covenant sealed with the Precious Blood of Christ.” All are guilt of breaking the covenant they made with the Precious Blood of Christ. All have sinned.Children what are the commandments of the covenant? It is simply a commandment of love. Love your God with all your strength and with all your Spirit. Love your neighbour as Christ has loved you. Is it too hard to keep? No! It is simple. You do not want to love because you did not value the cost of your salvation.I have come to ask you for reparation on behalf of my Son and my God who sent me. It is a Third Friday Reparation. A reparation for the sins committed against the Precious Blood, so that men will value the price of their redemption.The programme is as follows: On that day, my children will hear the votive Mass of the Precious Blood of Christ for the atonement of sins, for the reign of peace and for the grace they need. The chaplet of the Precious Blood and my Rosary, together with the Roses of Glorious Reign will be said on that day for renewal and for other intensions. Reparation prayer and the Stations of the Cross will be done on that day for the repentance of sinners and firmness in the true faith by the faithful. And finally, there will be seven stages of meditation and readings from the message given to you, followed by one our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory Be… in honor of the Precious Blood of His Circumcision, of his sweat of blood, of his scourging of his crowning with thorns, of his carrying of the cross, of his crucifixion and of his piercing of his side. This meditation will last for 12 minutes at each stage. Barnabas, select 3 messages for each stage. Start stage one with the call for repentance and the last stage with the call for perfection. The readings of each month shall be different and follow the order of growth. Teach the world what you learnt from your Jesus. Have time to teach the world on that land, starting from these days of reparation. I have given you the summary of the programme of Third Friday Reparation Prayer. Arrange it with some prayers as the Spirit will direct you and give it to the world. This is a step toward the renewal of the Face of the Earth. This is the road towards the Kingdom of God on Earth. This is the way to the Reign of Peace in the world. I say, it is reparation; it is penance; it is sacrifice!Hear, O creatures of God, O, those that are redeemed by the Precious Blood of Christ, a voice that is crying with sorrow, the voice of a woman in sorrow, the voice of a mother who is searching for her lost children. She is crying to you saying: Reparation! Reparation!! Reparation!!! Reparation!!!! Reparation!!!!! Reparation!!!!!! Reparation!!!!!!! - is your hope of survival. Barnabas, say with me: “Here I am. I have come to do reparation.” I answered: “Here, I am, I have come to do reparation.Jesus will be happy to hear that from you and from all His children. I am there. I am at the Holy Land waiting for you and the whole World to come for reparation. I am the woman at the Foot of the Cross, Mary, Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Remain in peace from heaven. So I leave you.Immediately, the vision passed.