DATE: 21ST JULY, 2002
TIME: 9.00 PM
As we were praying during this hour, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ bathed with blood. He calmly said:
My children, you are my loved ones. How tenderly I love you. O how it pains my Heart to see you on the road of perdition. I will rather choose to die than to see you get lost. This is what motivated me to die for you. O, it seems that you do not know how much I love you.
I call you my lovers. Indeed, I love you. But why can’t you show me love? Am I not worthy of your love? Remember that, for your sake, my Hands were pierced and lacerated with nails. O, the soldiers who held my Hands thought that I would
withdraw them and fight them. Children, do you know that I surrendered and spread my Hands to be nailed for love of you? It is my love for you that made me weak and helpless. How bitter to remember the first blow of the nail which pierced my delicate Hand. The pain pierced my Sacred Heart, which opened to pour out my love for you. I absorbed the pains because I was dying for my lovers. I say I absorbed the pains because I was dying for you, my loved ones.
Children, what did I do to merit all this hatred of yours? I am Jesus Christ, Who died for you. My Heart is calling you to love. My Blood is calling you to return and to remember your Covenant with me. O, remember how the Covenant is sealed with my Blood. Return, my lovers. I don’t want you to break the Covenant and die. I want you to live. I want you to be with me. I want you to enjoy my love. If you will dare to return my lovers, I will pour my love on you like rain. O, I will heal your hearts wounded by sin. I will bless you and give you peace.
Receive my blessing; I bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”
Our Lord Jesus Christ gazed at me steadily and vanished.
Immediately the whole vision passed.
Meditation/ Catholic Catechism:
The parable of the sower: St. Luke 8: 4-18.
Lesson: Man must cooperate with the Grace of God. The effect of God’s word upon the soul depends on the preparation and the disposition of the person who hears it. (Taken from Through Christ Our Lord: Our Quest for Happiness Book Two)
[5] The sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it.
[6] And other some fell upon a rock: and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it had no moisture. [7] And other some fell among thorns, and the thorns growing up with it, choked it. [8] And other some fell upon good ground; and being sprung up, yielded fruit a hundredfold.