DATE: 16TH JUNE, 2000
TIME: 1.00 AM
In my preparatory prayer for the retreat I had planned for Oturkpo, I had a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ on the Cross bleeding. He gazed at me steadily, and calmly said:
“MY SON, THE PRECIOUS MINUTES ARE PASSING AWAY, the terrible day is fast approaching. On that day men will regret any precious second not well utilized. I plead with you my loving children to make use of your precious moments. KEEP EVERY SECOND OF YOUR LIFE HOLY AND UTILIZE IT WELL. These seconds are precious. You cannot get them again the moment they pass.

Be it known to you my son that I am passing my agonizing seconds; the seconds I am losing my loved ones, those I have redeemed with my Blood. I am looking for someone to console me, but I find none. As the days are running off, I find you. I recognized you as my chosen. I was happy to see you again. Son, but even now the precious moments are passing without being utilized. MANY ARE GETTING LOST, BECAUSE THERE IS NO ONE TO PRAY FOR THEM, TO TEACH THEM THE WAY AND TO SHOW THEM THE LIGHT. You have kept my warnings and my appeal to the world sealed with you, while the precious seconds are passing away. And you will not see them again. My son, I chose you to be fishers of souls. Have my Heart consoled through your effort of saving souls. I am looking for the day when my agonizing seconds will be joyful seconds. On that day, all who suffered with the Son of Man will reign with Him forever. Barnabas, why are you delaying my teaching to the world? Clearly, write out the inspiration I gave you in the desert and submit it to Rev. Fr. Christopher Enem for the Nihil Obstat after the final editing by your spiritual director. Then, give it to Rev. Sr. Fidelia Omuta who will send it to your Bishop. The source will not be disclosed to him but the truth will be revealed to him when you meet him and inform him. Then, you will publish it and make it known to the whole world. The title will be: “THE LIVING SANCTUARY IN OUR SOUL – THE GREAT SEAL”. These things shall be done before the second call of reparation. Know you that the precious seconds are passing away. I have seen your little effort towards the making of the crucifix. I will give you the date of the second reparation on 25th of this month. I will explain the programme during your novenas of the month of July. The precious time is passing away. Do not delay as before, I plead with you again. Inform my people of the great novena of the month of July. Let it be done in families, in groups and in the Church. I have chosen the month of July to be a great month for my Precious Blood. I am opening the ocean of my Blood in this month for mercy and salvation. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, the Spotless Lamb.I love you. I bless you.”Instantly, the vision passed.