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25TH JULY 2003 (10:00pm)


In my prayer, during this hour, I had a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who calmly said:

“My children, I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who reveals the mysteries of My Kingdom through My Agony and Death. Yes, I come to fulfill the Scripture. In My life all prophecies were fulfilled. The revelation of these days is just a confirmation of what have been fulfilled. Any revelation contrary to this is not from Me. I came into the world not as a Spirit, but in Flesh and Blood. O, not minding My Divinity, I became man, so that My creatures will be My brothers. I lived among men and resembled them in everything except in sin.

When the hour came for Me to go back to My Father, I was moved with love to establish a Covenant of Love among My people whom I love so much. The Covenant is the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. This Sacrament reveals the fact that I am with you till the end of age.

In this Sacrament I am there Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. I am there like the Son of Mary ever Virgin. I am there like the Man of Galilee who was moving among men 2000 years ago, healing the sick, raising the dead and calling sinners back to God. I am there like the Man of Suffering Whom the world despised and rejected, inspite of all the miracles shown to them. I am there like the Man Whom the world mocked, tortured, lacerated, desecrated and crucified. I am there like the resurrected Jesus Who is reigning in Heaven and on earth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. This is the true meaning of THE REAL PRESENCE.

O! You can see that no amount of mockery, torture, laceration, desecration or even crucifixion which I received from man deprived Me of what I am.. In the same way, no amount of mockery, torture, laceration, desecration or even crucifixion can remove My Real Presence in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Remember that if you sin against the Father, you can be forgiven, if you sin against the Son, you can be forgiven; but if you sin against the Holy Spirit you will not be forgiven. When the Consecrated Host is consumed I remain in the soul of man in the person of the Holy Spirit. If the soul of man is not pure, the Holy Spirit will depart from that temple. This means that the glory of God has departed from you and the demon will enter the soul.

But why did I cry to you to stand for Me against the abuse of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist? And why did I use the word desecration?

Listen, My children, the last question simply means that it is an abuse of of the highest order for the unconsecrated hands to administer the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist just as it is an abuse of the highest order for man to strip naked their God. I am Jesus Whom they are persecuting. It is an abuse because this is not their duty. It is the duty of My Priests in the line of Melchizedek.

I ask again, why did I cry out to you to stand for Me against this abuse and wedge the weapon of mass destruction?

Peace be with you, My children, and may you grow in My love. Know today that I am crying for the dangers to your Faith and the Faith of My people towards the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. I am crying that many of My people will lose their faith towards the Sacrament of the Holy Euchariste.I am crying that many of My people in th days to come will no longer believe the Real Presence in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. This is the weapon against faith. It is the weapon of mass destruction. It is a mass destruction because this loss of faith in My Real Presence will run across generations and many souls will be lost. You may say; it is impossible for this to happen. But see, it is already happening around the world.

O the dignity of this Holy Sacrament has been reduced to nothing. You can see that anyone can climb up My Sanctuary without reverence and awe. Anyone can open the Tabernacle without fear of the Presence of his or her God. Very soon, you will see your children losing their interest in this Holy Sacrament. At that time, you will understand what I mean by the Loss of Faith.

The Eucharist is the life of the Church; let no one be deceived that I am no longer present in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist for any reason. I am there receiving your adoration and your insult till the end of age. Children, I called you to profess this Faith till I come again.

Children stand on the faith that I am really present in the Holy Eucharist, defend this faith, and die for this faith. Stand for Me against any manner of abuse of this Sacrament that will endanger the faith of My people towards this Holy Eucharist. One of them is the “Holy Eucharist in the unconsecrated hand.” Do not do this with violence. Follow My way of gentle victory. Do not lift yourself up. Be little, I am God who reveals power in the weakness of a child, majesty in humiliation, and infinite wisdom in silence.

Do not follow the false illusion that any one who receives Me in the hand of unconsecrated ones sinned or received nothing. No! You receive Me Whom they despise. What defiles a man is not what he eats, but what comes out from him. That is why your faith can defile you or make you holy; since faith is a manifestation of what you believe in your heart. If you follow the illusion, you will surely fail and your enemy will laugh at you.

Children, did I discourage you from your serious fight for My sake? No, I say to you what I did to Peter in the Garden, “put your sword back in its place. All who take the sword will die by the sword.” Yes, learn My way of gentle victory. Do not be discouraged like Peter and his brothers. When they heard this, they fled away and cursed Me. Rather, be humble and learn in the Mystery of Love that made John to be the first to overcome the bondage of pride and of fear. He brought My Mother to Me at the time I needed her most.

O if you are fighting with the power of men, you will certainly fail. Come and learn the mystery of love. You will conquer. This is why I sent My holy ones at the beginning of this month to take you to the city of your God’s love. There, you will learn how to love the LOVE Who died for you. The LOVE will teach you that the greatest love a friend will show to his fellow friend is to suffer humiliation unto death for the sake of the one he loves.

The LOVE will tell you that this kind of humiliation is the greatest of all martyrdoms. This is the kind of love I have for you. I suffer humiliation unto death for your sake. Even when I can command My Angels to fight for Me, I offer My Body to be tortured. I was immolated like a Lamb of Sacrifice. Through the Sacrifice, I bought all men for God. Those who have the grace of love will learn from Me. See I am trying to build your faith in My Love; so that the foundation of your faith will not shake. If I succeed, I will make a great Saint of you. The victory over the abuse of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist will be achieved. The weapon of mass destruction will be wedged. Many souls shall be saved and My Kingdom will come.

Children, may My Love move you as you fight for Me. Be obedient and humble as you were taught by Saint Cecelia. I will do My work which is Mine alone. I am the Chief Commander who said to you to put back your sword. Learn from Me the way of gentle victory.

So I bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Immediately the vision passed.

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