DATE: 5TH APRIL, 2000 TIME: 3:00 PM
During this hour, I saw in a vision Our Lord Jesus Christ walking alone in the
wilderness. Later He came near a certain city and sat down on a rock a few miles away
from the city. He remained there and prayed for a long time. When He finished praying,
He went inside the city and preached to the people the Good News about the Kingdom
of Heaven. In the end, only seven people followed Him. They came out of the city and
went down to the valley of the mountain not far from the city. In the valley, I saw that
there were many crosses there, too many to be counted. Jesus said to them:
“These are the rejected crosses which your people failed to carry. Whoever wants to
follow Me must carry his cross and follow Me. He will deny the world, deny self, carry
his cross and follow Me. The way that leads to happiness is a narrow way. It is a desert
way, very dry and hard to go. Whoever goes with Me will not walk in darkness. I will
change your sorrow into happiness, your pains into joy. Those who love Me find that
My cross is light and that My way is easy to go. Children, whoever wants to save his
own life will lose it but whoever losses his life for Me will find it”
The seven men replied in one tone. “We have left everything and followed You. Show
us Your way, we will carry our crosses and go after You”. Our Lord looked at them for
a while and informed them to go and tell their relatives and friends and come back.
They all left at once leaving Jesus who sat down on a rock and bent down His Head in
silence. Later, they came back. The journey began. Jesus began to give them their
crosses to carry. The first person complained of the weight of his cross. Our Lord
ordered him to choose from the crosses. When He tried to choose, he found out that the rest of the crosses were heavier than his own. Unknowingly, He came back and picked that particular one our Lord gave him at first and said: Yes; this is my own. Our Lord gazed at him and calmly said; is it not the one I gave you? They all took their own
crosses. The journey began.
They sang and prayed as they moved on carrying their crosses. Jesus took the lead. The
journey was a serious one. No one cared to look back. They passed hills and low lands.
They climbed mountains and went through the valleys. They suffered the dryness of the hot desert. At a point, the faith of some of them began to fail. The journey was slow and
steady, but yet some couldn’t catch up. Some were five miles away from Jesus, some
three, some two miles. At this point, they began to suffer the temptation of free will. I saw two of the men cutting off their crosses at the base while the journey was still on. In the evening of the first day, they came to a great river. Our Lord Jesus Christ first reached there. He bent down and placed His own cross across the river and passed. The rest did the same, except the two weaker ones who had cut their crosses. They measured their crosses, but could not cross the river. They sat down wept and cried to Jesus but no one dared to listen and look at them. They were left there while others continued their journey. This happened on the first day as I saw in the vision. On the second day, they continued the journey day and night. They passed the whole day in the desert and suffered more severely than on the first day. I saw that another two men thought that there would be no other river to cross, so they cut their crosses like the first group of people. When the evening of the second day came they were abandoned like the former ones. The remaining three and Jesus Our Saviour continued. They passed the cold night and entered the third day. On the third day, they arrived at a mountain. Our Lord stood there and pointed to them their last destination; a land of happiness and rest. But before they could reach there, there was a certain city they had to pass. Our Lord told them that the city is a sinful city. Nothing holy can be found there. He told them not to stop in that city, not to eat or drink anything there. Their sins have piled up as high as Heaven, waiting for God’s wrath and destruction. Our Lord said: “I am leaving you to go and look for the lost sheep of Israel. But I will be there to welcome you in the end”. Immediately, He vanished from their sight. The three men found themselves alone. But they took courage and moved on. Eventually, they entered the city, the sinful city. They saw its glory and its pleasures. They were tempted more with all the pleasures of that city. They were mocked shamefully by the people of that city. At last two of
them gave up and joined the people.
The remaining one, who was more highly tempted than the others persisted in his faith,
carried his cross and entered the land of happiness and rest.
Instantly, a cloud came down and covered the whole land. I saw our Lord Jesus Christ
holding a golden crown brighter than the sun, and coming down from the cloud with the
Angels, too many to be counted. They came down to welcome the only survivor. Our
Lord placed the crown on his head and made him see again the whole journey he
underwent and the sufferings of the earth and his fallen friends. Within a few minutes,
he forgot the suffering of the long journey and the heavy cross. Instantly, the vision
passed. The Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ appeared and said to me:
“Son, you have seen. This is how those who followed Me ended up on the way. Only
a few struggled to the end. Struggle to enter the land of happiness. The way is hard, but
he who endures till the end shall be saved. This vision will be made known to My
Apostles on their days of consecration and renewal of their consecration. I promise to
give you the Spirit of Wisdom to open your heart for more understanding. The Spirit
will throw light into the darkness of souls and renew their hearts. I am the Agonizing
Jesus Christ who loves you. Peace be with you. I bless you”.
Immediately, the vision passed. I woke up; it was exactly 6 pm. So it took me complete
three hours to witness the vision; one hour, represented one day as I saw in the vision.
I came back to myself and recorded it.
DATE: 6TH APRIL, 2000 TIME: 3:00 PM
In my prayer during this hour, I saw in a vision the Holy Agonizing Face. Our Lord
with His Face bathed with Blood calmly said:
“My son, go and tell all My backsliding Apostles, that I have forgiven them. I want
them back. They have caused Me much pain and wounds in the Heart. But I have
forgiven them. They have crucified Me several times, but I have forgiven them. I want
them back. I still love them. I am thirsty to see them back.
Tell them to come back to their work, which has been lying idle over the years since
they left. I am merciful; I forgive. I will not remember their sins anymore. I will give
them back their portion of My glory. I will bless them. How happy, My son, to see My
lost sheep coming back to unite with My flock. I tell you, there will be great happiness
among the Angels and Saints. Many Wounds will be healed in the two Hearts of Love,
the Hearts of Mother and Son. How terrible it will be for the sheep that remain
adamant over this loving call to return. He will regret every word of My loving call.
When the time comes, he will have no rest in this world. Even the kingdom of iniquity
will not hold him. Everything will reject him. He will be left to the evil spirits to be
tortured. This is so because he has the Mark of My Seal, which will always remind him
of My love for him. Go and look for My lost sheep. Bring them back to Me.
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Remain in My peace. I bless you”. Immediately the
vision passed.
TIME: 3:00 PM
During my prayer at this hour, I saw Our Lord hanging alive on the Cross. Precious
Blood flowed from all His Wounds. He kept silent in an Agonizing mood.
Within a short time, a cloud came down and covered the whole place. The Holy
Agonizing Face appeared and said:
“They have eyes, but they cannot see.
They have ears, but they cannot hear.
Their minds and their understanding are carnal that they cannot understand the hour.
My son, what is there yet to happen, and what are you expecting to hear or see before
you will understand the time and run for your life?
The Evil One has come. They have introduced their errors in the world. Disastrous
abominations have filled the Church, setting up in the Holy Place. Evil fashions have
been introduced in the world. Satan’s incarnates can be seen all over the world. You can
see the kingdom of Satan in the world where people go about naked without shame.
You have seen the perilous time, the difficult hour, when people will be selfish, greedy,
slanderous, violent, unkind, and irreligious. You are living in a world that chains the
truth and allows lies to flow. You have seen the persecution of the truth.
What else remains before you understand the hour? You can predict the weather when
you look at the condition of the cloud. Why, then, don’t you know the meaning of this
present time? My Mother had come many times to you to warn you about the hour. She
saw the destruction that is coming upon you. She wept for you. She wept even bloody
tears for you; yet you cannot understand the hour. I, in turn, sweated blood in great
agony for you. I also wept a stream of Tears and Blood for love of you. Still, you cannot
understand the time. Faithless children, you are waiting to hear a thunder sound before
you begin to run from the deadly lightning that kills without warning. Run now or else
the day will catch up with you when you are not ready. Turn to Me with love. I will
show you the way out that leads to salvation. I will show you the way out. You will
escape from the land of destruction so that you will not share in the fate of this sinful
city. Children, give up this sinful world. Do not share in its unclean bread and its
iniquitous drink. Run for your lives. See, your days on earth are numbered, the day
when you will smell the great wrath of God. I am calling all the houses of Israel to run
for their lives. Follow the desert way to the Land of Promise. Children, when you
know, you will understand. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I bless you all.”
TIME: 12:00 NOON
Today, being the seventh day of my desert outing, the last day of my mortification
program. I was tempted to stay more, but that was not the will of God. I was in
prayer when I saw the glory of the Lord coming down from the cloud.
In the cloud, I saw the Agonizing Jesus Christ with His Hands tied and His Head
crowned with thorns. He wore a red mantle with an iron rod in His Hand, descending
from the cloud as He sat on His Throne.
I was lifted up in the spirit as high to the Throne. Our Lord looked up and said:
“On the day when My tied hands will be loosened and lifted up in triumph to rule; on
the day when this Crown of Thorns will be replaced with a Glorious Crown, and the
robe stained with Blood replaced with a Royal Mantle, the whole world will see My
loving Kingdom, My Kingdom of peace. Happy are all who are called to see this hour.
When this hour comes, there will be no more pains, no more sorrow, no worry; all these
old things will have passed away. There will be only one True Church and one True
Faith. The whole world will acknowledge the value of My Sacrificial Death. My
Precious Blood will reign forever.
Children, how then will this hour come? The hour will come soon through you. I have
called you to hasten the hour. You are the Apostles of My Glorious Reign. May I find
consolation in you. Children, even if the whole world turns against Me, May you stand
for Me.
You will be persecuted. The whole world will hate you because of Me. You will suffer
many disappointments because you want to do My Will. You will miss many
opportunities because they are evil, and you can’t do them. All these are what you will
suffer so as to hasten the hour. Children, you will not be in a haste to see the hour, but
yield yourself entirely to the Will of your God. He alone knows the hour. Your total
submission to His Will shall do much better to hasten the hour than your worries and
your anxiety. You are men of blind mind and eyes. How can a blind man see something
far from his reach? He sees with the vision of the mind, what he touches or feels. In the
same way, you will not see what is beyond you because they are Heavenly matters.
How can the corrupt mind of man understand the incorruptible mind of the Most Holy
God? The way of Heaven is not the way of the world. Little by little, I am making My
way known to My little children. Do not allow yourselves to fall into confusion or
become insane while you are thinking of how Heaven will carry out its plan. No human
being will understand fully and explain well how it will happen. Children, I say it is
beyond your understanding. What you will bear in mind always is that it will happen
sooner than you think. Children, what I need of you is to yield to the Divine Will. You
will not stumble in darkness. All will come to pass on the day you do not know and will
not know. Then My Kingdom will come. He who endures till the end will be saved.
Barnabas, I am happy to see you fulfill this call. Receive My blessing”.
He prayed silently for a short time and said: “I bless you, in the Name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. GO AND MAKE MY WILL KNOWN to the
world. Peace be with you always”. Immediately, the whole vision passed. I was filled
with strength. Later in the evening, I went back home.
DATE: 18TH APRIL, 2000
TIME: 12:30 AM
During this hour, I saw in a vision the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ. He looked
at me for a while and then said:
“Barnabas, I will send you to St. Theresa’s Parish, Abakpa, Enugu, on this Holy
Thursday. I am there waiting for you in Gethsemane. I am calling you and all men to
come and watch with Me. I will speak to My people at midnight on that Thursday, I
will show you My agony. I will express My agony to you. My son, let My Will be
made known through you. Let My Will be done on earth”.
I asked: My Lord and my Saviour, how can I inform the Parish Priest, since it is too
sudden. Our Lord replied: “My son, only submit, I will do My work. Yield entirely to
My Will. You will see the gate of salvation opening to humanity. This work is Mine
alone. Only say YES to the Divine Will. My joy will be complete in you.
I am your Agonizing Master, Who loves you. Remain in My peace.
I bless you”.
During this hour, I saw the vision of Our Lord alone in Gethsemane. He was there
weeping bitterly and at the same time sweating blood. In great agony and grief, He
cried out that I could hear His bitter cry. Immediately, He fell to the ground. He
looked as if He was dead. As I was looking, a cloud came down and covered the whole
place. The Holy Agonizing Jesus Christ appeared. Blood bathed His Face. He calmly
“My children, I welcome you all into the Gethsemane hour of prayer. I am pleased to
see all of you here. I welcome you; come, come and console Me.
My children, I come to share with you My agony and sufferings, the pains, which your
sins are causing Me. Son, do you know that Satan laughs at Me, because of you? I am
here calling you all My chosen to hear My greatest agony that I suffered for you.
Listen, My son, when I was alone and was totally abandoned by both man and God.
The day I was first in Gethsemane, you were My only consolation. The Evil One
showed Me My total abandonment and the faithlessness of the world. In great anguish
and grief, I sweated blood for love of you. The Angel of My comfort who showed you
to Me consoled Me. My children, I really saw you, I knew your names. The Angel
repeated your names to Me. I carried them in My heart.
Whenever the pains of My suffering grew, I repeated your names and was consoled.
When you were about to be born in the world I knew. I was happy because My chosen
are coming to help Me to renew the face of the earth. Children, now where are you?
The enemy is laughing at Me because of you. The enemy said that he would never see
you do My Will. Many have followed the evil way. He opened darkness and many
followed it. The enemy introduced fashion; you all followed him. He gave you a law
not to obey your God; you obeyed him. Children, how long will I appeal to you to
return to Me? How long will I appeal to you to be faithful to the One Who loves you?
Children, you owe Me love, which I show you. I am here always in Gethsemane
waiting for you to come and console Me but you rarely come with true love.
Children, you will know that you are living in the hour of darkness when the power of
darkness rules. Those who are in the light can see incarnates of the devil at work in the
world. But those who live in the flesh swim in the ocean of iniquity with the Evil One.
Know today, that this hour is the hour of separation. Those who are in the light follow
Me and receive My Seal. But those who are in darkness follow the Evil One and receive
the mark of the Beast, 666.
Children, I am pleading with you all with love to turn My shame into honor, My
sorrow into happiness, through your way of life. SHOW MY ENEMY THAT YOU LOVE
ME. Prove to him that you are My chosen. I will bless you with a special grace of love.
I will make your heart pure. I will protect you from despair. Children, I am the
Abandoned Lamb. Remain in this Gethsemane hour of prayer. Pray always and never
give up. I am preparing you for the persecution that is coming soon. If you remain in Me,
you will not be in confusion. My peace will remain in you.
I love you all. I bless you all. Look and see My agony”. Immediately, I saw Jesus
again in Gethsemane sweating Blood for love of us. I wept. Our Lord got up, touched
me and I came back.
DATE: 19TH MAY, 2000
Today, being the third Friday reparation for the sins of the whole world, I woke up to
say my midnight prayer when I saw the vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging
alive on the Cross. He gazed at me steadily without uttering a word. Within a short
time, a cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy
Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ. He calmly said:
“My chosen, why are you slapping Me on the face? What wrong have I done to you? If
nothing, why are you slapping Me? My chosen, is it because I chose you and set you
apart to be My consoler? Is it because I love you and My heart is on you? That brought
all the evil in you? You have known My Heart because you are the sons of My Heart. I
have given My Heart to you so you chose to pierce rather than consoling My Agonizing
Heart. With coldness and mindlessness, you slap Me as a reward for all My benevolent
acts towards you and all men. My sighting coldness in you creates in Me a double
agony of pain and hurt feelings. I am overburdened whenever I remember that you are
still far from the light. When I called you back and appealed to you for help towards the
lost sheep of Israel, you replied Me with a bitter slap. What have I done to you My
chosen? If nothing, why are you slapping Me so cruelly?
My chosen, I chose you out of your nothingness and set you apart in existence to be the
sons of My Heart. Among those I redeemed with My blood, My eyes are on you
because you have the Seal of My love in you. I knew you before your existence. You
are the one whom the Angel showed Me in the garden, the sons of Light. From that day,
your names were written in My Heart. I did not forget you. I took care of you from the
day of your conception till now. I saw to it that nothing harmed you. I delivered you
from the hands of the enemy. My Precious Blood is your salvation. When you were
growing up, I showed you the light of My salvation. I led you and made you walk
around the truthful garden. You tested the sweetness of the fruit of My garden. You have known the truth, but now you are denying its power. My chosen, what have I done to merit this bitter slap?
My chosen, have you sent My messages and this devotion to those I appealed to you?
You are waiting for the Evil Man to lock the door before you knock. Verily, I say to
you, very soon, it will be too late. The power of darkness will rule in full force. At that
time, you will understand what you are doing to Me. My bloody tears will then touch
your hearts. My chosen, have you made the crucifix as I appealed to you?
I answered, “No Lord, have mercy on us”. Our Lord continued: “Son, see how you slap
Me. This is how you pay Me for My loving gift to you. I will not call you for another
reparation Programme until I see My work being carried out. Even if the hour comes
that the foundation of the world is shaking, you will not be called for another reparation
prayer unless you obey. Be it known to you My chosen that this second call is much
more important than the first call. If you do not come together, you all will scatter at the
first appearance of the Beast. The enemy will then gain an advantage over you. I am
calling you to unite you and give you peace. I know your weakness and your
nothingness. I called you to offer them to Me. That is enough for Me. I am demanding
from you that littleness of yours. Offer up your littleness. That is enough for Me. My
son, I am speaking to My chosen, who kept on slapping Me without mercy. I am
speaking to My lovers. When will you understand the time? Verily, I say to you, “the
days are numbered: My son, your littleness and coldness pain Me much because I love
you. Multiply your love for Me. Hold up your slapping hand. Look at the Face of Him
Who loves you. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Peace be with you. I bless you all”.
Immediately the vision passed
DATE: 16TH JUNE, 2000
TIME: 1:00 AM
In my preparatory prayer for the retreat I had planned for Oturkpo, I saw the vision of
the Agonizing Jesus Christ on the Cross bleeding. He gazed at me steadily, and calmly
“MY SON, THE PRECIOUS MINUTE IS PASSING AWAY, the terrible day is fast
approaching. On that day men will regret any precious second not well utilized. I plead
with you My loving children to make use of your precious moments. KEEP EVERY
precious. You cannot get them again the moment they pass.
Be it known to you My son that I am passing My agonizing seconds; the seconds I am
losing My loved ones, those I have redeemed with My Blood. I am looking for someone
to console Me, but I find none. As the days are ticking off, I find you. I recognized you
as My chosen. I was happy to see you again. Son, but even now the precious moments
are passing without being utilized. MANY ARE GETTING LOST BECAUSE THERE IS
THEM THE LIGHT. You have kept My warnings and My appeal to the world sealed
with you, while the precious seconds are passing away. And you will not see them
again. My son, I chose you to be fishers of souls. Have My Heart consoled through
your effort of saving souls. I am looking for the day when My agonizing seconds will
become joyful seconds. On that day, all who suffered with the Son of Man will reign
with Him forever. Barnabas, why are you delaying My teaching to the world? Clearly,
write out the inspiration I gave you in the desert and submit it to Rev. Fr. Christopher
Enem for the Nihil – Obstat after final editing by your spiritual director. Then, give it to
Rev. Sr. Fidelia Omuta, who will send it to your Bishop. The source will not be
disclosed to him but the truth will be revealed to him when you meet him and inform
him. Then, you will publish it and make it known to the whole world. The title will be:
be done before the second call of reparation. Know that the precious seconds are
passing away. I have seen your little effort towards the making of the crucifix. I will
give you the date of the second reparation on the 25th of this month. I will explain the
Programme during your novenas of the month of July. The precious time is passing
away. Do not delay as before, I plead with you again. Inform My people of the great
novena of the month of July. Let it be done in families, in groups, and in the Church. I
have chosen the month of July to be a great month for My Precious Blood. I am
opening the ocean of My Blood in this month for mercy and salvation. I am the
Agonizing Jesus Christ, the Spotless Lamb. I love you. I bless you.” Instantly, the
vision passed.
DATE: 25TH JUNE, 2000
TIME: 3:00 PM
During the hour of Mercy, I saw Our Lord Jesus Christ bleeding as He hung alive, in
great agony, on the Cross. He wept in great anguish and grief. His whole Body was
covered with Wounds and Blood.
The Sacred Heart appeared outside His thoracic cavity and shone His Divine rays on
me. As I was looking, a cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud, I
saw a hand holding a chalice and I heard a voice, which said to me. “Drink, this is the
Blood of your Saviour, Jesus Christ the Sacrificial Lamb. Drink, the journey is too far.”
Then, I took and drank. Immediately, my eyes opened, I saw the Glorious Face of the
Agonizing Jesus Christ bathed in blood. He calmly said:
“My son, and My children, I welcome you all in this great Feast of My Church; the
Feast of My Body and My Precious Blood. I have seen the large number of My people
who have gathered all over the world to adore My Presence in the Holy Eucharist. I
appreciate your adoration; I am being consoled. How I wish that the prayers I taught
you had been made known to the whole world so that My people will adore Me with
those adoring words I taught you. I appeal to you once more. Make My Will known to
all men. Barnabas, on the days when the Church will persecute you and pierce your
heart with the arrow of their mouth, I will desert you but I will not disappoint you. I
will also deprive all who stand for you the grace of Divine Wisdom. Some will run
away and accuse you, and deny the truth they believe now, while many will look
disappointed. Only those who abound in My love will remain. They will suffer greatly,
but their consolation will come sooner than others. I want you to pray harder. Only
prayers will shorten the days or totally eliminate the days. I called you to pray, up till
now you have not prayed enough. My son, I am calling all My Apostles to study the
teachings of the Church. That will help you to know the truth and critically look at My
teachings to you, now that you have enough grace. If My teachings are truth, follow
them. My teachings and warnings will not contradict the teachings of the Church. The
Church is My Body, how can I fight Myself? He who stands in the truth need not fear.
He will not die; he will live forever. I am calling all My Apostles, I say My Apostles,
who are propagating this holy devotion to My Precious Blood for a second reparation
Program. This will commence on 11th September and end on 16th September this year
2000. It will start by 12 noon of the commencement day and close by 12 noon of 16th
September this year 2000. This is a great call to reparation. I will explain the
Program in detail during the novena of the month of July.
Barnabas, some carnally ‘wise’ people will ask you why there are the wounds on My
Sacred Side on the Crucifix I gave you since I am still hanging alive? But Barnabas,
you annoyed Me. Why can’t you narrate what you saw? This is the mystical Cross of
My agony. Your Christ Who had died 2000 years ago is still suffering mystically the
pains and several crucifixions due to the sins of the whole world. My Heart, which
suffered mystically the pains of thorns, as well as My Wounds are still bleeding for love
of this needful world. This Crucifix is the cross of your Agonizing Master over 2000
years. My Sacred Agonizing Heart will be on the Cross as you saw it.” Then I asked,
“Lord you didn’t correct me for long. The artist would have finished the work”.
Our Lord answered:
“I left you so that you will know after learning. Learn now and pray much. When the
artists finish the cross bring it to Me for My approval. Make enough crosses for you and
for those you will send; the cross will be made before the day of reparation. If you
continue delaying till the day of reparation comes, I will stop you. This Crucifix will
be highly criticized and rejected by many, but My lovers will embrace it. I will use your
illiteracy to teach My mysterious Agony to the world. Submit to My Will. Your
humility consoles Me much. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I love you. I bless you.”
Immediately, the vision passed.
DATE: 1ST JULY, 2000
TIME: 7:30 PM
Today, being the first day of the first nine-day novena in the month of July, I saw our
Lord hanging alive on the cross, bleeding. There, I saw also that there were twelve (12)
routes by which groups of people, that seem to represent the twelve tribes of Israel,
were coming to the Agonizing Lamb on the Cross. As I was watching, a cloud came
down and covered the whole place. In the cloud, appeared the Agonizing Face of Jesus
Christ bathed in blood. In great anguish and grief, He calmly said:
“My children, you are precious to Me. I welcome you all to this great month of July,
which I have dedicated to My Precious Blood. I am with you always. I am happy to see
you again.
My children, you are precious to Me. My eyes are on you always. I looked after you to
see that nothing harmed you. I protect you, especially your souls that are so precious to
Me. My Blood, which I shed for your redemption, remains your protector and your
salvation. I am sprinkling My Precious Blood on you to see that you are protected and
shielded. I am near you always because you are precious to Me.
My lovers, only very few recognize My loving care for you; only very few feel My
nearness. Children, know today that I am living in fullness among My people because
the spiritual war has reached its climax. As I am near you, so also the enemy of My
death is near you. I am crying to your soul to see the light, but you rarely hear Me. You
rather hear the deceptive words of the Evil One, and follow darkness”.
Children, you are precious to Me. I am the One Who am appealing to you for holiness
in your very souls. If you can calmly listen to your soul, you will hear My painful cry of
love. Though now the enemy will not allow you. Children, this is a fearful hour of
separation. I am looking for My loving children. I am near you because you are
precious to Me. Like a Good Shepherd, I am looking after you to see that the wild
animals do not harm you. There are many wolves in the forest. All who escape from
My protection will not survive. The wolves will seize them and kill them. I am
appealing to all My children to come nearer to Me. I will come nearer to them. LET
you, My loving children, the voice of your Good Shepherd. Run to Him when He calls.
Obey the command of His voice. Follow Him wherever He goes. My children, you are
precious to Me. The love I have for you motivated Me to come and share these loving
words with you. Your prayer tomorrow will be offered for My young seminarians of the
whole world. The enemy has been given a little time to act. My chosen ones in the
seminaries and convents are suffering greatly. Many have been expelled. Those who
have little patience are abandoning their call. This is a great work of the Evil One. I
appeal to you to pray for them. Pray much for them, so that you will still have good
Priests to lead you to the truth. Through your prayers, I will choose for Myself a large
number of good clergy that will carry My Will to the world. I call on them to consecrate
themselves to My Blood. You are precious to Me. I am near you always to protect you.
Feel My Presence and show Me love. Pray for them; make My Will known to all men. I
am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I am with you always. I bless you all.”
Immediately, the vision passed.
DATE: 2ND JULY, 2000
TIME: 7:30 PM
Today is the second day of the nine-day novena in the month of July. As I was
approaching the Holy Sanctuary, I saw the Glorious Face emanating from the Blessed
Sacrament on the altar. Divine rays flashed on me. Instantly, a cloud came down and
covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Face of the Agonizing Jesus
Christ, Who calmly said:
“My children, you show Me partial love. Know you today that you are the greatest
agony I am suffering. I am suffering your unfaithfulness, your lack of chastity, your
coldness and your neglect. Remember, My little lovers that I know you. I say, your
names are written in My Heart. I memorize them always whenever the pains and the
weight of the sins of the world weigh on Me. I remember your names. I pronounce
your names! I look for you to console Me. Many times, I found you unworthy to be My
consolers. Many of you double My agony whenever I look at you. I am Jesus who loves
you, I call you My lovers but you show Me partial love.
My children, look up in the world, you will see the devil incarnates, the children of
darkness, they dress naked and make up with the fashions of hell, and walk about the
streets of your towns and cities without shame. They know and understand the time; so
they work day and night against your souls. Indeed, they win many souls. My children,
do you see that they love their master much? They show complete love to their wicked
master who said to them; “Work hard, win their souls for Me, we have little time left. I
will reward you with the glory of the world”. My children, the children of darkness
gave their lives to their wicked master and will finally lose. Why can’t you offer Me
your lives and finally live? You only choose to show Me partial love.
know now and work out your salvation? Win many souls for Me. Take them with you
and run for your lives. I promise Heaven to you. My promise is true. I never change”.
“Children, My agony should be your concern. I sent My Angel to you who taught you
My Agonizing prayer. You begged for the unity of our hearts, that you will feel what I
feel; but even now, My agony does not touch your heart. It pains My Heart greatly,
your unfaithfulness, your coldness and your neglect; but it pleases your heart. It pains
My Heart greatly, the evil fashions of the world; but it pleases your hearts. You laugh
as you see them, while your Master is in great agony. At times, you follow them. You
imitate them. Children, learn today that a single venial sin can keep a soul millions of
years in the purifying fire of Purgatory, while a single mortal sin will lead a soul to everlasting suffering in Hell. How then do you think that you will escape? Learn now
and run for your lives. It greatly pains My Heart that you are ashamed of yourselves
because you are My followers. You want to live like the children of darkness so as to
avoid the criticism of the workers of the Evil One. You are ashamed of Me and My
teaching in these ungodly and wicked days. You are rejecting Heaven now. Soon you
will look for it. All who are candidates of Heaven should keep on imitating Heavenly
beings since you see, My children, that the children of darkness are imitating the
demons of Hell who dress naked and live in iniquity. There is Heavenly beauty and
earthly beauty. Children, I plead with you to choose Heavenly beauty. Understand
the time and run for your lives. Children, promote not the work of the Evil One. There
are many symbols of the wicked one in the world market. They are not for you. Be wise
to understand the cunning ways of the Evil One, since they are wise to understand your
ways. Children, do this so as to complete your love for Me. I show you great love. You
show Me partial love. Offer your prayers tomorrow mostly for the purity of My Priests.
The enemy has won a great advantage over their holiness. A greater number, I say, a
greater number is falling from grace. Ask for a sanctifying grace on their behalf. I am
greatly displeased at the way they offer the Sacrament of Penance.
Children, the greatest Angel in Heaven has no power to forgive the smallest venial sin.
But I have given the power to mere mortal men, My Priests, to carry out this ministry
for My people. Know you, My Priests, that a single power to forgive a mortal sin is
greater than the power I used in creation. I need your mortification. I need your
holiness. I recommend to you the putting on of your stole when you administer this
great Sacrament. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who chose you and made you My
Priests. I demand from you what I AM. You are the greatest agony I suffer. I love you
greatly. I bless you”. Immediately, the vision passed, and then I came back to myself.
DATE: 3RD JULY, 2000
TIME: 8.30 PM
In our adoration prayers in the novena of the month of July, I saw the vision of a Holy
Chalice surrounded with Thorns. As I was watching, the cloud shook and covered the
whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, Who
calmly said:
your lives are hindering the kingdom of peace on earth. I am looking to see your
maturity, but I always find your unfaithfulness. Whenever I see your faithlessness My
Heart is weakened. Children, you are prolonging My Agonizing days”. “I called you to
hasten My Glorious Reign on earth. There are many who live as though they love Me
but their lives prove that they don’t. They are the enemies of My Holy Death. Children,
such people even follow Me and praise My Holy Name. But they really deny the truth
of My teaching. They follow their own way like Judas Iscariot who first betrayed Me. I
say, they are the Judases of this last age. Children, I am looking to see the repentant
heart of Mary Magdalene again among My people. I am looking to see a loving
daughter like her. Apart from My loving Mother, she was the first daughter to hasten
My Glorious Reign on earth. Children, as she saw her loving Master weeping out of
sorrow, when My Agonizing day was approaching, she neared Me and consoled Me.
She was the first daughter who anointed My Sacred Head and Feet. She felt the cruel
torture of My Sacred Head. How the wicked man will lacerate and disfigure the Temple
of Divine Wisdom, she felt sorry and adored the Lamb of Sacrifice. Children, indeed,
she lifted My tired Hand. She consoled My Agonizing Heart. She hastened My
Glorious Reign. Even at the moment of her criticism by Judas Iscariot, she remained
firm. She remained My consoler. O! When shall My eyes see a loving daughter like
her? When shall I see in you the true repentance? When will you go like her and sin no
more? “Children, your unfaithfulness wedges My Glorious Reign. Turn to Me with
true repentance. Learn from Me for I am Meek and Humble of Heart. Choose for
yourselves the Royal way of the Cross. Forget self; crucify on the cross your earthly
being. Then carry your cross daily and follow me. The sooner you respond to My call,
the sooner you hasten the hour of My peace through your holiness, while your
unfaithfulness wedges the day and prolongs My agonizing days.
Children, you will offer your prayers tomorrow mostly for the welfare of the Vatican
City. My agony increases as the day approaches. My Heart suffers greatly as He (the
Pope) feels the awful day approaching. Suffer with the Pope the agony of the last fight.
My children fear not, when you feel or hear about a terrible confusion or great
disorderliness in the Vatican City. You should not run about. You should not disobey.
Remain in obedience. I am near to help you and lead you. You will understand much
during the hour. The hour will not be as great and terrible for you as it shall be for the
world. My peace will remain with you. My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will protect you.
I told you this before so that your heart will not be troubled when the hour comes.
Children answer when I call you. Remember that your lives hinder My Glorious Reign
on earth. All of you who wait in laziness for the day of the great Tribulation will
stumble when the day comes. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ whom you have kept in
a dark prison of great agony. I called you to hasten My kingdom on earth. I love you all.
I bless you all.”
DATE: 4TH JULY, 2000
TIME: 7:30 PM
During our adoration prayer, I saw the vision of the crucified Jesus Christ, hanging
alive on the Cross, bleeding for love of us. After a while, a cloud came down and covered
the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, Who
calmly said:
“My children, you are My warriors of the last fight. I called you to train you and fill
you with power, so that you will be able to face the enemy and defeat him. I called you
to clothe you with all the Heavenly Armour so that the evil weapon of the enemy will
not harm you. Come nearer to Me and have My Great Seal. Do these novenas well, so
as to receive my blessing in full. This year marks the fourth year I gave you this great
favor, the month of July, the month in which My blessing and mercy flow like a river
to the thirsty souls. I am calling you all to My side to feel My warming care and hear
My teachings. I am calling you to train you so that you will not be defeated when the
hour comes. I say to you, My children that all who participated fully and devotedly in
these great novenas in the month of July are sure of being protected in their lifetime
and in the terrible hour of the coming Chastisement. I will clothe them with the
Heavenly Armour. I will fill them with power. I will give them the Heavenly Warrior to
be their guard. Children, I called this month a great month because the bloody tears of
My Mother have obtained for her children great favors in this month. Your own eyes
shall also see a great thing in this great month. I am calling you all to train you and
make you ready to meet the hour. The dreadful hour I have foretold you.
Learn all the teachings I am giving to you. Do not grow up like Barak who had less
confidence and faith in My Words. Though he later went to the battle, he had no grace
for his work. Have confidence and trust in My words like My servants, Moses, Joshua
and David who led My people to great battles, and won in My Name. I say My children
that it shall be as it was in the time of Elijah. There will be a great battle between My
people and the children of Baal, The Red Beast. The wicked Jezebel will come again. I
say, the one who will act like the old Jezebel will come. She will force all men to
worship Baal; I say, the wicked Red Beast. Many prophets of Mine will be martyred.
Large numbers of My people will worship the Beast and get lost forever.
The hour will be so terrifying. Who then will survive without adequate preparation?
I led My son, Elijah, in his forty days mortification in the desert without food or drink,
so that he would be able to fight and win the battle. Indeed, he received My teachings
and was filled with power. So he won the battle. I am calling you all, My children, to be
filled with the same spirit I gave to Elijah in the desert. Learn much from My son
Elijah. Trust in My power like him. Fight the evil prophet of Baal with total confidence
in Me as he did. I will give you victory as I did in the time of Elijah. Children, the
coming battle is so great. Only the strong warriors will fight the battle and still hold
their ground. Receive from Me now all the Armour needed for the battle. I am giving it
to you now. I say receive from Me this great month of July. Children, you will offer
your prayers tomorrow for the days of exile of My sorrowful Pope. Children, if in the
end this hour finally comes, know you that you are in exile. At that time you will fully
learn what I meant when I said, Let your heart (soul) be a living Tabernacle for My
dwelling. Be ready to meet the hour. Take advantage of My trainings and teachings.
Pray always and never give up. I am with you always. I love you all. I bless you all.”
Instantly, the vision passed.
DATE: 5TH JULY, 2000
TIME: 7:30 PM
In our adoration prayer, during the novena, I saw the vision of Our Lady kneeling at the
foot of the crucified Jesus Christ, Who was hanging alive, bleeding on the cross. As I
was looking to hear her consoling words of prayer, a cloud came down and covered the
whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ bathed
with Blood. He wept as He said:
“Where are Peter and his brothers to offer Me a drink? Where are they? I am thirsty! I
am thirsty!! I am thirsty!!! Who will offer Me a drink? Children, I am thirsty for your
love. My children, I am suffering a great thirst for the love of you. I am as I was on the
day of My Crucifixion. I have been on My mystical Agonizing Cross for over 2000
years as I was on the Cross three hours, begging for a drink. I say; I am thirsty. Would
that Peter is near, he would have offered Me a drink. What about James? Where is
Andrew? My apostles have deserted Me. Simon, even you, who owe Me great love.
When you met Me with Leprosy, you clung on Me. I healed you and made you clean.
Simon, you see Me now that I am a Leper, demanding a drink, you neglect Me. You
abandoned Me. Simon; you owe Me great love. When I looked and saw John holding
My Sorrowful Mother, I was consoled. Indeed, he was the only Apostle who offered
Me a drink. Behind them were the women disciples who wept for Me. Truly; they
consoled Me. They offered Me a drink. Children, I am looking to see an Apostle, so
loving like John. His heart nearly broke when he heard his loving Master weeping in great agony, and asking for a drink. He thought of changing his tears into a flow of
river so that his dying Master will have a drink before passing into eternity. My poor
John had nothing to offer Me. But love made him know that the sight of My Sorrowful
Mother will satisfy My thirst. He offered Me My loving Mother. I drank, I was satisfied
and, I said: “It is finished”.
Children, you are My Apostles of this last age. Come nearer to Me on the Cross. Come
and hear My Agonizing Appeal. I am thirsty. I am thirsty. My tongue has dried up. The
sweat of My Agony has made Me very dry. Do not abandon Me like Peter and his
brothers did. Come nearer to Me like John and the women disciples. Offer Me My
Sorrowful Mother. Children, you owe Me much. I say, you owe Me more than what
Simon owed Me. You are the group of lepers whom I saw at their point of death. You
lost all your strength at that time. You did not even see or know those who came to see
you. You were condemned and abandoned, but I saw you. I embraced you. I kissed you.
I healed you. Now you see Me as a Leper, and you abandon Me. I am crying to you to
offer Me a drink. You heard Me and said: How can I communicate with that Leper
man? You see Me and you run away. Children, you owe Me great love.
I am thirsty for the large number of souls who are getting lost. I am thirsty for the truth,
which you have abandoned. I am thirsty because of the great abominations that are
being set up in the Holy Place. I am thirsty for the painful cry of aborted babies. I
am greatly thirsty because of your unfaithfulness. Your fear of doing the good things
dried Me up. You fear like Peter and his brothers. You could not stand for Me. Come
nearer to Me and offer Me a drink. Stand for Me against the evils of your days. I am the
Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who demands from you “a drink”. Children, you will offer
your prayers tomorrow in atonement for the sins committed against your Saviour in the
Blessed Sacrament. You are driving your God away from His Holy Sanctuary. Know
you today, My children that on the day the Second Beast will climb the highest throne
in My holy Church the Glory of your God will depart. Then, you will see with your
own eyes the awful days, when there will be no morning and evening Sacrifice. At that
time, you will know what I meant when I said to you, “Be sealed!”
I have told you this before, I am lamenting it again with tears; fear the Presence of your
God in the Blessed Sacrament. Approach Him with reverence and love. No unqualified
person has any right to participate in the Feast of the only Sacrificial Lamb of God. All
who eat the Body and Blood of the New Covenant in a state of sin are already
condemned. Only the Levities have the right to carry the New Ark of the Covenant. Only
My Priests have the right to work in the Most Holy Place. But children, have your will;
your will is your will. I am thirsty. I am thirsty for you. When the Second Beast appears,
you will all understand.
Children, I will draw up the Programme of the second reparation prayer tomorrow. I
will also send St. Cecilia to teach you The Atonement Prayer with the Crown of Thorns
on the 14th of this month. She will teach you much. I am near to help you. I love you all.
I bless you all.” Immediately, the vision passed.
DATE: 6TH JULY, 2000
TIME: 7:30 PM
As we were praying, I saw the vision of a Chalice with a Crown of Thorns, around it
and a tongue of fire on its mouth. Divine rays radiated from the mouth of the Chalice
and brightened up the whole place. Within a short time, a cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud, appeared the Sacred Head crowned with thorns, Who calmly said:
“Children, the greatest preparation I am giving to you is the Living Sanctuary I am
making your souls. This is My greatest Seal. But even now, none of you understands
that your soul is a little Heaven. The greatest offer you will give Me is your soul; Make
it a Living Tabernacle for Me. I am willing to come and live there. I will make it My
everlasting residence. Children, this is the everlasting Tabernacle, your very soul, which
I am purifying with My sanctifying grace. Give it to Me and leave it for Me alone. This
earthly tabernacle will close forever on the last day; but My Living Tabernacle in your
very souls will remain forever, I say, for those who love Me.
Children, welcome your lonely Master, your Saviour and your Lover. I am all alone. I
am all abandoned with a Crown of Thorns. Iniquity has filled My Holy Sanctuary of
your souls. Children, that Temple will suffer greatly, the Temple, from which the
Glory of its God will depart. The enemy will march over it and destroy the Temple. Be
certain that you are not the Temple. On the day when the enemy of My Holy Death will
rise to fight the Holy Temple, all the deserted Sanctuaries will be destroyed; I mean
your own very sanctuary. Your soul, the Ark of the Covenant will be carried to the land
of the foreigners. The house of Israel will go on an exile. Children, I know that you
will little understand how this will be. What I mean is the capturing of your souls by the
power of darkness. The exile of the house of Israel, which means your exile in the land
of the wicked spirit, will manifest in this physical world. I say to you children that it
shall happen to all the deserted Tabernacles of My Church as it will happen to all the
deserted Tabernacles of your very souls. Know you, children, that the greatest agony
you will suffer during the hour of the great Tribulation is the departure of the Glory of
your God from His Tabernacle of your very souls, I mean the sinful souls. Pray, and
observe the Seal Hour I gave you. Confess your sins to a Priest with a sincere heart,
and repent. This is a true renewal of the seal. I will visit your souls with My
Sanctifying Grace during the Hour of Seal. I will let My Divine Light chase away the
darkness of your very souls. I will purify them. I will live there in fullness. When the
enemy of My Holy Death comes, I will protect you. They will not destroy My Temple
because the Glory of your God is living there in fullness. Barnabas, write out the
inspirations I gave you in the desert. I will make the full meaning of the Living
Sanctuary of your souls clear to the world. Do this quickly because I have many things
to teach My people for preparation. Children, you will offer your prayers tomorrow for
your own exile during the hour of the coming Tribulation. Ask much for the grace of
faith and endurance. When the hour comes, you will see the Evil Man forcing all men
to receive his evil seal. At that time, you will remember My begging voice that
appealed to you to receive the Heavenly Seal, but the hour of Heavenly Seal will have
passed. The hour is the hour of darkness, when the power of darkness rules. All who
received the evil seal – 666 – the code mark of the Beast will perish. They have no
share in the Land of Happiness, but to all who hold firm to their faith till the end, I will
give the Morning Star; they will live in the Land of Happiness. Though they will suffer
great persecution and even die as martyrs, I will console them. I will raise them again to
live forever. They will reign with Me in My Kingdom forever. Children, hear now and
run for your lives. I am the lonely Agonizing Jesus Christ, whom you all deserted.
Children, I called you again for reparation to prepare you all again for great work. I
have another greater project to appeal to you. I will share My work among you, whom I
called and they followed Me. I will empower you through your total dedication to Me. I
will give you My peace. Children, how I wish that all My chosen Apostles in all the
Dioceses of this country hear the call and answer. Remember that I say, My Apostles,
not Disciples. I need your full participation. The days are for My Apostles. The
parishioners will do their Gethsemane hour in their various homes. I have a great
Program for My Apostles only on that day. Remember to expose the Blessed
Sacrament throughout the days as before. You will light the altar with twelve tongues of
flame. I will remain with you. Children maintain silence in and around the arena. This
will please Heaven very much. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who called you. I
bless you all. Immediately, the vision passed.
DATE: 7TH JULY, 2000
TIME: 7:30 PM
During our novena prayer, Our Lord appeared to me in a vision with His Holy
Agonizing Face and calmly said:
“Children, I call on you to clothe My nakedness. You are My chosen; I am not making
this appeal to the world but to you, whom I love. I say, clothe My nakedness. Clothe
My nakedness, which My youths publicly expose. The enemy has succeeded in his plan
against holiness. The enemy swore that he would not live to see a virgin in the world.
He makes plans to seduce your hearts. Children, the enemy is succeeding in his plan.
Many people, many people are now moving about naked in the streets and towns of the
countries of the world. Children, this is the fashion of Hell, which has been introduced
into the world to ruin it. In Hell, you will find the mother of all the prostitutes dressing
naked. This is the culture of Hell. Many people, that is to say, a large number of My
lovers have followed the mother of all the prostitutes to expose Me naked. My chosen, I
appeal to you to clothe My nakedness through your way of life. Let your modesty
clothe My nakedness. Listen, My children, all who join the wicked woman of great
Babylon will suffer much when the blazing fire begins to destroy her. Children, have
you the Visa to Heaven? Imitate the Heavenly Beings, since you are Heavenly
Candidates. See, the children of Hell take the visa to Hell and imitate the demon of
Hell. You see them and follow them. Children, see how you have abandoned gold and
bought charcoal. What profit do you make by helping the mother of prostitutes in her
plan against holiness? Know you, children, that they will not escape the Heavenly
wrath, all who cause one of these little ones to sin. I say, all who follow the woman of
Babylon in her evil fashion will not escape unless they turn back to Me now and make
atonement for their sins. I am calling you all, My chosen, to clothe My nakedness.
Clothe My nakedness which the young ladies publicly expose daily. Clothe My
nakedness, which the gentlemen of this generation publicly expose. I am feeling greatly
ashamed. Children, come and clothe my nakedness. The mother of the prostitutes and
her agents are making fun of Me. They mock Me and say, Who then will clothe your
nakedness”? I looked and saw that you were following the evil woman.
Children, turn and look at yourselves. Whom then are you imitating? Hell or Heaven?
Why are you exposing Me naked? Why are you deceiving My children? See, a large
number of My children that have fallen into the sin of the flesh through your fashion.
What will you do to bring the souls back to Me? I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ,
Whom you took off His clothes and crucified. I am begging you to clothe My
nakedness through your way of life. Let your dressing clothe My nakedness and
console Me. Children, gain many souls for Me through your own way of life. I will
reward you much. Children, you will offer your prayers tomorrow for the souls of the
innocent children in the cloud. Their cries are hastening My Reign of Glory. Help and
train up more virgins in the world. I am appealing to all My lovers. I am the Agonizing
Jesus Christ, Who called you. Children, hear the voice of your Commander. I am your
Supreme Commander. Obey the command at any time. At the command of, “Shoot”,
shoot at once. At the command of, “Hold on” or “Take cover”, obey at once. If you hear
Me say, “Move”, move at once. ‘Stop!’. Obey the last order. The battle has reached its
climax. The enemy has many ways to attack you. Hear My last order. I am with you. I
am leading you to the war front as your Supreme Commander. I will give you victory.
Children, I have forgiven your past lateness. Be certain not to fall into the plan of the
wicked spirit. Pray and overcome him. Children, the cross will be ready before the
Reparation days come. The complete messages, that are well-edited, starting from 1st
Jan. 1997 to 31st July 2000 will be well compiled before the days come.
All these will be ready so that you will not regret when the hour comes. Children, you
have only little time left before the wicked man appears. Do all these things quickly.
Any precious time that passes will be regretted. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, whom
you took off His clothes and crucified. I love you all. I bless you all.” Immediately, the
vision passed.
DATE: 8TH JULY, 2000
TIME: 7:30 PM
In our novena prayer, I saw the vision of the resurrected Jesus Christ coming down
from the cloud with a large number of Angels, too many to be counted. They sang as
they came down. Cloud came down and covered the whole vision. Instantly the vision
passed. Then, in the cloud appeared the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, Who
gently said:
“My children, on the day when My glory will be revealed, you will see your Agonizing
Master coming down from the cloud. I say, all eyes will see Me, even those who
pierced My hands and feet. They will see the One, Whom they publicly exposed naked
to the world coming amidst the cloud with all the Angels in glory. They will feel
ashamed of themselves and regret forever. This will be their time to go and live with
their mother, the woman of great Babylon, in the deepest pit of the abyss. Children,
they will see their queen in her nakedness, and enjoy iniquity with her in the sulfuric
fire of the abyss”. Children, the wicked will see the Head they lacerated with thorns
being crowned with a Golden Crown. They will not even look at its brightness. The
dazzling light of its glory will blind their eyes. I say, they will be ashamed of
themselves and regret forever. But to you who remain My consolers in the Gethsemane
shall receive consolation. You who sincerely helped Me carry My Cross, I will give My
rest. My glorious peace will rest on you. I say, to you who wipe My Bloody Face, I will
wipe the tears of their eyes. I will let MY Glory shine on them. There will be no more
sorrow, no more pains, all these things will pass away. I will clothe you with the
brightest garment because you have clothed My nakedness. You will shine like the risen
sun. I will also give you the morning star. When wicked people in the torturing fire of
hell see your brightness, they will remember how they mocked you in the world
because you are my followers. They will also remember how they rejected My
anguished appeal in the world, and their agony will increase. All who offered Me a
drink will drink the living water that will come out from the new Garden of Eden. They
will drink and satisfy their thirst because they satisfied My thirst when they were in the
world. They will enjoy My loving feast with My lovers in Paradise. Finally, they will
rule with Me over the house of Israel, and reign with Me years to come. I am the
Agonizing Jesus Christ, Whom you are consoling. Children, rejoice because I have
given you the kingdom that cannot be shaken. You are My lovers, and I am with you
always. I am where you are now and soon you will be where I am forever. Children, I
am with you always. Only the one who removes himself from us will be lost. I say the
one who abandons us now will demarcate himself from Me now and forever. We shall
miss him here and miss him in Heaven. But you who remain united with Me, I am with
you always. Soon you will be with Me forever.”
I said: Lord, we shall remain with You. See the cross, we are presenting to You. Help us
to do Your Will. Our Lord said:“Children, I love your effort. I am happy, you are
consoling Me. Listen, this Crucifix is not My selected chosen one. But you will not
damage it. Keep it among the rest. Children, you are told to make a living bleeding
Agonizing Crucifix of your Agonizing Master. Show My bleeding Wounds, My clothing
stained with Blood, the Blood flowing out from the Sacred Hands and bathing My
Sacred Sides. The thorns that pierced My Sacred Head and the Blood that bathed My
Holy Face, the lacerated wounds of My knees, the Blood that is flowing out from the
Wounds of the nails of My Sacred Feet and bathing the wooden cross, the dazzling rays
of My Sacred Heart and the drops of Blood and Water will be well shown. Children, I
am hanging alive. Show My stress. Make a portable cross so that you will send it
without much difficulty. I am with you to help you. I have given My Angel to guard the
artist. Tell the artist to pay much attention to this work. I will fill him with My Spirit.
Barnabas, I have told you that I will send St. Cecilia to teach you the Atonement Prayer
with the Crown of Thorns. I will do this because you have asked for it. She will come
any hour before or after your novena on that day to teach you the prayer. She will do
this in one of the quiet times. My Angel will inform you when the time comes. During
your novena, she will come and teach you much. Do her good by your quietness and be
alert. Children, prepare for mortification when you are coming for the Reparation
Program. I will explain the program well in the next novena. I am calling My
Apostles, not Disciples. Do Me good to obey this command, so that you will have
nothing to regret.
Rejoice because you have a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. I love you all. I bless you
all.” Immediately, the vision passed.
DATE: 9TH JULY, 2000
TIME: 7:30 PM
Today being the last day of the first nine-day novena in the month of July, I saw in a
vision the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ emanating from the Blessed Sacrament
exposed on the altar. As I was watching, a cloud came down and covered the whole
place. The Holy Face appeared boldly in the cloud and said:
“My children, I am being glorified in you. I am happy to see you responding to My
anguished appeal. I see you changing from natural man to carnal man and then to
spiritual man. My painful cry touches your little soul. You console Me. In you, I am
being glorified.
I saw you when they laughed at you, made fun of you as they called you fanatics. I saw
you bearing the shame with joy. Indeed, you share in My shame. My sight of you
consoled Me because I have found in you the little flower of love. I am being glorified
in you. Children, I saw a large number of My people who were coming back to Me in
truth and in spirit because of your response to My appeal. Even those who mocked you
are now coming back to Me to know the truth. I saw your littleness; your simplicity and
your humility, I was glorified. Rejoice because you are My bearers. I can find rest in
your little souls. Children, do you know My greatest joy in you? When I looked back, I
saw you with total denial of yourselves carrying your cross after Me. I saw your
trouble. Even at the moment you fell, I saw you struggling under the weight of your
cross. I am the One, Who came and helped you to rise again. I am the One Who
encouraged you. My joy multiplied when I saw you with your wounded body still
carrying your cross after Me. I was consoled; I am being glorified in you.
Children, remain united in Me so that My joy for you will be complete. It remains a
little, then you will hear: “Come and have your rest. Rejoice in My Kingdom forever.”
You will see your Agonizing Master welcoming you into His everlasting peaceful
Home with His Angels. I will take away from you the heavy cross and reward you with
a Victorious Crown. When you look back at the terrible way you have come through,
how you bore the shame and mockery of the wicked, and your suffering in the dry and
hot desert of this world, and how you won, your hearts will be full of joy.
Children, I am appealing to you to remain united in Me. Obey all My anguished
appeals. Do not go and taste the world again. Abide in Me always.
Children, may I find your names in the Book of Life. I have bought you with My
Precious Blood. You are costly to Me. O! What a big loss to miss My loving kiss from
you in Heaven. O! What a painful loss. Children, may I find you. May I see a cheerful
heart of yours to embrace. May I see My loving ones.
Receive My blessing; I cover you all who devotedly did this novena with My Precious
Blood to see that you are protected against the wicked man. I clean your hearts and
build up My Living Tabernacle there as a sign of My Great Seal. You are My chosen
ones. I bless your families; you shall experience My loving care during the Great
Tribulation. I will allow My Precious Blood to fall on the hearts of your dear ones who
remain adamant to My Will. Their hearts of stone will turn to hearts of flesh. They will
come to know the truth. Even if they resist My call for holiness, I will arrest them like
Paul. I am giving you the grace of love. I am opening the gate of salvation for you all.
May your eyes open to see the joy of suffering. I pour on you the blessing of a
Sanctifying Grace. Children, I will not heal your bodily sickness. I am appealing to you
to offer it to Me. Offer it to your Agonizing Master. I will offer it with My agony to the
Eternal Father in atonement for your sins and those of the whole world. Children, I
know that your nature will not accept this loving appeal. I will teach you the merit of
suffering in the last novena for Israel. I will let you know the multiple graces you are
losing by avoiding your crosses. Accept My appeal. I say to you all; be healed in spirit.
Children, how I wish that all My Apostles in all the Dioceses of this country of yours
hear My call of the Reparation and come. I will be consoled. Children, I highly need
your full participation in the Reparation. Every hour has its own cross. I want you all to
share fully in the mortification life. I will give you a detailed program. Be sure that
you obey them all. I am calling you to mortify you and set you free for My work.
My Mother with the Saints and Angels will teach you much in the next novena.
Welcome them. I am being glorified through you. I bless you; in the Name of the
Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. I say, be healed in the Spirit.
I love you all. Remain in My peace.” Immediately, the vision passed.
DATE: 13TH JULY, 2000
TIME: 7:30 PM
Today, the first day of the three-day novena in honor of the Most Holy Trinity, I saw
the vision of Our Lady holding a Crown of Thorns with rose flowers that were fixed on
it. As She was coming down, a cloud came down and covered Her. There, in the cloud, I saw the Sanctuary of God. The Blessed Sacrament was exposed there. Our Lady who knelt in silence before the Blessed Sacrament got up and calmly said:
“Children, I come to express to you the agony of my Son, and let your eyes turn to the
weeping of the Beloved. Turn and see the Holy Face of the Most Loving. He is looking
for His friends. He is looking for them to come and console Him.
Children, are you not the cause of His weeping? Look at His Face dripping with sweat
of sorrow for love of you. He is alone. He is all abandoned. Come and hear His painful
appeal. Come nearer to Him and console Him. Children, I heard Him appealing to you
to live for Him, with Him, through Him and in Him. Hear Him and console Him.
Offer Him your whole being as a Living Sacrifice. May your lives glorify Him. May
you be His consolers. Live for Him alone. Children, accept His appeals. Live so as to
be the Veronicas of the last age, to wipe His bloody Face. Remember His appeals to
you. He said:
“Keep the day of obligation holy. Love your neighbor and pray for your enemy, and
obey all the rest of the Commandments of your God.” He further said to you that many
souls are going to hell because of the sins of the flesh. He appealed to you to help and
train more virgins in the world. He told you to live a modest life. Obey Him and work
hard. Stand for Him against all the errors that are fighting for the downfall of His Holy
Church. Look at His bloody Face and console Him. My daughter, Cecilia, will teach
you much about Heavenly Worship. Children, may it come to reign in the Holy
Church, the true worship as you can see modernism reigning and replacing holiness in
the Church.
Children, Heaven is training His Apostles, you are the Apostles of the last age. You are
called to renew and rectify what the Evil One has done to the handwork of God. This is
why the Saints in Heaven call you the Apostles of Renewal. Children, you have seen that
the enemy has succeeded in his plan. His agents have succeeded in winning you and
ruining the Holy Temple, in the same way, Heaven has chosen you to fight the Evil One
and his agents. Victory is promised to the very few that will fight to the end. They will
defeat the Evil One and his agents and bring back the True Worship.
Children, turn and look at the weeping Face of the Beloved and console Him. I am the
Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. Listen to your Programme for the Reparation.
You will have the Programme in this chapel. Your morning Masses will be celebrated
by 5:00 a.m. every day. And the evening Masses will be celebrated by 9:00 p.m. every
evening. In atonement for the sacrileges committed against my Son and my Saviour in
the Holy Eucharist, you shall walk on your knees as you go for communion. I say to all
who are able. St. Cecilia will treat the rest. You shall not eat anything cooked with oil
starting from the hour of the reparation on 11th September to 13th September 2000.
On the 14th September, you are to eat and enjoy yourselves, as you like till 12 noon of
that day. That day is the Great Feast of the Triumph of the Holy Cross. At the hour of
12 noon, my Priest will bless the cross; you will hold the first selected crucifix while
the rest will be laid on the floor of the Holy Sanctuary. Then my Priest, with the Most
Holy Trinity will bless it. Then the Holy Worship to alert the Twelve Tribes of Israel
will commence. The Programme will be made known to you on the 15th of this month.
You are to eat again that day from 6.20 pm to 6.40 pm. You are to do it quickly and
come back for the Holy Worship. On the 15th of September, I will allow you to drink water only, but remember that my Son suffered the whole day without any food or drink. On the16th, you can eat your normal food without oil in the morning. By 12 noon, you will close as you did in the first Reparation Programme. When the hour passes, enjoy whatever you have communally and go for the work that my Son will send you. I am the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who called you all. Children, when you
come, divide yourselves into twelve groups for the program of 14th of the month.
You are to choose a partner not from the group you belong. You shall be in twos to
discuss and share the Will of God together. This shall be done every day of the
Reparation from 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Group sharing will be from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00
a.m. every day of the program. The rest of the hour will be occupied with your
prayers and private meditation. Never forget to discuss all the messages you will have
during the hour immediately you get them. I have little things to tell you on the 26th of
this month during your last novena. Obey every bit of this program. Children, those
who come late today or sleep in the Presence of my Son will not join you here in this
novena. They can join you later in the last novena. All who will do like them later will
not join you. Children, you have come to the Agonizing Saviour. Learn to console so as
to be consoled. I welcome you all in My peace. I say to you all, peace be with you.
So, I bless you.” Immediately, she left the crown on my head and vanished.
DATE: 14TH JULY, 2000
TIME: 4:30 AM
As I was sleeping after the Gethsemane Hour of prayer, I heard a little voice which
called me, “Barnabas, Barnabas, get up, go to the Chapel and meet the Heavenly
daughter Cecilia. Get up and meet her”. By this time, I remembered Our Lord’s
promise that He will send His Angels to inform me when the hour comes to meet her.
Immediately I went straight to the Chapel. There, I saw the vision of the Agonizing
Lamb of God, hanging alive, bleeding for love of us. His Head was crowned with
Thorns: Blood dripped down from the Wounds of the Thorns and bathed His Holy
Face. As I was looking, a cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud,
the vision remained there with a large number of Heavenly Cherubim who sang songs.
In the front of the Crucified Lamb, I saw a gentle Lady kneeling before the Crucified
Lamb of God. My inner self told me that she was Saint Cecilia. She kept silent for a
short time and finally prayed.
In her silence, I heard a sorrowful song from infinity, which I recorded as thus:
1. I am all alone
I am all abandoned
Leaving Me with a Crown of Thorns
That pierced My heart, which pierced My Head
All My people have deserted Me.
2. My lovers
My lovers
Where are you? Where are you?
This Crown of Thorns has pierced My Soul
Withdraw the Thorns, have mercy on Me.
3. For love of you
For love of you
I died on the Cross, with a Crown of Thorns
I am living with the Thorns again
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ.
After the song there was silence. Then, the Saint who had a Crown of Thorns in her
hands, gazing at the Crucified Jesus Christ on the Cross, steadily and finally prayed.
“My Dearest Agonizing Jesus Christ, Son of the Most High, I prostrate at Your Feet
with all my nothingness. I recall all my grievous offenses against You. I pray You
Lord: Have mercy on me. My sins kept You in agony over thousands of years. Looking
at Thee hanging alive on the Cross, with a horrible Crown of Thorns, blood badly
bathing Your Face, and the spikes of the thorns piercing Your delicate Sacred Head, I
feel sorry for my ungrateful gift of Thorns to You. I wish to withdraw the Crown of
Thorns and offer You a loving Golden Crown,” (Kissing the crown and pressing it to
her heart) she then prayed:
My Jesus, whom I lacerated His Sacred Head with a Crown of Thorns, Have mercy on
me and forgive Your world.
My Jesus, Who is suffering mystically the pains and agony of my wicked Crown of
Thorns in Your Sacred Heart, Have mercy on me and forgive Your world.
My Jesus, Who suffers the ignominy of my wicked Crown of Thorns Have mercy on me
and forgive Your world”. (Pressing the thorns on her head, she kissed the feet of the
Agonizing Jesus Christ on the Cross, and prayed): “My Agonizing Jesus, I remember
how I beat Your Sacred Head with an iron rod to drive the spikes of the Thorns into
Your delicate Brain. I feel its sound and pain like a thunderbolt, disfiguring Your
virginal Being. Oh! How callously my wickedness has suffered You, my gentle
Saviour. When I consider Your terrible journey to Calvary, I weep bitterly for my wicked Crown of Thorns on Your Sacred Head, the Seat of Divine Wisdom. I feel your falling under the Cross, with the weight of the Cross helping the spikes penetrating deeper and deeper into Your delicate Brain. I saw my very self, dragging You up and beating You on Your Sacred Head with a spear. Oh! Would that I was not the one who did all these things to my loving Saviour. I will fight for you. My Jesus, I have treated You cruelly, forgive me, forgive me, and forgive Your world. I will do all things possible to withdraw the Thorns through my own way of life henceforth. My wickedness kept the Crown of
Thorns on Your Sacred Head till Your death to see that You did not draw any comfort
from any part of Yourself. Lord, have mercy on me, Christ, have mercy on my
wickedness. I feel Your Sacred Head resting dead on the lap of Your Sorrowful Mother.
There I saw the united hands of John the Beloved, Mary Magdalene, and Your
Sorrowful Mother removing my wicked Crown of Thorns on Your Sacred Head with
loving tears. I wish, I were one of them, withdrawing my wicked crown and offering
you a Golden Crown of my love to You.” (Holding the Crown of Thorns and looking
meditatively in silence), she finally prayed:
“I offer You my very self and promise to carry my cross after You all the days of my
life with joy and love. Take the merits of my sufferings and persecutions which I
promise to accept with love in atonement for my sins and those of the whole world.
Dearest Agonizing Jesus Christ with this poor offering, I wish to withdraw my wicked
Crown of Thorns and offer You a Golden Crown. Receive from me a sincere love. This
is my Golden Crown I am offering to You. Amen.
Eternal Father, I have offended You greatly for having lacerated the Sacred Head of
Your only-begotten Son, the One Whom You love most. Have mercy on me. Forgive me
and forgive Your world. (Three times)
After the prayer, the Saint added: “Son of the Beloved, Jesus loves this prayer much.
He wants to hear you pray it always with love and a sincere heart of repentance. If you
do, you are withdrawing the thorns which pierced His delicate Brain. Son of the
Beloved, Jesus loves you much. He hears you always. He teaches you with love. Come
nearer to Him always. Never desert Him. Before I leave you now, I will teach you a
song of adoration to the Crucified Lamb on the Cross. You will hear the song tomorrow
as the Angels teach you the program of 14th September. I will teach it to you now, so
that when you hear the songs, you will remember.
Hear the song:
1. Holy, Holy, Holy d.d:r.m:f-f:-
Holy, Holy, Holy f.f:m.r:m-m:-
Holy is the Lamb m.m:r.d:r:-
Who died on the Cross. r.r.d.t:d-d:-
2. Honour, glory and praises.
Power, wealth and wisdom
Strength and might to Thee
Sacrificial Lamb
3. Thy Kingdom come
Agonizing Lord
Thy Kingdom come
Merciful Lamb
4. Reign forever Lord
Crucified Lamb of God
Who hangs bleeding for love
Reign forever more.
Son of the Beloved, tomorrow you will hear the Heavenly Beings adoring the
Sacrificial Lamb of God Who hangs bleeding on the Cross for love of you. When the
time comes, you will join them. I am coming back in the evening to teach you what
motivated me to come to you. I am your daughter Cecilia. I pray that you will not give
up. May Jesus, Who loves you, bless you all. So I leave you” Immediately, the vision
DATE: 14TH JULY, 2000
TIME: 7:30 PM
In our novena prayer, I saw the vision of a Holy Sanctuary in the cloud. The Ark of
Covenant was there. Within a short time, there was lightning and the sound of thunder.
Instantly, I saw Saint Cecilia, holding a brass trumpet in her hands, and little Cherubim
by her sides. She came nearer and finally said:
“Son of the Beloved, I have come to express my gratitude for the love, which Jesus
Christ has for you. I am your daughter, Cecilia. I am here, through the loving appeal of
my Sorrowful Mother. Son of the beloved, how I wish you love Jesus Christ much. He
really loves you. He suffers martyrdom daily due to your sins, in a mystical way. This
martyrdom is greater than any form of martyrdom, which one can ever experience. He
loves to be nearer to you always, but you desert Him. Son of the beloved, think of what
it means that your God and Your Saviour weeps for you. He wept not only ordinary
tears but tears of blood. He calmly appeals to you with a gentle voice to show Him
love, yet you reply Him with hatred. Son of the Beloved, who do you think you are?
Look at a Creator weeping for His creatures. Indeed, He loves you, His creature. Come
near to Him. Jesus is really looking to see your love. He wants to keep you where He is
so that nothing will harm you. Answer Him when He calls; approach Him with love and
Children of the Beloved, know you today that you ought to do before the Blessed
Sacrament what we are doing in Heaven, because it is the same God we have in Heaven
that you too have in the Blessed Sacrament. The whole Heavenly Court fear the
dazzling light of God’s Presence in the altar of Heaven; you too will fear the same God
Who is really present in the Holy Eucharist. Children of the Beloved, you are to show
perfect reverence to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, so that you will receive from Him
multiple blessings. You miss multiple blessings by not adoring Jesus Christ in absolute reverence and awe. He is really present in the Blessed Sacrament. He is the
same God we adore in Heaven.
Children of the Beloved, learn to prostrate well whenever you approach the Most
Blessed Sacrament in the Holy Sanctuary. Learn also to bow low to the mighty Name of
Jesus Christ at any time you hear it, and to the Holy Name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Learn and do this always so as to gain multiple blessings
from the Most High God. Put it into practice now. Make it a part of you. This is how it
is done in Heaven. Then, learn from now not to call the Name of your God in vain. All
the Holy Names of your God and your Saviour when called need to be adored. Children
of the Beloved, I know that this will seem difficult for you because you are living in an
arrogant and wicked world, which fills you with pride. But you are to learn it from now
because you are the Apostles of Renewal. You are called to hasten the Glorious Reign
on earth. Children of the beloved, when you come for the Reparation, you are to adore
the Presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament with absolute reverence and
awe. Whenever you hear the Priest of God calling you to join the Saints and the Holy
Angels in singing ‘Holy, Holy, Holy,’ during Mass, you are to prostrate with your head
touching the ground to sing with the Saints, Holy, Holy, Holy. You are to do this in
atonement for your sins of negligence and those of the whole world committed against
the Presence of God in the Holy Eucharist. Remain on your knees with a humble heart
to offer the rest of the prayers of Consecration. After Communion, you shall stand up to
offer noble thanks to the Most High Trinity, Who fed you with the Sacrificial Lamb.
Finally, you are to kneel with your head bowed low to receive the Divine Spirit and the
final blessing. In the end, praise the Holy Name of your God. Children of the Beloved,
you will do all these things, in addition to the order given by the Sorrowful Mother, in
atonement for all the sins committed against the New Ark of the Covenant. Children of
the Beloved, after you have participated in this Great Reparation, you will learn to
adore with fear the Presence of your God. I say to you that you will die out of fear the
moment you come to the full knowledge of the One you daily neglected with coldness
and mindlessness. It is only with the guidance of Holy Angels that a Holy Soul reaches
the Presence of God in Heaven. The Glory of God is great. No one can stand in His
Presence if not for His love, and mercifulness. Our God is so kind. He forgives all who
turn to Him with true and sincere repentance. Learn now, that He will forgive your past
negligence. Then, I asked: “Can one offer ‘a hand of peace’ during the hour of
Consecration?” She replied: “Children of the Beloved, if you are to offer the sign of
peace, you shall do it moderately with regards to the Sacrificial Lamb on the altar. He
does no wrong he who wishes peace to his sorrowful friend who lost his Father. But he
does great wrong if he casually does this. His words will only inflame the sorrow of
his friend. Jesus is highly annoyed with your total abandonment during this hour. He
greatly needs your nearness to His love. Nothing should distract you during this hour. I
say, gently offer the sign of peace and keep on meditating on the agony of Jesus Who
loves you much.
Children of the Beloved, know you again that it is the same God you have in the
Blessed Sacrament that we have in Heaven. Learn to do before the Blessed Sacrament
what we are doing in Heaven.
This is the Glorious Reign you are called to hasten. May it reign in the world, the
Heavenly Worship through you, as you see ‘modernism’ reigning in the world through
the agents of the Evil One.
I am praying for you all, in union with the Heavenly Saints, to see that you all will
remain firm in your faith and hasten the Glorious Reign of peace. May the blessing of
your God remain with you all. So, I leave you” Immediately, the vision passed.