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FIRST MESSAGE OF THE FIRST LESSON DATE: 14TH SEPTEMBER, 2000 TIME: 3.00 AM VENUE: OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH CHAPEL, IMEZI OWA During this hour the Sanctuary of God in Heaven opened. Then I saw what looked like brimstone falling from there. At the same time, there was lightning and a sound of thunder. At this time, smoke of cloud filled the whole temple.I saw an Angel of the Lord anointing some of the people who prostrated there in the Holy Sanctuary.In the end, the vision passed. Agonizing Jesus appeared and calmly said:“My children, see how weak many of you are. Many were dozing when My Angel carried out the work of anointing of My warriors. Some were not here in prostration when My dazzling Presence passed, at the dot of the hour. Some took as a simple thing this work of transformation and anointing of My warriors. Children, those people are not chosen.Pray that you will receive all the graces stored for you in this Holy Call. I will give you as much as you requested, and keep sealed the graces you neglected.So, I bless you all.”Immediately, the vision passed.




TIME: 2.00 PM


During this hour and on this day of our reparation programme, I saw a vision of the Glorious Reign in the cloud full of the Heavenly Angels. The Angels sang adoration and triumphant hymns to Our Glorious Jesus in the cloud.

Within a short time, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud Our Lord Jesus appeared carrying the Agonizing Cross and finally said:

“My children, today a few hours ago, the Glorious Reign of Peace has been born to the world. Happy are all who are called to celebrate this Great Feast, the Birthday of the Glorious Reign and My Kingdom on Earth. How lucky are you to see this day. What a great joy to hear that in this land of yours, you are the first to celebrate this Great Feast, the Birthday of My Glorious Reign.

Today, has brought to fulfillment all the prophecies of this time; that in the fullness of time, there shall come the Glorious Reign of Peace and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. Today, your own eyes have seen the day. Happy are those whose eyes open to see this great privilege

Children, look at My Agonizing Cross through which you shall conquer. Soon it will be a victorious Cross. Children, you are called to celebrate this Birthday year after year. When you enter the Era of Peace, the survivors will ask you: What does this Great Feast mean? You will answer them, it is a feast of the Birthday of this Era of Peace you are living through, when the Agonizing Jesus Christ conquered the power of iniquity, and led His people through the narrow and rough way of the sinful world into this Land of Peace.

Children, I call on all men to celebrate this Great Feast. You are to celebrate it with the Feast of Our Lady, My Mother of Sorrows. In the days to come, you will see with your own eyes the manifestation of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of My Sorrowful Mother, which you are celebrating today.

Children, it is this Birthday of My Glorious Reign that gives forth the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart. As you are celebrating the birth of My Glorious Reign, you are as well celebrating the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.

Children, I call on all men to celebrate this great feast. Gather the whole House of Israel to celebrate this Great Feast. I say, gather the whole world to celebrate this Great Feast. Children, this Great Feast remains forever. On this Great Feast, let My people consecrate themselves to My Precious Blood. They shall be those who have heard My Anguished Appeals and promise with sincere hearts to be My consolers all their lives. Children, be certain that you follow the order I give you as you celebrate this Great Feast in the years to come.

I will remember any Priest who gathers My people to celebrate this Great Feast, when he meets the Red Dragon.

I will remember anyone who will lead My people to celebrate this Great Feast whenever he calls on Me.

I will remember all who celebrate this Great Feast when they approach the Red Sea of their lives.

Children, I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who called you to celebrate the Birthday of My Glorious Reign. At the hour of 11.00 pm today, I will share My work among you. Children, as the artists study My Wounds, they will have to come closer and closer to My Will and I will be consoled.

Receive My blessings.” He pressed the Cross upon us and prayed: “May the joy of the Birthday of My Glorious Reign fill your hearts. I pour on you the fullness of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. My peace remain with you always”. Immediately, the vision passed.

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