In our novena prayer with Mass, I saw in a vision a lake of fire and many people were inside it. They cried out in deep sorrow as the fire burnt them. Within a short time, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In that cloud, appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ on the Cross. Blood flowed from the Holy Wounds and especially the Five Wounds.Immediately these people saw Him, they all stood up and cried in a loud voice, saying; “Lord! Have mercy on us! Be merciful to us! May your Precious Blood save us.” As they were praying I saw an Angel of God come down from Heaven; He took them out from the pit and they flew with the angel to the cloud.In the cloud, they sat with the Host of Angels, and ate and drank the Body and Blood of the Spotless Lamb. Within a short time cloud covered the whole place. Then, the Holy Face appeared and said: “My loving children, follow the desert way to the New Jerusalem. Accept all sufferings as crosses. Love your cross. Accept it with joy. Carry your own cross and follow Me. Rise up as you fall. Be strong and endure till the end. My children, many people are lost forever because of the sins of the flesh. Many souls suffer terrible purification because of the passions of the flesh. My people love the perishable wealth of the world. They worship money and lose their souls forever. My children, many souls are heading towards perdition; they are heading towards perdition because of the temporary wealth of this world. I beg you all with love, O My loving children, follow the desert way. Teach others how to accept their crosses. I say, live monastic lives. Pray for the souls in Purgatory who are under the heat of Purification. Pray for them through the power of My Precious Blood. I promise to save them. My children, run for your lives that you will not suffer purification after death.My children, pray that you will understand the coming revelations.I love you all,I bless you all.” Immediately, the vision passed. The Precious Blood from the Sacred Head dropped on my head and I came back to myself. The entire words remained in my memory.Immediately the whole vision passed.