TIME: 3:00 PM
During my prayer at this hour, I saw Our Lord hanging alive on the Cross.
Precious Blood flowed from all His Wounds. He kept silent in an Agonizing
Within a short time, cloud came down and covered the whole place. The Holy
Agonizing Face appeared and said: “They have eyes, but they cannot see.
They have ears, but they cannot hear.
Their minds and their understanding are carnal that they cannot understand
the hour.
My son, what is there yet to happen, and what are you expecting to hear or
see before you will understand the time and run for your live?
The Evil One has come. They have introduced their errors in the world.
Disastrous abominations have filled the Church, setting up in the Holy Place.
Evil fashions have been introduced in the world. Satan’s incarnates can be
seen all over the world. You can see the kingdom of Satan in the world where
people go about naked without shame. You have seen the perilous time, the
difficult hour, when people will be selfish, greedy, slanderous, violent, unkind
and irreligious. You are living in the world that chains the truth and allows lies
to flow. You have seen the persecution of the truth.
What else remains before you understand the hour? You can predict the
weather, when you look at the condition of the cloud. Why, then, don’t you
know the meaning of this present time?
My Mother had come many times to you to warn you about the hour. She saw
the destruction that is coming upon you. She wept for you. She wept even
bloody tears for you; yet you cannot understand the hour. I, in turn, sweated
blood in great agony for you. I also wept a stream of Tears and Blood for love
of you. Still you cannot understand the time.
Faithless children, you are waiting to hear a thunder sound before you begin to
run from the deadly lightning that kills without warning. Run now or else the
day will catch up with you when you are not ready.
Turn to Me with love. I will show you the way out that leads to salvation. I will
show you the way out. You will escape from the land of destruction, so that
you will not share in the fate of this sinful city.
Children, give up this sinful world. Do not share in its unclean bread and it’s
iniquitous drink. Run for your lives. See, your days on earth are numbered, the
day when you will smell the great wrath of God. I am calling all the house of
Israel to run for their lives.
Follow the desert way to the Land of Promise. Children, when you know, you
will understand.
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ.
I bless you all.”
DATE: 3RD JULY, 2000
TIME: 8.30 PM
In our adoration prayers in the novena of the month of July, I saw the vision of
a Holy Chalice surrounded with Thorns. As I was watching, cloud shook and
covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of
Jesus Christ, Who calmly said:
I say; your lives are hindering the kingdom of peace on earth. I am looking to
see your maturity, but I always find your unfaithfulness. Whenever I see your
faithlessness My Heart is weakened. Children, you are prolonging My
Agonizing days”.
“I called you to hasten My Glorious Reign on earth. There are many who live
as though they love Me but their lives prove that they don’t. They are the
enemies of My Holy Death. Children, such people even follow Me and praise
My Holy Name. But they really deny the truth of My teaching. They follow their
own way like Judas Iscariot who first betrayed Me. I say, they are the Judases
of this last age.
Children, I am looking to see the repentant heart of Mary Magdalene again
among My people. I am looking to see a loving daughter like her. Apart from
My loving Mother, she was the first daughter to hasten My Glorious Reign on
earth. Children, as she saw her loving Master weeping out of sorrow, when My
Agonizing day was approaching, she neared Me and consoled Me. She was
the first daughter who anointed My Sacred Head and Feet. She felt the cruel
torture of My Sacred Head. How the wicked man will lacerate and disfigure the
Temple of Divine Wisdom, she felt sorry and adored the Lamb of Sacrifice.
Children, indeed, she lifted My tired Hand. She consoled My Agonizing Heart.
She hastened My Glorious Reign. Even at the moment of her criticism by
Judas Iscariot, she remained firm. She remained My consoler. O! When shall
My eyes see a loving daughter like her? When shall I see in you the true
repentance? When will you go like her and sin no more?
“Children, your unfaithfulness wedges My Glorious Reign. Turn to Me with true
repentance. Learn from Me for I am Meek and Humble of Heart. Choose for
yourselves the Royal way of the Cross. Forget self; crucify on the cross your
earthly being. Then carry your cross daily and follow me. The sooner you
respond to My call, the sooner you hasten the hour of My peace through your
holiness, while your unfaithfulness wedges the day and prolongs My agonizing
days. Children, you will offer your prayers tomorrow mostly for the welfare of the
Vatican City. My agony increases as the day approaches. My Heart suffers
greatly as He (the Pope) feels the awful day approaching. Suffer with the Pope
the agony of the last fight.
My children fear not, when you feel or hear about a terrible confusion or
great disorderliness in the Vatican City. You should not run about. You
should not disobey. Remain in obedience. I am near to help you and lead
you. You will understand much during the hour. The hour will not be as
great and terrible for you as it shall be for the world. My peace will
remain with you. My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will protect you. I told
you this before so that your heart will not be troubled when the hour comes.
Children answer when I call you. Remember that your lives hinder My Glorious
Reign on earth. All of you who wait in laziness for the day of the great
Tribulation will stumble when the day comes. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ
whom you have kept in a dark prison of great agony. I called you to hasten My
kingdom on earth. I love you all. I bless you all.”
During this hour, I saw the vision of Our Lord alone in Gethsemane. He was
there weeping bitterly and at the same time sweating blood. In great agony
and grief, He cried out that I could hear His bitter cry.
Immediately, He fell on the ground. He looked as if He was dead. As I was
looking, cloud came down and covered the whole place. The Holy Agonizing
Jesus Christ appeared. Blood bathed His Face. He calmly said:
“My children, I welcome you all into the Gethsemane hour of prayer. I am
pleased to see all of you here. I welcome you; come, come and console Me.
My children, I come to share with you My agony and sufferings, the pains,
which your sins are causing Me. Son, do you know that Satan laughs at Me,
because of you? I am here calling you all My chosen to hear My greatest
agony that I suffered for you.
Listen, My son, when I was alone and was totally abandoned by both man and
God. The day I was first in Gethsemane, you were My only consolation. The
Evil One showed Me My total abandonment, and the faithlessness of the
world. In great anguish and grief, I sweated blood for love of you. The Angel of
My comfort who showed you to Me consoled Me. My children, I really saw you,
I knew your names. The Angel repeated your names to Me. I carried them in My
heart. Whenever the pains of My suffering grew, I repeated your names and was
consoled. When you were about to be born in the world I knew. I was happy
because My chosen are coming to help Me to renew the face of the earth.
Children, now where are you? The enemy is laughing at Me because of you.
The enemy said that he would never see you do My Will. Many have followed
the evil way. He opened darkness and many followed it. The enemy introduced
fashion; you all followed him. He gave you a law not to obey your God; you
obeyed him.
Children, how long will I appeal to you to return to Me? How long will I appeal
to you to be faithful to the One Who loves you? Children, you owe Me love,
which I show you. I am here always in Gethsemane waiting for you to come
and console Me but you rarely come with true love.
Children, you will know that you are living in the hour of darkness, when the
power of darkness rules. Those who are in the light can see incarnates of the
devil at work in the world. But those who live in the flesh swim in the ocean of
iniquity with the Evil One.
Know today, that this hour is the hour of separation. Those who are in the light
follow Me and receive My Seal. But those who are in darkness follow the Evil
One and receive the mark of the Beast, 666.
Children, I am pleading with you all with love to turn My shame into
honour, My sorrow into happiness, through your way of life. SHOW MY
ENEMY THAT YOU LOVE ME. Prove to him that you are My chosen. I will
bless you with a special grace of love. I will make your heart pure. I will
protect you from despair. Children, I am the Abandoned Lamb.
Remain in this Gethsemane hour of prayer. Pray always and never give up. I
am preparing you for a persecution that is coming soon. If you remain in Me,
you will not be in confusion. My peace will remain in you.
I love you all. I bless you all
Look and see My agony”.
Immediately, I saw Jesus again in Gethsemane sweating Blood for love of us. I
wept. Our Lord got up, touched me and I came back.
DATE: 16TH JUNE, 2000
TIME: 1:00 AM
In my preparatory prayer for the retreat I had planned for Oturkpo, I saw the
vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ on the Cross bleeding. He gazed at me
steadily, and calmly said:
fast approaching. On that day men will regret any precious second not
well utilized. I plead with you My loving children to make use of your
UTILIZE IT WELL. These seconds are precious. You cannot get them
again the moment they pass.
Be it known to you My son that I am passing My agonizing seconds; the
seconds I am losing My loved ones, those I have redeemed with My Blood. I
am looking for someone to console Me, but I find none. As the days are ticking
off, I find you. I recognized you as My chosen. I was happy to see you again.
Son, but even now the precious moments are passing without being utilized.
You have kept My warnings and My appeal to the world sealed with you, while
the precious seconds are passing away. And you will not see them again.
My son, I chose you to be fishers of souls. Have My Heart consoled through
your effort of saving souls. I am looking for the day when My agonizing
seconds will become joyful seconds. On that day, all who suffered with the Son
of Man will reign with Him forever.
Barnabas, why are you delaying My teaching to the world? Clearly, write out
the inspiration I gave you in the desert and submit it to Rev. Fr. Christopher
Enem for the Nihil – Obstat after final editing by your spiritual director. Then,
give it to Rev. Sr. Fidelia Omuta, who will send it to your Bishop. The source
will not be disclosed to him but the truth will be revealed to him when you meet
him and inform him. Then, you will publish it and make it known to the whole
world. The title will be: “THE LIVING SANCTUARY IN OUR SOUL – THE
These things shall be done before the second call of reparation. Know you that
the precious seconds are passing away. I have seen your little effort towards
the making of the crucifix. I will give you the date of the second reparation on
25th of this month. I will explain the Programme during your novenas of the
month of July. The precious time is passing away. Do not delay as before, I
plead with you again.
Inform My people of the great novena of the month of July. Let it be done in
families, in groups and in the Church. I have chosen the month of July to be a
great month for My Precious Blood. I am opening the ocean of My Blood in this
month for mercy and salvation. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, the Spotless Lamb.
I love you. I bless you.”
Instantly, the vision passed.
TIME: 3:00 PM
After I had done some little mortification, I came up to Mount Carmel to spend
some hours with God in complete silence, fasting and prayer.
There, I saw the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ weeping and crying.
Tears and Blood bathed His whole Face. As I was looking and at the same
time praying in consolation and reparation, in a vision, Our Lord came closer
and said to me:
“Barnabas, why can’t you understand the time? The prayer you said and the
fasting is not enough even to move slightly the agony of My Heart. I want you
to console Me. I want you to carry with Me the heavy Cross of Salvation. I am
the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who loves you. My son, spend the rest of this year
in silence, fasting and prayer. Pray much in reparation. Purify your life so that I
will come to reveal to you what to do. Son, I have many things to request from
you, but I will not ask you of them unless you purify your life with silence,
fasting, prayer and good works. If you do purify your life, I will allow you to ask
questions about the times and this devotion.
My son, I want you to calculate the year with the Church and enter the new
millennium with her. You shall know that the time is at hand. Know also that
My agony is increasing. You shall also know that before the great
disorderliness comes; I want all My Apostles who spread this devotion to come
together and spend five days and nights of reparation. I will purify them and
bless them. I will not tell you anything about this until your prayer is enough,
and you are ready to receive it from Me.
Then, I asked, “Lord, have mercy on me. I am willing to do whatever you want
from me. But Lord, why then, did you request my mortification before giving me
your message? In the past, you neglected all my unworthiness and gave me
your message anytime you wished.” Then Our Lord answered.
“My son, a man who wants to travel by plane at a fixed time needs to prepare.
If he has enough time, he does not have to worry himself. But assuming he
has very little time, what will he do? He will hurry to meet with the time. In the
same way, know also that the time is very little. What then will you do?
Barnabas, the sins of the world are increasing. My agony is increasing too. I
am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I bless you.”
Immediately, the vision passed.
DATE: 16TH JAN. 1998
TIME: 11:00 PM
In our Gethsemane Hour, I saw the vision of the Lamb standing in the cloud,
holding a cross. Within a short time, I saw a large number of people with palm
fronds in their hands. They came from the four corners of the world.
As the vision was going on, cloud came down and covered the whole place.
The Sacred Head appeared with the Crown of Thorns as the Precious Blood
mingled and flowed. Then Our Lord said:
“My children the hour has come, when I will reveal the greatness of this
devotion. Eyes will see; ears will hear and tongues will speak about the
greatness of the Price of their redemption.
My children, understand this hour and live a holy life. Fulfill My humble appeal
to you to live a simple monastic life. Pray always; never, I say never lose hope.
Maintain your silent lives and make constant reparation for the sins committed
against My Precious Blood. Edit My messages now before the great hour of
dryness and confusion comes. During that time, men will find it hard to hear
My messages. I say to you, devote your lives to prayer now that there is time.
Devote time for prayer; devote time for prayer, My loving children.”
When you knew nothing, I called you and you answered Me. I led you
through a wild desert to the promised era. You were humble and
followed Me with faith. You loved Me and obeyed My voice. Now you
have grown; your love has decreased. My words seem nothing to you. And
your faith has lessened.
My children, will you abandon your faith? Would you like to go back? Are you
afraid of Me? I know that you are afraid of the Red Sea, this wild desert and
the great mountains. Be faithful to Me. I am the Good Shepherd. Soon you will
reach the Land full of milk and honey.
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I love you all. I bless you all.”
Immediately the vision passed as stars appeared. Then, I came back.
TIME: 3:00 AM
In our prayer, I saw a vision of the holy Archangel Michael; he was holding a
chalice, which had a tongue of fire on its tip. He came down from the cloud
with the little cherubs who adored the Spotless Lamb with hymns.
As I was looking, I saw a large crowd. They had come from different countries
of the world. We were all gathered at the entrance to the Holy Sanctuary,
worshipping and adoring the Most Precious Blood.
After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. The Archangel
Michael drew nearer to us and said:
“Drink this, all of you; this is the Precious Blood of your Master and Saviour,
Jesus Christ”.
I saw in the chalice, a small Crown of Thorns and on the tip, a tongue of fire.
He continued:
“This is the Chalice you will all drink. This is a Chalice of love”.
Everybody said: “Amen!” and he then shared it among us. After that, he said:
“Tonight I was sent from Heaven by the Eternal Father, to come and build a
new Tabernacle of love inside your souls. I will keep this chalice inside your
hearts. This is an Everlasting Seal. Whenever you feel dry, the ocean of the
Blood of Christ will flow from the Tabernacle of love within you and renew you.
Children of light, this establishes, today, a covenant that you will love the
Agonizing Jesus Christ. You are His consolers. I am the Archangel Michael,
an Apostle of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.
Then, I asked, Michael: What does this Crown of Thorns in the chalice mean
and what also does the flame on the tip of the chalice mean? He answered:
“I will explain them as they concern you.
The crown represents the sufferings you will undergo for the sake of Christ. It
also means the pains and sorrows you will bear for the truth. The tongue of
fire means your victorious reward in the end. It represents the love of God.
Son of man, you see this large number of people, they came from every part
of the world. They are the Apostles of the Precious Blood. This Seal and
Blessings remain forever.
Adoration and praise to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, the source of
my power. May it fill you all with strength and power, Amen!
Adoration to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, which opens up the
seal! May you all be sealed with the Blood, Amen!
Adoration to the Blood that opens up the ocean of Divine Mercy! May it grant
you mercy in your days, Amen!
Adoration to You, Precious Blood of Jesus Christ! May you reign in their
hearts forever, Amen!
Children of Light, the Eternal Father loves you all. That is what motivated Him
to send me to share this blessing among you. This is to prepare you for the
days that are coming.
Children of Light, think of what it means, that in your soul, there is a Sanctuary
of the Most Holy Trinity. This means that your soul is a little Heaven, a
dwelling place for the Holy Trinity. Give thanks to the Spotless Lamb, whose
Blood opens the Seal. Honour to the Woman from whom the Word took His
Blood and became man! May she open your mind to understand the value of
the Most Precious Blood of Christ, Amen! Children of Light, tonight, I promise
to be at your side to fight for you and to defend you. I am praying for you.
Remain in the peace from Heaven. So I leave you.”
Immediately, the vision passed.
TIME: 1:50 PM
During this hour, I saw a vision of Our Lady and a multitude of the Heavenly
cherubim holding White Roses. Our Lady drew closer to us and said:
“Receive from me this White Rose. May it always remind you of your sanctity
and holiness”.
She brought out another flower, this time a Red Rose and said:
“My Son wants me to offer you this Rose, to be for you an appeal for
mortification”. She then offered it to us and said: “May it remind you of your
call to mortify your life always”.
The cherubim threw their Roses to us. Immediately, cloud came down and
covered the whole place. In the cloud, appeared Our Lord, dressed in a red
robe with a Crown of Thorns on His Sacred Head. He had with Him numerous
Crowns of Thorns, which He took and moved towards us. He crowned some
heads amongst us with that crown without uttering a word.
After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. The Holy
Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ appeared and said:
“My children be wise to gather all these blessings given to you from Heaven.
You will hardly see this opportunity again before the Evil One comes. Claim all
of them with faith. My Apostles, who neglected this call, have no share in this
blessing given to you. Even if they desire it with tears, they will not get it again.
Be careful to follow well in the few hours that remain. Your enemy will make all
efforts to deceive you. Be wise to know when he comes. Resist him;
he will run away.
Children, I will bless the Crowns of Thorns you have through My Priest by
3.00am this night. You will bring them to this Holy Sanctuary and lay them on
the floor of My altar by 12.00 (midnight) this night. By 3.00 am, I will bless
them through My Priest. At the hour of 2.00 am this night, I will give to you all
the promises I have for those who have this crown, those who are offering Me
this reparation and those who adore Me through the crucifix I gave you.
Listen, and hear how this reparation call will end. You will end everything by
12.00 noon tomorrow. At this hour, you would have said your benediction
prayers. My Priest will carry the Blessed Sacrament and bless the world. You
all will lie prostrate for 10 minutes. He will move from the altar to where you all
are prostrated. Never forget to offer burnt incense during this hour. Barnabas,
I will show you the departure of the Heavenly Visitors.
At that time, I will grant whatever you ask Me according to My Divine Will. You
must not forget to give testimony when you see My great deeds to you. After
this minute, you all will offer a hymn of praise to the Most Holy Trinity. Go in
peace and make My Will known to the whole world.
Children, you will never forget to share your feelings with the rest of the
Apostles around the world, and the rest of My Disciples around the world.
Let My Precious Blood, which comes out from My Sacred Head fall on you all
and give you peace, Amen.
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. So, I bless you all”.
Immediately, the vision passed.
TIME: 2:00AM
During this hour, I saw in a vision, the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ
emerging from the Blessed Sacrament exposed on the altar. As I was
watching, cloud came down from Heaven and covered the whole place. Jesus
Christ, with His Head crowned with Thorns, and His Face bathed with Blood,
calmly said:
“My children, great is the battle you are about to enter. How many of you will,
after fighting to the end, still hold firm their ground?
Great is the battle that is coming. As you are here preparing, the Evil One, the
man of iniquity and his agents are also in their preparation to meet you. They
are fasting and invoking the power of darkness, they are seriously storing
blood in their blood banks waiting for the time to come. This is the blood of the
people of this earth who are under the power of darkness. But rejoice, My
children, because a sprinkling of My Precious Blood can dry a million tanks of
the Evil One’s blood banks. This is why I urge all men to call on My Most
Precious Blood to fight against their enemy.
Children, the battle is great. Look! Their number is very large, the number of
My adversaries; they are many, their number is countless, but My soldiers are
very small in number. This is why I call you and all My warriors around the
world so as to empower you with My Most Precious Blood, and clothe you with
all the Heavenly Armour.
They are not asleep. They are working day and night, since they know they
have only a little time left. Children, you are called to know that this is a great
battle. Arise and stand firm, your enemy, the Evil One, is around you, looking
for a chance to get you.
This call to reparation is to prepare you to meet the Evil One and to defeat him.
To prepare you for the battle, I gave you My Agonizing Crucifix. I promise to
protect anyone who has this Cross against the evil force. Through this cross, I
will deliver many from captivity. Whenever you raise this Cross against evil
power, I will open heaven and let My Precious Blood flow to subdue the evil
power. I will let My Precious Blood flow from all My Sacred Wounds and cover
all who venerate My Wounds and Blood through the Crucifix. I promise to
protect any house where this Crucifix is, against any destructive power in the
hour of darkness.
Children, through this Crucifix, I will conquer. This Crucifix will soon be a
victorious Crucifix.”
“I will heal the wounds of their hearts those who adore My Sacred Head
through this Crown. I will console those who console Me through this Crown. I
will open the ocean of Divine Mercy on those who adore the Wounds of My
Sacred Head through this Crown. All who adore the Most Precious Blood
from My Sacred Head through this Crown will receive the grace of Divine
Wisdom. I will guard their five senses. When you touch this Crown with love, I
will allow a drop of My Blood to fall on your head, I will renew the love of a
repentant sinner who can mercifully adore My Sacred Head with this Crown.
Children, there is always a sprinkle of My Most Precious Blood wherever this
Crown of Thorn is. I am not far; I am near. I will crown his head with a
victorious Crown, anyone who through this Crown adores My Sacred Wounds
and the Blood of My Sacred Head.
Children, whenever the Reparation Prayer is said with love, I promise to
convert twelve (12) most hardened sinners in the world. I will allow My
Precious Blood to flow on every soul that hears this prayer said. Their love for
Me will grow. I will forgive the sins of a nation that turns back to Me through
this prayer. They will not suffer the weight of the curse due to their sins.
Children, My way is hard, but easy for those who show Me love. Many of you
will grow cold when they see the narrow gate that leads to our peaceful home.
I love you all. I want all of you to show Me love. This is what motivated Me to
offer you these Heavenly gifts. Children, I bless these Crowns with My
Precious Blood: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
I finally promise to show them My Sacred Head one day before they die, all
who love their crown and adore My Sacred Head through it, so as to have
perfect knowledge of their sins and repent.
I bless you all. Remain in peace”
Immediately, the vision passed.
TIME: 11.50 AM
Today, being the last day of our five days reparation pilgrimage, as we have
observed all the orders that were given to us by Our Lord, during the
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, as we were told by Our Lord, we all lay
prostrate to receive the final blessing from Him.
Then, I saw the vision of the Most Holy Trinity. The Agonizing Jesus Christ
was bleeding from all the Wounds of His Sacred Body, especially, from the
Five Wounds. The Most Precious Blood poured out on us. Above the Cross
was the Eternal Father Who was blessing the whole world and us. The Holy
Spirit showered His Light on us. The anointing of God was upon us.
At the foot of the Cross was Our Lady kneeling and praying for the forgiveness
of sins and blessings for the world. At the same time, I saw a multitude of
Heavenly Angels and Saints departing from our gathering in great joy.
The vision then remained until the Heavenly Visitors ascended into the cloud.
Then, the whole vision vanished.
TIME: 12:00 NOON
During this hour of reparation, I saw the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ
bathed with Blood, He calmly said to me:
“My son, come nearer to Me, My Heart is in great sorrow. Console Me now. I
want you to say your Consolation Prayer now. My Son, I have many things to
tell you about the hour. I have much to teach you, but I will only do so through
your mortification. I need much mortification for this call.
My Son, I want all My children to follow Me. Let all men enter with Me into the
Gethsemane Hour of Prayer, every mid-night of Thursday to Friday. This is a
call to holiness and mortification. I want all men to pray and watch with Me.
Listen, My children, it is because of this perilous time, and the terrifying
hour that is coming, and that I do not want anyone of you to be lost, that
is why I was motivated to appeal to all men to enter the Gethsemane
Hour of Prayer with Me. You should know that the created things would
be shaken and purified so that the things that cannot be shaken will remain.
Children, this hour is very terrifying. Many will lose their faith. Many are already
in confusion. Many are spiritually blind. They cannot understand the hour.
They have eyes, but they cannot see. They have ears, but they cannot hear.
Their understanding is a carnal one. They cannot understand spiritual matters.
They are swimming in this world full of iniquity. They say to themselves: “All
things are going well. How can God destroy the world? No Chastisement is
coming. They enjoy the bribery-filled and corrupt world. Children, many are
deceived; many are on their way to perdition.
Be it known to you, all carnal and arrogant men that your happiness will soon
turn into great sorrow. Your day will soon turn into darkness. Your sin will soon
catch you like a trap. You will not escape when the hour comes. You say there
will be no Chastisement; I say to you, I will start the Chastisement with you.
You will like to see the hour. A time is coming when all these glorious things
you see in the world will be destroyed by fire. Nothing will remain. Then, the
New Glorious World will appear, the generation of My Glorious Reign.
Happy are all who will enter the Hour of My Glorious Reign. The second death
will have no power over them. All who remain in Gethsemane with Me will
receive a special grace from Me to withstand the hard trials. I promise to
sustain them with a special grace of faith and love. During their hour of trials, I
will console them, because they console Me now that I am in agony.
I love you, I bless you all.
Remain in My peace.”
TIME: 12:00 NOON
As I was praying during this hour of Seal, cloud came down and covered me. I
saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging alive on the Cross.
Precious Blood flowed out from all the Wounds of His Sacred Body. Our Lord
kept silent for a while and finally said:
“My children, I called you My chosen. I have chosen you among the chosen. I
want you to show Me more love. I called all men to follow Me to Gethsemane
Hour of Prayer. Among them, I have chosen you to come closer to Me, to
watch, and pray with Me. My chosen, why can’t you watch with Me even one
hour? Sleep would not allow you. Wake up, My lovers. What do you think that
the other disciples will do? They are in sound sleep. Who then will console
your Agonizing Master, if not you?
My chosen, how I wish that you understand the hour and turn to Me. Your
coldness, mindlessness and neglect pain Me much, more than other agonies I
suffer. My chosen, remember that I love and chose you from the chosen ones.
Look at the Face of the One Who loves you most. See what your sins have
done to Him. For your sake, He is wounded, scourged, slapped and crowned
with thorns. He carried a heavy Cross, and was dragged mercilessly to a land
called Golgotha. He was stripped of His clothes, stood naked in the sight of
many people. He was laid to be crucified on the Cross. All men neglected Me
and cruelly criticized Me. I finally hung three hours on the Cross and died.
My children, even if others will reject Me, will you also neglect Me?
I want you to show Me more love. Wake up and help wake up the rest of the
chosen. Let all men pray and watch always, so that their faith will not fail. I am
the One who loves you most, the Agonizing Jesus Christ.
My Son, why are you delaying the project I gave you? What have you done on
Why can’t you carry out the project before the hour…?
Listen, I will be more pleased if you can finish this project before the month of
July and distribute it as follows:
The first Crucifix to be made will be sent along with the messages and the
Chaplet to My beloved Pope John Paul II. He will bless it and propagate it
before the hour….
Then, the second group of Crosses will be sent to all the Bishops of this
country of yours with the messages and the Chaplet.
All My Apostles will then have their own. Finally, you will spread it all over the
world. This Cross will renew the knowledge of My suffering in the hearts of all
men. Carry out this order as I gave it to you. I will bless all who offer their time,
strength, and money for the call. I will hear their appeal.
Children, I will call you for another Reparation Programme at the end of this
project, and bless the Crucifix for you through My Priest.
You are My chosen; I want you to show Me more love.
I bless you all.
TIME: 12:00 NOON
As I was saying the Angelus, I saw Our Lady holding a Crown of Thorns in her
hands. She came nearer to me and placed the Crown on my head and said:
“My son, feel my sorrow. I am the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. The
sword of sorrow is piercing my Heart. I want you to withdraw the sword by
making this message known to my children.
Barnabas your Mother is dying of sorrow.
I said, “Mother, what will I do for you, what is the cause of your sorrow? I am
willing to obey your command. I am willing to console you”
Our Lady said:
“My son, the enemy and his agents are succeeding in their plan against my
Movement. My Marian Movement of Priests in this nation and in some other
parts of the world will soon be divided into three parties. Two will fight against
one. The small group will suffer a great deal. But through them I will conquer
my adversary and restore true worship in the Church. Then comes the triumph
of my Immaculate Heart and the Glorious Reign of my Son Jesus Christ.
The Bishops of this nation except one will support the two groups to fight
against the Remnant Group. The Bishop and a few Priests will stand for me
and my Son against the errors that are attacking the root of the Holy Church.
This is the cause of the war and the confusion.
The two groups, though their beliefs are not the same, will target their arrow
against the Remnant Group. They will think that they are doing the right thing.
But, Jesus Christ is He Whom they are persecuting.
My son, this war will start among the Priests of my beloved Son, the shepherds
of the flock. The whole flock will then scatter.
I am here appealing to you and all my lovers with tears of sorrow to pray much
for the faith of the Remnant Group. Pray that their faith will not fail them. I
promise to be with them. I am in their midst always. Children, your prayers will
increase their number.
When all these things begin to happen, know also that the hour of the Triumph
of my Immaculate Heart is at hand, and the Kingdom of Glory is also at hand.
Finally, when the hour of peace comes, you will see the two groups fighting
each other. Through the suffering of the Remnant Group, I will obtain a grace
of peace for them. Their eyes will open to know the truth. They will come back
and join the Remnant Group.
DATE: 10 TH MARCH, 2000
TIME: 12:00 NOON
During this hour, as I was praying for the Seal of the Most Holy Trinity, I saw a
vision of the wounded Agonizing Jesus Christ on the Cross bleeding
unceasingly. He said to me:
“My Son, many of My chosen are offering Me the help of Simon. They are not
willing to help Me out of love. They are forced to carry My Cross. They do it for
two reasons: One, for the honour and what they expected to gain from it.
Secondly, they understand the Jews’ cruel thought to nail Me alive. They did
not want Me to die on the way to Calvary. They wanted to see Me alive on
Mount Golgotha, so that I would see with My own eyes their cruel tortures,
their shameful and disgraceful acts on Me.”
I asked, “My Lord and Saviour what is the help of Simon we are offering to
you. I am willing to make your will known to the world.”
Our Lord answered, “My son, I am greatly in pains and suffer more than ever
when one of My chosen neglects Me. I chose you to show Me more love
because I love you. But you abandoned and rejected Me. You followed the
world that hates you. You love her more. You are willing to live for her. My
children, why can’t you love He Who loves you most. Listen, My chosen,
unless you love Me more than you love the world and yourself as well, you
cannot be My chosen.
My children, you are here not because you love Me, but because you are
miracle- seekers. If miracle ceases, you will fall as well.
You are not following Me as those who want to know My Will. You hate My
Cross more than anything you have ever seen in creation. You only attach
yourselves merely for temporal favours. You want Me to bless you and make
you rich like Simon who requested payment for the help he offered to Me. If
your desire fails, you will fail as well.
You do not want to be poor in spirit; you do not want to be neglected by the
world. You do not want to be abandoned by the world. You want all men to see
you and praise you in your little effort. You are receiving vainglory. Children,
that is how you offer me Simon’s help.
My children, because you want Me to suffer, you reluctantly carry the Cross at
last like Simon. This is not because you love Me, but because you hate Me,
and you want Me to be nailed alive. This is why, after you have heard My
messages and warnings, you remain unchanged. You are still in the midst o
My lovers and answering My chosen, those who belong to the way. Children,
you are offering Me the help of Simon.
My children, turn away from your sinful lives. Detach yourselves from all the
treasures of this world and know today that the insults offered to the anointed,
the chosen ones, are something much more precious for their good than all the
treasures of this world. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who loves you most.
I finally prayed and asked, “Lord, Your word is truth. Teach me always the
mysteries of your agony, suffering and death. I will heed them. Lord, what shall
we do about the Cross? The first anointed artist could not do it as fast as you
asked us. Are we to anoint another artist? We are willing to do Your Will.
Our Lord replied:
“My son, I want the first artist to do the work. If he cannot do it, you will anoint
the second. He will be the last. If the second cannot do it get it back to the first.
Just rotate. It is My work only to choose.
You are to obey this order. The rest of the artists that will make this Cross will
copy from the first artist I chose. They will not add or minus anything from the
chosen Cross. Their works will be identical. I promise to be near all the artists
who will ever make this cross. I will put My Spirit in them. They will do as I
command. I will increase the blessings I will give to all who offer a loving help
for the spreading of this devotion. I will console them, because they console Me.
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ.
I bless you all.”
DATE: 17TH MARCH, 2000
TIME: 11:30 AM
As I was praying, the Agonizing Jesus Christ appeared to Me in a vision
bathed with Blood all over His Body.
He calmly said:
“My son, I cannot even find rest in the hearts of My chosen. I am being
deserted. My son, I want to live in your heart from one communion to another. I
appeal to you to make your heart a living Tabernacle for Me but none of you is
willing to listen to My anguished appeal, no one, not even among the chosen.
Children, I have told you this before, I am now appealing to you again, with
great pain in My Heart, that I am greatly tortured whenever I enter the
sanctuary of your soul through Holy Communion. Your sins tie Me up, and
mercilessly drag Me out after callously beating Me.
My lovers, can’t you make your heart a living Tabernacle for Me? If others
reject Me, will you reject me too?
My lovers, it is because of the love I have for you that motivated Me to appeal
for My dwelling in you. My children, it is for your own good so that you will not
be dried up when the greatest hour of dryness comes.
Children, the Tabernacle I gave the Church will seize to exist on the last
day but the Tabernacle I built in your soul, as My Great Seal will remain
forever. I want you to recognize My Presence in your soul always. I want
you to know that I am really living in your soul.
Children, but how you treat Me with sin, pains Me greatly. The Evil One enters
your soul immediately you drag Me out because the glory of God has departed
from His Sanctuary, that is, your soul.
Children, what do you think that the Evil One will do to that Sanctuary? He will
ruin it with all kinds of evil. This is why you always bear evil fruits.
My lovers, I want to renew the Church through you, and hasten My Glorious
Reign in your hearts. Let My Kingdom come in your souls. Let My Kingdom
come. My chosen, I am not appealing to the world now, but to you whom I
chose to be My lovers. I am telling you My Heart because you are dear to Me,
but your hearts are not on Me. If you respond to My appeal, My Kingdom will
come soon.
Barnabas, may I reign in your soul. May I reign in all your lives: I am the
Agonizing Jesus Christ; whom you tortured cruelly. I bless you all.”
Remain in peace from heaven.”
DATE: 24TH MARCH, 2000
TIME: 12:00 NOON
In my reparation prayer during this hour of seal, I saw a vision of Our Lord
Jesus Christ hanging alive on the Cross. He gazed at me steadily. After a
while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud, I saw the
holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ bathed with Blood. Our Lord calmly said:
“My son, I come to express Peter’s denial and how it will manifest in the lives
of My chosen of today.
My son, many have already denied Me. A great number of people are denying
Me now. I say to you many more people will deny Me and say that they know
Me not. Only very few will struggle hard and stand on their feet.
My son, as I predicted to Peter the coming trails, Peter took an oath that he
would go with Me even unto death. He did not ask for any grace, even the
time I led them to pray with Me in Gethsemane. I urged them to pray so that
their faith would not fall. But they couldn’t watch with Me even one hour. So, I
am predicting to you about the forthcoming harder trials. But how many will
later reconcile with tears after they have fallen like Peter?
Now listen, My son, it was exactly 12 mid night when one of the maidservants
of the high priest saw Peter sitting around the fire with the others, because the
fire of My love had become cold in him. He was sitting with them to warm
himself by the fire of My enemies. His interior warmth had failed, he began to
long for exterior consolation and delights, and a maid said to him. “Are you not
one of the disciples of this man? Then, observing him closely, and looking at
him with greater attention and care, she affirmed it, saying to Peter, “You are
His follower”. Peter denied the first time and said; ‘I am not, I do not know
Him’, woman, I neither know Him, nor understand what thou sayeth.
Listen, My chosen, how only a short while ago Peter had said, “I will not deny
you, although all should be scandalized, I will follow you even at the cost of
my life”.
Now, how is it, O Peter that your courage has failed thee at a question put to
you by a slave girl? The Roman Governor did not examine you. The high
priest of the Jews did not ask you any question; the soldiers did not
manhandle you. Yet, you do not know how to reply to the question of the little
slave girl.” My son, Peter denied Me the first time.
At exactly 3.00 am that Friday, Peter was still around the fire when those who
were gathered round the fire inquired of him, saying: ‘Are you not also one of
the disciples of this man?’ And he denied saying. ‘I am not’. But one of them in
particular, looking at him attentively confirmed him, and said “without doubt
you are also one of them”, Peter replied “Leave me alone, O man, for I am
not,” and he made an oath moreover, that he knew Me not.
Just one hour later, at exactly 4 am, Peter denied Me the third time and made
a greater oath that he neither knew Me nor had spoken with Me.
Children, remember that Peter is the head of My apostles. He is one of those
who witnessed My transfiguration. He is the one who confessed Me to be truly
the Son of the living God. He had heard the word of life, and had followed Me
through all My life. He ate and drank with Me. Now he had denied Me because
he asked for no grace to withstand the trial.
Children, I am appealing to you all to come and watch with Me always every
night of Thursday into Friday. Come to Me in Gethsemane. Come and ask for
the grace of endurance and faith. Multiply the Gethsemane hour of prayer in
every Church of Mine, in groups and in families. I am with you. I am in
Gethsemane with you to help you. Anyone who devotedly observes this
Gethsemane hour of prayer will not scandalize men like Peter.
Even if he denies Me due to his unfaithfulness to My warnings, I will obtain for
him the grace of forgiveness. He will have true contrition for his sins and ask
for pardon. I will not reject him. I will give him the same promise that awaits My
children, when the evil days come to you. Keep away from the occasions of
sin, if you do not want to fall. Run to Gethsemane, pray always for the elect.
My chosen, hear now and run for your life. I am your Agonizing Master who
loves you.
Peace be with you,
I bless you”.
DATE: 31ST MARCH, 2000
TIME: 1:30 PM
During this hour, I was praying when I saw a vision of the Agonizing Jesus
Christ. His Head was crowned with thorns. His Most Precious Blood trickled
out from the Wounds caused by the thorns, and bathed His whole Face.
He looked at me steadily for a while without uttering a word and He said:
“My son, I have heard your prayer concerning your life and the mortification. I
am the one who is motivating you in your meditation to leave the town and
spend days and nights in the desert of Mount Carmel, Olo, without food or
drink. I will go with you. I will be with you
There, I will mortify and purify your sinful nature, your word, thought and
action. I want you to offer Me your whole being as a living sacrifice. I want you
and all My lovers to be near Me always. Know that you are living in the hour
of darkness. The darkness has been given the power to rule.
Remember My appeals to you; make your heart a living tabernacle for My
I am leading you to the desert to teach you much about the Sanctuary I want
all men to make in their hearts for Me. I will give you the Holy Spirit. The Spirit
will open your heart and throw more light on what the Sanctuary is. You are to
write down the inspiration, which I will put in you through the Holy Spirit. This
will be given to My Priest, your spiritual director, for final editing. After all, I will
tell you, to whom you will give it, for the Church’s approval and propagation.
Then, you will publish it and spread it along with the devotion to My Most
Precious Blood all over the whole world.
In the desert, I will teach you a prayer of total dedication to Me. The prayer will
be used for the consecration of all the apostles of My Precious Blood and those
who love to be My consolers. With the prayer, they will constantly renew
their consecration to Me once in three years, so that their love will be renewed.
I will come and instruct you much about My love, the hour, and My Glorious
Reign. I am with you always. Whenever you feel dry, look at My Bloody Face
and be refreshed. I promise to fill you with My love. Your eyes and mind will be
opened for Divine and spiritual things. I will fill you with power. Barnabas,
remember that He Who called you is the Agonizing Jesus Christ.
I love you. You owe Me love.
I bless you”.
Immediately, the vision passed.
TIME: 2:00 PM
Today being my arrival day in the desert, in my prayer, Divine Light flashed on
me like lightning.
Instantly, I was lifted up spiritually. Then I saw the vision of my Agonizing
Saviour hanging alive, bleeding on the Cross, without any consolation.
I approached the Cross and offered Him my poor consolation prayer asking
Him to bear the agony. I promised Him that I would console Him all my life.
That I will live my life on earth being the consoler of my Jesus Who is in agony.
Immediately after my prayers, cloud came down and covered the whole place.
In the cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Jesus Christ who calmly said to me:
“My son, I welcome you into this Holy Land. I am with you. I am here to
express My love for you and the whole world. I am looking for those for whom
My love took My Divinity to become Man. I am eagerly looking for those who,
because of the love I have for them, made Me to be incarnated into the world.
Your God to be born as man! Where are those for whose sake I was born in a
manger? My son, your God, Whom the whole Angels in Heaven adore, who
forever is receiving the glorious praises and adoration of the Heavenly Choirs,
is now lying helpless and neglected in a manger for love of you.
My son, I greatly suffered for this generation. I suffered most for you, and I am
still suffering the worst. No one cares to look at the Face of his or her
Agonizing Lover.
It is because of you that I sweated Blood in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Looking at this generation; looking at you, I saw how faithless you would
be. Among the faithful that are following Me day and night, and those
that are worshiping Me in the temple, I found no consolation. They have
filled the Temple with abominations. Their sacrifice is nothing but a
scourge to Me. Son, what will I gain from the sacrifice of the thieves and
killers whose hands are filled with blood of the innocent one? What
pleasure will I derive from the sacrifice of the hateful and wicked
servants who could not forgive their neighbour in their little
misunderstanding? Their hearts are filled with thorns waiting for Me to
Iniquity, iniquity, iniquity has filled My Holy Temple. No one is willing to
console Me. No one is willing to stand for Me and chase these evildoers
out of My Temple. My Temple is not a hideout for thieves but a house of
No one cares about the abominable fashion in My Holy Temple. No one cares
about the absolute lack of reverence in My Holy Temple. No one cares about
the political iniquity that ravages the Holy Temple of your God. No one cares
about the marketing in the Holy Sanctuary. No one is willing to care about
these iniquitous habits in the Holy Temple like stealing, adultery and
fornication, idolatry and the so-called cult practices that fill My Holy Sanctuary.
Son, they have filled the whole world with disastrous abominations, setting it in
My Holy Temple, driving your God far away from His Holy Sanctuary. Son, if
My people fail to return to Me and remove all these iniquitous habits that drive
your God from His Sanctuary and they continuously live in sin, the glory of
your God will depart from His Holy Temple. Then the Arabian Army, the enemy
of My Holy Death, the Evil One will march against the Temple, to destroy it.
You will see with your own eyes the days when there will be no morning or
evening Sacrifice. Then the people of Zion will weep bitterly for the Holy
Sanctuary, the Temple of the living God without any consolation. On those
days, you will come to the full knowledge of My appeal to you, make your
heart a Living Sanctuary for My dwelling”.
My clergy kept silent in all these things that increase My agony. They are all
sleeping while the enemy is fast approaching. Son, see how they will be
captured and led into exile where they will mourn for their lives and the Holy
Temple, captured as they were asleep while they should be at alert.
After all the favours I have done for you, you all reject and abandon Me. I am
the One Who chose you and called you apart to be My Apostles. I have shown
you My Glorious Transfiguration. I taught you all that I have learnt from My
Father. I have shown you My simplicity and obedience. I have anointed you,
and finally shed My Blood for the love of you. I see to it that My law and truth
are written in your hearts. My Spirit, the Comforter is there within your soul to
teach you. But in all these favours, you paid Me back with mindlessness and
neglect. Your will is your will. No one can take it away from you.
Children of mine, why can’t you do the Will of Him, who died for love of you? If
you love Me make My Will known to the whole world. I have wept bitterly for
My Holy Temple, My Sanctuary. I am still weeping for you until your destroyer
comes to destroy you.
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ Whom you neglected.
Remain in My peace.
I bless you.”
Immediately, the vision passed.
Today, I experienced total abandonment. I learnt what Our Lord meant when
He said that He was ABANDONED and that there was no one to console Him.
I will say that the grace that was assisting me yesterday was deprived of me.
What remained were faith and my will to choose what to do.
My rising on this second day seemed to me like someone who escaped death.
I was very tired and helpless. It seemed to me that I had stayed up to ten days.
I looked up at the sky; it was all cloudy and about to rain. Within a short time,
the rain started dropping, I looked around and saw my Rosary, I picked it up
and prayed. However, I have offered all my difficulties to God. And I made a
sincere promise to God that I will not leave the desert until I stayed up to seven
days. The intention of my Rosary was, “Lord thy will be done”. After a while the
cloud disappeared.
Around 8:00 am, the heat of the sun was intense. This made me to leave the
mountain to my camp. By this time, I was already suffocating and weak.
Unknown to me, my first camp was covered with black ants. With carelessness
and weakness, I threw myself on the ground when I reached the camp to rest
for a short while. I felt a bite of something; I wanted to know what it was.
Another one bit me. I then saw that it was a black ant. By that time they were
already all over me.
As I was trying to escape, I fell inside thorns that covered almost that side
where I fell. In my struggle with the thorns and the black ants, I learnt what Our
Lord meant by His scourging and crowning with thorns. I struggled and
struggled for about five minutes to come out of the thorns and escape the ants.
In the end I came out, and left the camp at once to seek for another camp.
I found another camp; the land was smooth and still. In a great weakness I laid
down to rest again. After a while, I remembered the ants and looked around. I
saw that worker termites had covered my shirt. On remembering the ants and
the thorns, I quickly left the camp at once.
This incident made me to decide to walk about in the desert. Later, I saw a
beautiful mango tree, which is a bit far from where I was standing. I thought
within myself that it would have a well-shaded grove. So, I trekked to it in spite
of my weakness and suffering.
When I reached there, it seemed to me that my rest had come. But here, I
received a temptation of the Evil One. Within a short time, I looked up and saw
about seven ripe and beautiful mangoes on top of the mango tree. It was not
even high up. I could climb and get the mangoes easily if I wanted to. By this
time, I was already dried up with thirst and hunger. The Evil One reminded me
that the days were still far. That was my second day. There were five more
days and nights to go.
Immediately I saw these mangoes, I knew that Satan was around. I smiled and
simply cried out, “Satan you are defeated.” I quickly left the camp for my final
When I reached this final camp, I felt a bit more relaxed and comfortable. But
after a while, the condition changed automatically. The cold wind changed to a
very hot dry wind scorching me. The tree was not well-shaded anymore. The
intensity of the heat was now much on me. In spite of these inconveniences, I
managed to stay there and say my prayers, read spiritual books till evening.
I returned to the mountain in the evening. I was tired due to my long stress in
the day, so I decided to rest and sleep, but I could not. It appeared as if there
was an announcement in the kingdom of mosquitoes to come to attack me.
This was not so yesterday. I had slept normally and had felt relaxed.
These mosquitoes continuously disturbed me until 12 midnight when I saw the
vision of our Lord hanging alive on the cross. He said, “Be calm, it is finished.”
Instantly, cloud covered the whole place and the Holy Face of Agonizing Jesus
Christ appeared and said to me.
“Barnabas, I allowed you to be tested to know and experience what it means to
be totally abandoned by God, by nature and by all creatures. This is what I
suffered for you. Everything rejected Me because of you. Even My Father
couldn’t hear the voice of His Only-Begotten Son because He wanted Him to
suffer and extremely suffer the pain of His Agony and Death, like mortal man.
Indeed, I felt it and suffered it. I am still suffering most for you now.
My son, I was left alone to suffer. My Divinity was deprived of Me by My
Father. Leaving the weight of My weak flesh to fall upon Me. I looked for
someone to console Me, I found none. I was depressed until the Angel of My
comfort came and helped Me to see the little you. He helped Me to see how
you will come to the full knowledge of My Father’s Will, and how you would
console the Sacrificial Lamb with your lives. I was consoled and named you
My chosen.
When the hour came for you to be born in this earthly world, I was overjoyed in
Heaven because My chosen was coming into the world to help Me renew the
face of this sinful world. But my son, see how many of you are abandoning Me
for the second time. This second abandonment is much more painful to Me
than the first abandonment. Come back to Me; He Who loves you is calling
you. I am looking for you to console Me.
Barnabas, I will teach you the dedication prayer I told you about by 3 pm. This
coming day I am putting My inspiration in you. When you wake up, begin to
write as I have told you.
Sleep well. Peace be with you.
I bless you”.
Instantly, the vision passed.
Cool breeze filled the mountain; I recorded and rested.
TIME: 3:00 PM
During this hour, I saw in a vision Our Lord Jesus Christ hanging alive on the
Cross, on the mountain. I was standing at the valley of the mountain looking up
at the top of the mountain where the dazzling light of Jesus crucified, was
shining brightly.
An Angel of the Lord came and led me to the mountain where I saw a large
number of Angels and Saints adoring the Sacrificial Lamb.
Within a short time, cloud covered the whole place. An Angel and the Holy
Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ appeared and I could hear the prayer and
songs of the Angels from afar. They joined us in prayer as we said the
Consecration Prayer to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. We repeated
it three times.
(Long silence)
The Angel advised me to follow in my heart all his reply. Then Our Lord finally
“My loving children, My chosen, I am looking for you. I looked for you in the hill
countries and in the low lands. I looked for you in the Northern and Southern
regions and could not find you. I turned to the East and West and couldn’t see
you. I searched for you in all the valleys towards great rivers and seas, still I
couldn’t see you. I am thirsty for My lost sheep. How happy to see them back.
My chosen, your abandonment of Me kept Me in great agony over the past
years. Where were you, My lovers?”
The Angel and I replied: “My Lord, My Saviour, forgive me for I was lost in the
world. Truly, I have sinned against Heaven and Earth. I am not worthy to stand
in your sight and ask pardon. If your mercy is granted me, may I be one of your
poor slaves. I lost my love for Thee, my Jesus. The power of darkness
overwhelmed me. I couldn’t see light but darkness. Through the darkness, the
Evil One showed me the pleasures and glories of this world. I was led through
the Evil pleasures to swim in the ocean of iniquity and was chained in the
world of the dead. I learnt there that his promise was nothing but death; I
looked for help, and found helplessness. In my grief under my bondage I cried
out, “Who will deliver me?” How happy I was when I remembered You, my
Jesus. I remembered Your love for me that caused You Your life. I cried out
again, “Jesus Christ, save me”. Your Name Jesus broke my yoke and set me
free. Here I am Lord, I come to do Your Will”.
Our Lord said: “My chosen, I am longing to see you back. I have been thirsting
for you for long. Come and embrace My love. My lover, but are you sincerely
back to Me to do My Will; never to go back again?”
The Angel and I replied: “Yes, my Lord and my Saviour. We are sincerely back
to do Your Will”.
I (N) a faithless sinner, cast myself at Your feet to implore Your mercy. I
renew and ratify today the vows of my Baptism, when I promised to do
Your Will. I renounce forever the man of iniquity, Satan, his pomp and
works and submit myself entirely to Your Divine Will. O my Jesus, my
Saviour, I am willing to follow You wherever You go. Make Your way
known to me”.
Our Lord answered: “Now I will show you My way: My way is a narrow way, so
rough and so dry. Mighty men drop on this way. But it is easy for those who
love Me, Jesus, your Saviour. Are you willing to follow this type of road”?
The Angel and I replied: “Yes, My Lord, My Jesus, I am willing. I love You. I will
never forsake You again”.
Our Lord answered: “My way is a royal way of the Cross. All who wish to follow
Me will give up the whole world, then carry their crosses and follow Me. Those
who try to save their own lives will lose them. But those who lose their lives
because of Me and the Gospel will have them in abundance. Children, what
again will deprive you of the love of your Saviour, your God, the love of the
The Angel and I answered: “My Lord and My Saviour, Nothing will deprive me
of the love of You. I have left everything and followed You. My cross is on my
shoulder. I am determined to follow You. My will is to do Your Will. O Merciful
Jesus, give me the grace to love you always”.
Our Lord finally said: “Children, I have heard your manly promise to Me. I have
written it in My Heart with My Blood. Listen to My instruction! “You will be
tempted to reject Me, to abandon Me, to betray Me, to deny and crucify Me
again. But when you turn to Me to renew this consecration, ask pardon and
more grace of love. I will forgive. I will pardon you and bless you more. I say to
Receive My blessing.”
Pressing His Hand upon us, He said: “Grant Your salvation to them, O Lord,
and have mercy on these faithless sons of Yours. Look upon the Blood, which
Your only-begotten Son shed for their salvation and forgive their sins. Cleanse
the iniquities of their hearts. Renew and rectify their souls. Put in their hearts
the Seal of Your Salvation. May their hearts be living sanctuaries for You. May
the Kingdom of Your glory come into these hearts. Father may your reign flow
through their hearts to the ends of the Earth.
Father, I pray that they may love Your Son and acknowledge the value of His
Sacrificial Death. May they stand for Him against His enemy that is fighting His
Church. Give them faith to carry out Your Will, which is hidden from the sight of
the world.
The blessing: May the power of obedience and simplicity overshadow you.
May the grace of true love and true zeal fill your hearts. May you all be united
in the Trinitarian Love with the holy Vicar, the Pope, along with the Angels and
Saints. So I bless you: In the NAME of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of
the HOLY SPIRIT, AMEN. Receive this badge; I bless it, in the Name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. May it remind you of your
consecration and the Precious Blood that fills the whole world. (He then gave
me the badge, instantly there was dew that fell on me. I felt cold).
He again picked up an “Agonizing Crucifix” which has Wounds and Blood all
over the Body and said:
“Receive this crucifix from Me. I bless it; in the Name of the Father, and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. May it renew your love for Me. This is your
Armour. Through it, you shall conquer.
Remain in peace from Heaven.”
Instantly, cloud shook, the vision passed. I was left alone as I heard the
beautiful songs of the Angels. Within a short time, Our Lord appeared again
and said:
“Barnabas, with this prayer, this Consecration will be renewed once in three
years. This will be done with the Votive Mass of My Precious Blood and will be
done inside the Mass. It will please Me much if done on third Friday between
the hours of 12 noon – 3.00 pm. I am ready to welcome you whenever you come.
I will give you a vision of the seven followers of Mine who follow this Royal
Way of the Cross tomorrow. You will see their failure and the only survivor. Try
to describe it well.
I will help you.
I bless you”.
Immediately, the vision passed.
TIME: 3:00 PM
During this hour, I saw in a vision Our Lord Jesus Christ walking alone in the
wilderness. Later He came near a certain city and sat down on a rock a few
miles away from the city. He remained there and prayed for a long time. When
He finished praying, He went inside the city and preached to the people the
Good News about the Kingdom of Heaven.
In the end, only seven people followed Him. They came out of the city and
went down to the valley of the mountain not far from the city.
In the valley, I saw that there were many crosses there, too many to be
counted. Jesus said to them:
“These are the rejected crosses which your people failed to carry. Whoever
wants to follow Me must carry his cross and follow Me. He will deny the world,
deny self, carry his cross and follow Me. The way that leads to happiness is a
narrow way. It is a desert way, very dry and hard to go. Whoever goes with Me
will not walk in darkness. I will change your sorrow into happiness, your pains
into joy. Those who love Me find that My cross is light and that My way is easy
to go. Children, whoever wants to save his own life will lose it but whoever
losses his life for Me will find it”
The seven men replied in one tone. “We have left everything and followed
You. Show us Your way, we will carry our crosses and go after You”. Our Lord
Looked at them for a while and informed them to go and tell their relatives and
friends and come back. They all left at once leaving Jesus who sat down on a
rock and bent down His Head in silence.
Later, they came back. The journey began. Jesus began to give them their
crosses to carry. The first person complained of the weight of his cross. Our
Lord ordered him to choose from the crosses. When He tried to choose, he
found out that the rest of the crosses were heavier than his own. Unknowingly,
He came back and picked that particular one our Lord gave him at first and
said: Yes; this is my own. Our Lord gazed at him and calmly said; is it not the
one I gave you? They all took their own crosses. The journey began.
They sang and prayed as they moved on carrying their crosses. Jesus took the
lead. The journey was a serious one. No one cared to look back. They passed
hills and low lands. They climbed mountains and went through the valleys.
They suffered dryness of the hot desert. At a point, the faith of some of them
began to fail.
The journey was slow and steady, but yet some couldn’t catch up. Some were
five miles away from Jesus, some three, some two miles. At this point, they
began to suffer temptation of free will. I saw two of the men cutting off their
crosses at the base while the journey was still on. In the evening of the first
day, they came to a great river. Our Lord Jesus Christ first reached there. He
bent down and placed His own cross across the river and passed. The rest did
the same, except the two weaker ones who had cut their crosses. They
measured their crosses, but could not cross the river. They sat down wept and
cried to Jesus but no one dared to listen and look at them. They were left there
while others continued their journey. This happened on the first day as I saw in
the vision.
On the second day, they continued the journey day and night. They passed the
whole day in the desert and suffered more severely than on the first day. I saw
that another two men thought that there would be no other river to cross, so
they cut their crosses like the first group of people.
When the evening of the second day came they were abandoned like the
former ones. The remaining three and Jesus Our Saviour continued. They
passed the cold night and entered the third day.
On the third day, they arrived at a mountain. Our Lord stood there and pointed
to them their last destination; a land of happiness and rest. But before they
could reach there, there was a certain city they had to pass. Our Lord told
them that the city is a sinful city. Nothing holy can be found there. He told them
not to stop in that city, not to eat or drink anything there. Their sins have piled
up as high as Heaven, waiting for God’s wrath and destruction.
Our Lord said: “I am leaving you to go and look for the lost sheep of Israel. But
I will be there to welcome you in the end”. Immediately, He vanished from their
The three men found themselves alone. But they took courage and moved on.
Eventually they entered the city, the sinful city.
They saw its glory and its pleasures. They were tempted more with all the
pleasures of that city. They were mocked at shamefully by the people of that
city. At last two of them gave up and joined the people.
The remaining one, who was more highly tempted than the others persisted in
his faith, carried his cross and entered the land of happiness and rest.
Instantly, cloud came down and covered the whole land. I saw our Lord Jesus
Christ holding a golden crown brighter than the sun, and coming down from
the cloud with the Angels, too many to be counted.
They came down to welcome the only survivor. Our Lord placed the crown on
his head and made him see again the whole journey he underwent, and the
sufferings of the earth and his fallen friends. Within a few minutes, he forgot
the suffering of the long journey and the heavy cross. Instantly, the vision
passed. The Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ appeared and said to me:
“Son, you have seen. This is how those who followed Me ended up on the
way. Only a few struggled to the end. Struggle to enter the land of happiness.
The way is hard, but he who endures till the end shall be saved.
This vision will be made known to My Apostles on their days of consecration
and renewal of their consecration. I promise to give you the Spirit of Wisdom to
open your heart for more understanding. The Spirit will throw light into the
darkness of souls and renew their hearts.
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ who loves you. Peace be with you. I bless
Immediately, the vision passed. I woke up; it was exactly 6 pm. So it took me
complete three hours to witness the vision; one hour, represented one day as I
saw in the vision.
I came back to myself and recorded it.
TIME: 3:00 PM
In my prayer during this hour, I saw in a vision the Holy Agonizing Face. Our
Lord with His Face bathed with Blood calmly said:
“My son, go and tell all My backsliding Apostles, that I have forgiven them. I
want them back. They have caused Me much pain and wounds in the Heart.
But I have forgiven them. They have crucified Me several times, but I have
forgiven them. I want them back. I still love them. I am thirsty to see them
Tell them to come back to their work, which has been lying idle over the years
since they left. I am merciful; I forgive. I will not remember their sins anymore. I
will give them back their portion of My glory. I will bless them.
How happy, My son, to see My lost sheep coming back to unite with My flock. I
tell you, there will be great happiness among the Angels and Saints. Many
Wounds will be healed in the Two Hearts of Love, the Hearts of Mother and Son.
How terrible it will be for the sheep that remain adamant over this loving call
to return. He will regret every word of My loving call. When the time comes, he
will have no rest in this world. Even the kingdom of iniquity will not hold him.
Everything will reject him. He will be left to the evil spirits to be tortured. This is
so because he has the Mark of My Seal, which will always remind him of My
love for him. Go and look for My lost sheep. Bring them back to Me.
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ.
Remain in My peace.
I bless you”.
Immediately the vision passed.
TIME: 12:00 NOON
Today, being the seventh day of my desert outing, the last day of my
mortification programme. I was tempted to stay more, but that was not the will
of God. I was in prayer when I saw the glory of the Lord coming down from the
In the cloud, I saw the Agonizing Jesus Christ with His Hands tied and His
Head crowned with thorns. He wore a red mantle with an iron rod in His Hand,
descending from the cloud as He sat on His Throne.
I was lifted up in the spirit as high to the Throne. Our Lord looked up and said:
“On the day when My tied hands will be loosened and lifted up in triumph to
rule; on the day when this Crown of Thorns will be replaced with a Glorious
Crown, and the robe stained with Blood replaced with a Royal Mantle, the
whole world will see My loving Kingdom, My Kingdom of peace. Happy are all
who are called to see this hour. When this hour comes, there will be no more
pains, no more sorrow, no worry; all these old things will have passed away.
There will be only one True Church and one True Faith. The whole world will
acknowledge the value of My Sacrificial Death. My Precious Blood will reign
Children, how then will this hour come? The hour will come soon through you. I
have called you to hasten the hour. You are the Apostles of My Glorious
Reign. May I find consolation in you. Children, even if the whole world turns
against Me, May you stand for Me.
You will be persecuted. The whole world will hate you because of Me. You will
suffer many disappointments because you want to do My Will. You will
miss many opportunities because they are evil, and you can’t do them. All
these are what you will suffer so as to hasten the hour.
Children, you will not be in a haste to see the hour, but yield yourself entirely to
the Will of your God. He alone knows the hour. Your total submission to His
Will shall do much better to hasten the hour than your worries and your
anxiety. You are men of blind mind and eyes. How can a blind man see
something far from his reach? He sees with the vision of the mind, what he
touches or feels. In the same way, you will not see what is beyond you
because they are Heavenly matters. How can the corrupt mind of man
understand the incorruptible mind of the Most Holy God? The way of Heaven
is not the way of the world. Little by little, I am making My way known to My
little children.
Do not allow yourselves to fall into confusion or become insane while you are
thinking of how Heaven will carry out its plan. No human being will understand
fully and explain well how it will happen. Children, I say it is beyond your
understanding. What you will bear in mind always is that it will happen sooner
than you think.
Children, what I need of you is to yield to the Divine Will. You will not stumble
in darkness. All will come to pass on the day you do not know and will not
know. Then My Kingdom will come. He who endures till the end will be saved.
Barnabas, I am happy to see you fulfill this call. Receive My blessing”.
He prayed silently for a short time and said:
“I bless you, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Peace be with you always”.
Immediately, the whole vision passed. I was filled with strength. Later in the
evening, I went back home.
DATE: 18TH APRIL, 2000
TIME: 12:30 AM
During this hour, I saw in a vision the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ. He
looked at me for a while and then said:
“Barnabas, I will send you to St. Theresa’s Parish, Abakpa, Enugu, on this
Holy Thursday. I am there waiting for you in Gethsemane. I am calling you and
all men to come and watch with Me. I will speak to My people at midnight on
that Thursday, I will show you My agony. I will express My agony to you.
My son, let My Will be made known through you. Let My Will be done on
I asked: My Lord and my Saviour, how can I inform the Parish Priest, since it is
too sudden.
Our Lord replied: “My son, only submit, I will do My work. Yield entirely to My
Will. You will see the gate of salvation opening to humanity.
This work is Mine alone. Only say YES to the Divine Will. My joy will be
complete in you.
I am your Agonizing Master, Who loves you.
Remain in My peace.
I bless you”.
DATE: 19TH MAY, 2000
Today, being the third Friday reparation for the sins of the whole world, I woke
up to say my midnight prayer when I saw the vision of the Agonizing Jesus
Christ hanging alive on the Cross. He gazed at me steadily without uttering a
word. Within a short time, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In
the cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ. He calmly said:
“My chosen, why are you slapping Me on the face? What wrong have I done to
you? If nothing, why are you slapping Me? My chosen, is it because I chose
you and set you apart to be My consoler? Is it because I love you and My heart
is on you? That brought all the evil in you? You have known My Heart because
you are the sons of My Heart. I have given My Heart to you but you chose to
pierce rather than console My Agonizing Heart.
With coldness and mindlessness, you slap Me as a reward for all My
benevolent acts towards you and all men. My sighting coldness in you
creates in Me a double agony of pain and hurt feelings. I am over-
burdened whenever I remember that you are still far from the light. When
I called you back and appealed to you for help towards the lost sheep of
Israel, you replied to Me with a bitter slap. What have I done to you My
chosen? If nothing, why are you slapping Me so cruelly?
My chosen, I chose you out of your nothingness and set you apart in existence
to be the sons of My Heart. Among those I redeemed with My blood, My eyes
are on you because you have the Seal of My love in you. I knew you before
your existence. You are the one whom the Angel showed Me in the garden,
the sons of Light. From that day, your names were written in My Heart. I did
not forget you. I took care of you from the day of your conception till now. I saw
to it that nothing harmed you. I delivered you from the hands of the enemy. My
Precious Blood is your salvation. When you were growing up, I showed you
the light of My salvation. I led you, and made you walk around the truthful
garden. You tested the sweetness of the fruit of My garden. You have known
the truth, but now you are denying its power. My chosen, what have I done to
merit this bitter slap?
My chosen, have you sent My messages and this devotion to those I appealed
to you?
You are waiting for the Evil Man to lock the door before you knock. Verily, I say
to you, very soon, it will be too late. The power of darkness will rule in full
force. At that time, you will understand what you are doing to Me. My bloody
tears will then touch your hearts.
My chosen, have you made the crucifix as I appealed to you?
I answered, “No Lord, have mercy on us”. Our Lord continued: “Son, see how
you slap Me. This is how you pay Me for My loving gift to you. I will not call you
for another reparation Programme until I see My work being carried out. Even
if the hour comes that the foundation of the world is shaking, you will not be
called for another reparation prayer unless you obey. Be it known to you My
chosen that this second call is much more important than the first call. If you
do not come together, you all will scatter at the first appearance of the Beast.
The enemy will then gain an advantage over you. I am calling you to unite you
and give you peace.
I know your weakness and your nothingness. I called you to offer them to Me.
That is enough for Me. I am demanding from you that littleness of yours. Offer
up your littleness. That is enough for Me. My son, I am speaking to My chosen,
who kept on slapping Me without mercy. I am speaking to My lovers. When will
you understand the time? Verily, I say to you, “the days are numbered:
My son, your littleness and coldness pain Me much because I love you.
Multiply your love for Me. Hold up your slapping hand. Look at the Face of Him
Who loves you. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ.
Peace be with you. I bless you all”.
Immediately the vision passed
DATE: 25TH JUNE, 2000
TIME: 3:00 PM
During the hour of Mercy, I saw Our Lord Jesus Christ bleeding as He hung
alive, in great agony, on the Cross. He wept in great anguish and grief. His
whole Body was covered with Wounds and Blood.
The Sacred Heart appeared outside His thoracic cavity and shone His Divine
rays on me. As I was looking, a cloud came down and covered the whole place.
In the cloud, I saw a hand holding a chalice and I heard a voice, which said to
me. “Drink, this is the Blood of your Saviour, Jesus Christ the Sacrificial Lamb.
Drink, the journey is too far.” Then, I took and drank.
Immediately, my eyes opened, I saw the Glorious Face of the Agonizing Jesus
Christ bathed in blood. He calmly said:
“My son, and My children, I welcome you all in this great Feast of My Church;
the Feast of My Body and My Precious Blood. I have seen the large number of
My people who have gathered all over the world to adore My Presence in the
Holy Eucharist. I appreciate your adoration; I am being consoled. How I wish
that the prayers I taught you had been made known to the whole world, so that
My people will adore Me with those adoring words I taught you. I appeal to you
once more. Make My Will known to all men.
Barnabas, on the days when the Church will persecute you and pierce your
heart with the arrow of their mouth, I will desert you but I will not disappoint
you. I will also deprive all who stand for you the grace of Divine Wisdom. Some
will run away and accuse you, and deny the truth they believe now, while many
will look disappointed. Only those who abound in My love will remain. They will
suffer greatly, but their consolation will come sooner than others. I want you to
pray harder. Only prayers will shorten the days or totally eliminate the days.
I called you to pray, up till now you have not prayed enough.
My son, I am calling all My Apostles to study the teachings of the Church. That
will help you to know the truth and critically look at My teachings to you, now
that you have enough grace. If My teachings are truth, follow them. My
teachings and warnings will not contradict the teachings of the Church. The
Church is My Body, how can I fight Myself? He who stands in the truth need
not fear. He will not die; he will live forever.
I am calling all My Apostles, I say My Apostles, who are propagating this
holy devotion to My Precious Blood for a second reparation Programme.
This will commence on 11th September and end 16th September this year 2000.
It will start by 12 noon of the commencement day and close by 12 noon of 16th
September this year 2000. This is a great call to reparation. I will explain the
Programme in detail during the novena of the month of July.
Barnabas, some carnally ‘wise’ people will ask you why there are the wounds
on My Sacred Side on the Crucifix, I gave you, since I am still hanging alive?
But Barnabas, you annoyed Me. Why can’t you narrate what you saw? This is
the mystical Cross of My agony. Your Christ Who had died 2000 years ago is
still suffering mystically the pains and several crucifixions due to the sins of the
whole world. My Heart, which suffered mystically the pains of thorns, as well
as My Wounds are still bleeding for love of this needful world. This Crucifix is
the cross of your Agonizing Master over 2000 years. My Sacred Agonizing
Heart will be on the Cross as you saw it.” Then I asked, “Lord you didn’t
correct me for long. The artist would have finished the work”.
Our Lord answered:
“I left you so that you will know after learning. Learn now and pray much.
When the artists finish the cross bring it to Me for My approval. Make enough
crosses for you and for those you will send; the cross will be made before the
day of reparation. If you continue delaying till the day of reparation comes, I
will stop you.
This Crucifix will be highly criticized and rejected by many, but My lovers will
embrace it.
I will use your illiteracy to teach My mysterious Agony to the world. Submit to
My Will. Your humility consoles Me much.
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I love you. I bless you.”
Immediately, the vision passed.
DATE: 1ST JULY, 2000
TIME: 7:30 PM
Today, being the first day of the first nine-day novena in the month of July, I
saw our Lord hanging alive on the cross, bleeding. There, I saw also that there
were twelve (12) routes by which groups of people, that seem to represent the
twelve tribes of Israel, were coming to the Agonizing Lamb on the Cross. As I
was watching, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud,
appeared the Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ bathed in blood. In great anguish
and grief, He calmly said:
“My children, you are precious to Me. I welcome you all to this great month
of July, which I have dedicated to My Precious Blood. I am with you always. I
am happy to see you again.
My children you are precious to Me. My eyes are on you always. I looked after
you to see that nothing harmed you. I protect you, especially your souls that
are so precious to Me. My Blood, which I shed for your redemption, remains
your protector and your salvation. I am sprinkling My Precious Blood on you to
see that you are protected and shielded. I am near you always because you
are precious to Me.
My lovers, only very few recognize My loving care for you; only very few feel
My nearness. Children, know today that I am living in fullness among My
people, because the spiritual war has reached its climax. As I am near you, so
also the enemy of My death is near you. I am crying to your soul to see the
light, but you rarely hear Me. You rather hear the deceptive words of the Evil
One, and follow darkness”.
Children, you are precious to Me. I am the One Who am appealing to you for
holiness in your very souls. If you can calmly listen to your soul, you will hear
My painful cry of love. Though now the enemy will not allow you.
Children, this is a fearful hour of separation. I am looking for My loving
children. I am near you because you are precious to Me. Like a Good
Shepherd, I am looking after you to see that the wild animals do not harm you.
There are many wolves in the forest. All who escape from My protection will
not survive. The wolves will seize them and kill them.
I am appealing to all My children to come nearer to Me. I will come nearer to
PRECIOUS BLOOD. Know you, My loving children, the voice of your Good
Shepherd. Run to Him when He calls. Obey the command of His voice. Follow
Him wherever He goes.
My children, you are precious to Me. The love I have for you motivated Me to
come and share these loving words with you. Your prayer tomorrow will be
offered for My young seminarians of the whole world. The enemy has been
given a little time to act. My chosen ones in the seminaries and convents are
suffering greatly. Many have been expelled. Those who have little patience are
abandoning their call. This is a great work of the Evil One. I appeal to you to
pray for them. Pray much for them, so that you will still have good Priests to
lead you to the truth. Through your prayers, I will choose for Myself a large
number of good clergy that will carry My Will to the world. I call on them to
consecrate themselves to My Blood.
You are precious to Me. I am near you always to protect you. Feel My
Presence and show Me love. Pray for them; make My Will known to all men. I
am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I am with you always. I bless you all.”
Immediately, the vision passed.
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