20 TH JULY, 1997(9:00 PM)
On the first day of the third novena, that is, the twelve-day novena, I saw in a vision the
Holy Face of Jesus Christ in the cloud. He was wearing a Crown of Thorns on His Head
and blood continuously flowed out. In the same cloud were little Cherubim who were
praying, consoling and adoring the Agonizing Jesus Christ.
I looked up; blood from the Sacred Head spiritually dropped on my head. Then, He said
to me:
“My son, listen, try much to record these words”.
Immediately, I saw my fellow devotees and a great number of people who joined in
adoring the Agonizing Jesus Christ. They were surrounded by numerous Angels of God
in the adoration. As we called upon the Precious Blood, blood fell on them from the
Sacred Head.
Then he said:
“My children, you are welcome to this great novena let the peace from Heaven be with
Today, Heaven is happy to see you adoring the Most Precious Blood of your salvation.
They join you in prayers. They will remain with you in this adoration. Let all men enjoy
this great privilege.
Listen, My children, this great novena is not for the gossips but for My humble devotees,
who remain in faith and are waiting for the return of their Master. My children this very
call is not for the gossips, I say to you this call is for My patient devotees who will make
known this devotion to the world.
I warn you all My people, never speak about this devotion now. Never preach it to
anyone because you can’t explain it now. Even My first Apostles of this devotion cannot
speak much about it, not to talk of you. Join the novena; all who fulfill this great novena
will have power to preach and speak about the devotion to the world.
Children, know it today that this call is a call to holy life. The aim of this devotion is not
for revelation, but to teach the world how to pray. I give these little revelations to you
only to let your hearts turn to Me. I made it so that you will believe and save your lives.
Heaven will give all revelations to mystics of the last age through Divine prophecy.
My children, I call all men as I called the Israelites in the past. I chose this devotion as I
chose Israel My son to be great. They were weak, but I made them strong, they were
few, but their number increased. They were those whom I saved from Egypt through the
blood of animals. I led them many years in the desert till they reached the Promised
Land after defeating many nations.
In the same way, I chose this group out of the many devotions in My holy Church to be
the new Israelites who will receive special favour through My Precious Blood. I say to
you My Precious Blood will save. Honour it! All who devotedly call upon My Precious
Blood will be saved. They will adore Me, and eat and drink in the feast of joy with Me
after the great Tribulation. They will not understand these words all who live the life of
the flesh. Only a spiritual man will hear these words and understand them. Pray and
allow My Spirit to open your hearts so that you will understand.
My children, the greatness of this devotion will come after this coming Purification when
all men, who are saved, will acknowledge the value of the Price of their salvation and
adore Me. Before the great day comes, I will teach many great prayers and songs to
you. I will allow My Angel to reveal and teach Heavenly prayers to you. Through these
prayers the New Jerusalem will worship Me.
My children, don’t come as the people of Israel came; do not refuse to hear Him
speaking from Heaven, if you refuse, you will not escape. Read Heb. 12:12-29 read it
now and understand the meaning. Read 1 Cor. 10:1-19, Read and meditate, then run
for your lives.
This way is a desert way, all those who will follow will have faith. Keep this arena silent;
as from 8.pm. Heaven will adore Me during this hour. Keep this hour holy.
My children, anyone who falls asleep, or comes late or does not come for prayer, will not
continue with this novena. My anger will chase him away. Warn them not to join this
novena any more. Let My faithful ones remain. This warning is for the first devotees, to
train them. It will be a lesson for the future devotees.
I have a great thing to teach you. Answer this call with joy. My Precious Blood will
save. I bless you all.”
Immediately the vision passed. A hand appeared from the cloud and touched my
forehead. I woke up and recalled all the words.
21 ST JULY, 1997(9:00 PM)
During our novena prayer with Mass, Consolation, Reparation and Adoration Prayers, I
saw Our Lord Jesus Christ tied to the pillar. The Jewish soldiers were beating Him. They
beat Him and inflicted many wounds on His Body. Our Lord wept bitterly.
Within a short time cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud
appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ with His Hands tied together and there were
numerous Wounds on His Body. Blood constantly flowed from His Head crowned with
thorns, and covered His Body, which was covered also with the Wounds inflicted on Him
by the scourging. After some time, the cloud shook, the Holy Face appeared and said:
“Honour My Precious Blood, O My loving children, and save your souls and the whole
world. Make constant devotion to My Precious Blood; you will be protected from the
snares of the devil.
My children, the hour of great devotion will come. The hour will be a long period of holy
living in the world. For a thousand years, the power of darkness will be chained and My
Precious Blood will reign forever. The great Sacrifice offered daily at the Holy Mass would
praise and lift the Throne of the Eternal Father. The Sacred Body and Blood offered daily
would reign forever. Pray, pray much that you will see this great period. Practise this
devotion to My Precious Blood; you will reach the happy era.
Happy are those who reach the great hour of happiness; the second death has no power
over them. My children, My Blood is a great weapon. Through My Precious Blood, the
heavenly armies won the great battle and chased the enemy away. Fight your enemy,
the evil spirits, with My Precious Blood; you will conquer them.
My Precious Blood is the circumcision of Gentiles. Through My Precious Blood, the great
salvation reached all men whether Jews or Gentiles. All were baptized into one body
and spirit through My Precious Blood. My Blood is the Price of salvation. Through My
Precious Blood, you were brought together as members of one family. My Precious Blood
paid the debt of human slavery and made men adopted sons. You are no more slaves
but sons, that is why I call you My children. I say to you, honour the Price of your
My Blood is the hope of innocent souls, only My Precious Blood will grant mercy to the
unborn innocent souls. Only My Precious Blood will save them. I say to you, baptize
them with My Precious Blood.
My Precious Blood is the Mercy of the Eternal Father; through My Precious Blood, mercy
was granted to humanity. Now, My Precious Blood grants mercy to the world. And even
in the great hour of darkness, the hour of My Father’s wrath. My Precious Blood has
power to grant mercy to humanity. Call on My Precious Blood always; it calms the anger
of the Eternal Father.
Children, I say to you, love Me and console Me always; pray and teach others how to
pray. Honour the Precious Blood which men neglect.
Listen, My children, expose the Blessed Sacrament for thirty minutes before you start
the novena; let all of you offer petition songs to Me for ten minutes. After, look at My
Holy Crucifix and meditate on My Passion. Have mercy on Me. Then, offer your private
intentions to Me. Before you start the novena, invite the Holy Trinity with songs.
My children, on the 26 th of this month you will write out your intentions. Write the
names of unrepentant sinners in your family. I will answer you according to the Divine
Will. I say to you, you will give testimony when your prayer is answered. On the last
day of this novena the petitions will be burnt after the holy devotion.
Children, many slept yesterday, but they are here today. I say, you welcomed those
who come late, who fell asleep in My Presence and those who did not come to pray. If
you can’t listen, I will stop the novena before the end of it. I say to you, this habit
displeases Heaven.
My children, it is better to welcome those who heard the information late than those who
miss the novena after attending it.
Bring your Holy Bible with you tomorrow. I will teach you many things. Please My
children, study these messages. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, have mercy on me. I
love you. I bless you all.”
Immediately the vision passed, the pierced Hand appeared.
Precious Blood dropped three times on me. Then I woke up and recorded the message.
22 ND JULY, 1997(9:00 PM)
In our novena prayer with Mass and adoration, as we were praying, Heaven opened. In
a vision, I saw a Lamb sitting on the Throne of God. The Lamb held a flag on which was
“REIGN, Oh Most PRECIOUS BLOOD OF REDEMPTION.” There was a great number of
people who were worshipping the Lamb. They came from all places and languages of
the whole world. Within a short time an angel appeared to me and said:
“Son of man, do you know these people? Where did they come from?” I replied, “You
know more than I sir, tell me.” The Angel said: “These people are God’s people who
have overcome the great Trial and Chastisement. They have now won and have washed
themselves with the Blood of the Lamb. They will reign with Him over a thousand
Immediately cloud came down and covered the whole place. The Holy Face, with the
thorn-crowned Head appeared; blood was constantly gushing out. He came nearer and
“My children, open your Holy Bible and study My holy messages. Let your eyes open that
you will understand the Scriptures.”
Immediately, the Precious Blood from the Sacred Head fell on us and He continued by
“In the olden days, men offered the sacrifice of bulls for the remission of sins. But in
this present age, My Body served as the atonement. Moses made a seal of covenant
with the blood of animals, that they would obey the Law of the Eternal Father, read
Exodus 24:1-8. This is a seal that all men will keep the Law. This covenant was
renewed every year because they could not pay the debt for their sins forever.
This is why My Father prepared My Blood as an everlasting covenant. Read Heb. 9:21-
end and 10:1-9. On My Last Supper on earth, I took bread and wine as a Divine
Sacrifice to My Father. Immediately, the bread became My Body, and the wine become
My Blood. This is the greatest Sacrifice. Read Matthew 26: 27-28, and the gospel of
Mark 14:23-24. The same Sacrifice was proved by the Holy Spirit as the Everlasting
Covenant through My Apostle, Paul, in the letter he wrote to the Corinthians. (1 Cor.
My children, the Spirit made it clear in the Letter to the Hebrews 9:19-22, that only
Blood can wash away sins. And My Precious Blood does this forever.
My children, you can see that anyone who breaks the law given to Moses was stoned to
death. They did this because blood is a great seal; whoever sheds the blood of My
children will suffer greatly.
How then can anyone who neglects the Precious Blood of his salvation be saved? The
Spirit says in the Letter to Hebrews, Chapter 10 verse 29 that he will suffer. But now, I
am telling you that they will curse the day they were born, those who show coldness and
neglect to the Precious Blood of their salvation.
The land to which you are being called is holy. This call is holy. There are mysteries,
which eyes cannot see. I say to you, read Heb. Chapter 12:22-27 and understand these
words, for that is what it is.
My children, I say to you, pray much for this town, pray that their eyes will be opened to
see their great privilege. If they cannot change their hearts before the Chastisement, I
will take away the glory of the holy land and give it to those who will welcome it. The
land is holy.
Rejoice for you are called to the joyful feast of God’s first-born sons. My Precious Blood
will save all who call for help. Read Heb. 12:24.
Build your faith on the three testimonies; the Water, the Spirit and the Blood, you will be
saved. Read the first Letter of John, Chapter 5:6-12 and meditate on these words.
Through the Water you were baptized; the Spirit renewed you and baptized you with
fire, and My Precious Blood saved you.
Make your faith strong, share in My shame and suffering; you will rejoice with Me in the
end. Encourage yourselves with the words of the Spirit in the Letter to the Hebrews
chapter 13:10-16. I say to you, love suffering; love the persecutions you suffer for My
sake. I say again, surrender to all crosses. Even if you die for My sake, My Precious
Blood will save you. You will reign with Me forever. Meditate on Revelation chapter 7:8
the end and let your faith grow up.
My children, study these words carefully and be ready to preach this Devotion when the
right time comes. Make your soul a home for My Spirit, and I will teach you many
Barnabas, receive any question from your people, I will answer them. I love those who
pray and meditate on My passion. I bless them and My Spirit fills them.
Continue the adoration as you have done today. I am with you all. I bless you “
Immediately the vision passed. Then a book opened in the cloud, but I could not read
anything from it. Then I came back.
23 RD JULY, 1997(9:00 PM)
During our novena prayer with Mass and adoration, I saw, in a vision, Our Lord Jesus
Christ in the cloud. Immediately, He came nearer to me holding a sword. Divine Light
shone greatly from the sword, then He said:
“Today, I come to you with love and beg you, My loving children, to pray and watch
always. Be careful always. Never let the enemy defeat you. Never, I say to you, never
let any of you fall into the sin of the flesh. I say to you, be careful not to chase the Holy
Spirit away. Your enemy is fighting you. They plan for your downfall. Pray always.
Meditate on My agony; you will be filled with power. Call on My Precious Blood; your
enemy will be defeated. Console and adore My Precious Blood, I will protect you. Make
constant reparation for the sins committed against My Precious Blood. Sinners will
change their ways and turn to Me.
My children, pray this Chaplet of My Precious Blood, I promise to destroy many
kingdoms of your enemy, the evil spirits.
Many of you who look at My Crucifix and still harden their hearts, let My agony touch
your souls. My children, love Me and console Me. I will not answer any questions from
you because you make noise; you disturbed Heaven in your adoration. Keep yourselves
holy and speak less. Live a life of silence tomorrow; fight and conquer your enemy.
Please, My children, if anyone among you loves Me, let him console Me and show Me
love in this adoration always. My Precious Blood will show mercy. I am with you all. I
bless you all”
Immediately the vision passed. Then appeared two great swords in the cloud crossing
each other. In the middle, was a chalice and a Sacred Host on the top. Then I came
24 TH JULY, 1997(9:00 PM)
In our novena prayer with Mass and adoration, I saw, in a vision, Our Lord Jesus Christ
hanging on the Cross on a mountain. Blood flowed out from the Wounds of His Body.
Then Our Lord wept bitterly.
Within a short time, cloud covered the whole mountain. The Holy Face appeared with
numerous Cherubim. He kept silent at first and was in a great agony. Then He said:
“My loving children, keep your root strong in My holy Church. Obey her teachings and
live a holy life. Confess your sins to My Priests and prepare yourselves always for the
working of My Spirit.
Live in the fullness of love and offer your lives for My service. Hold firm your faith. Help
to rebuild the Temple for My sake; I say to you, never fight the flesh, never; I say,
never attack the Temple of the Spirit. If you do, the Father will judge you.
Pray and ask the Father for Divine Wisdom in My Name; I say to you, pray for wisdom.
The Spirit gives wisdom to the humble and teaches them Divine ways.
I shed My Blood so that your eyes will be opened through the Holy Spirit of My promise.
My Precious Blood is the power of the Holy Spirit. Children, whenever you call upon My
Precious Blood with all your heart and with love, the Holy Ghost will come and abide in
you. Call upon My Precious Blood and be filled with power.
My children, the gate will be opened, the way of life will be made known, but only a few
will follow it at first. When the door is about to close, the flock will rush to enter. But
time will be over. Who will save them? And what shall be their hope?
My children, practise the devotion to My Precious Blood now. I say to you pray now that
there is time. Inform others to join you in your devotional life now that there is time.
Let all who love Me pray much and console Me.
Many people come here but their hearts are far from Me. When shall they know this
truth? When will their hearts and their eyes open to this great favour? Many will regret
at last. Join and make this devotion holy. Pray, pray, console Me. I love you. Show Me
love so that you will have nothing to regret.
Barnabas, receive the questions from your people. I will allow you to ask them and I
will answer you. He who judges shall be judged. Know the Good Shepherd, listen to His
alarm and run for your lives. My children, I say, pray that My flock will hear the voice of
the Good Shepherd and run for their lives.
Those who love Me and adore My Precious Blood will not be lost. My Precious Blood will
save them. Barnabas, many will not understand this message, pray for them. I love
you all. I bless you all.”
Immediately, the vision passed. A great Cross appeared in the cloud. I looked at it for
sometime and came back to myself.
25 TH JULY, 1997(9:00 PM)
During our novena prayer with Mass and adoration, in the cloud I saw in a vision, the
Agonizing Jesus Christ, His Hands tied with a rope. There were numerous wounds on His
Sacred Body. Blood constantly flowed from there. Within a short time the cloud shook.
Then appeared the Holy Face. He quietly said:
“My children, peace be with you” (Immediately Blood from the Sacred Head fell on us).
He continued by saying; “Offer your questions to Me”. He kept silent:
Then I said, “May Your Name be adored forever, O My Lord. Adoration to Thee,
Agonizing Jesus Christ. Lord, Thy Kingdom come. Then I continued,
“Please Lord, answer the questions of your sinful creatures. They ask, among all your
sufferings, which one pained You most? Please say something about the thorns in Your
Sacred Head and that of the Sacred Heart. Here is another question. Why is it that most
of the things you did are in triplets? For example Your Resurrection, the Temptation, on
the third day you were found in the temple and many others. Please, Lord, speak on
these matters. And which one is the Immaculate Heart between the two stars, is it the
eastern or western one? O Lord answer us. Then He said:
“My children, learn to console Me always in My Agony. I suffered many tortures for your
salvation. These tortures are hidden, and were not written down in the Holy Bible. I
reveal it to My children who love Me and will console Me. The Jewish soldiers tied Me to
the Pillar and beat Me mercilessly. After beating Me they tied, My Hands and Feet and
rolled Me from one end to the other. They beat Me and broke My Head with iron rods.
They stepped on Me one after the other; when they were tired they gathered together
and pricked Me with pins and needles, and then they poured liquid lead on the Wounds
and left Me there. I say to you, My loving children, if anyone among you loves Me, let
him console Me. If anyone loves Me, let him adore My Precious Blood, I will show him
love he who loves Me, and show mercy to him who honours My Wounds and My Precious
My children, all My sufferings and agony are reflected in My Sacred Heart. My Heart
bears all the pains. The Mystical Crown of Thorns in My Heart represents the Crown of
Thorns on My Sacred Head. The Crown of Thorns is real. Console Me.
Live in the Trinitarian love. Believe in the Trinitarian power. Adore the Trinitarian God,
One God forever.”
The Immaculate Heart appeared in the cloud. “She is the brightest among all stars.
Know the Ark of the Covenant and rejoice. Say your Rosary always. You will enter the
Ark. My children, know this!” (Silence)
I then said, “Lord, may Your Name be adored forever. Lord, please answer me these
other questions. When will the trouble begin in Rome? And what order will your
children follow? In some apparitions they say that Nigeria will sink? What about the
innocent ones? Will they all perish? About the coming Chastisement, there are those
who cannot afford to buy candle, or do sacrifices or even say the recommended prayers.
What will they do? And what about those who do not believe in these Your messages?
What shall we do to convince them? Lord, you told us about other Visionaries, can you
say something about them? Lord, how can we know the tablet? River blindness, is it
among”? (The cloud shock) He said:
“Barnabas, be wise to ask reasonable questions. Ask what will help the world; I will
answer all their questions. I will make everything clear to them. Do not fear. I love you,
continue, My son.
And I continued, “Lord, many ask what will they do to fulfill your wish and follow this call
till the end. What will we do to make this call, holy? Lord, answer us, you know that we
are willing to show you love. Help us to love Thee. Please, Lord, give us the possible
means to convert our families. Lord, thy Kingdom come.“
“My children, when you hear; when you feel and when you see that My Pope is seized or
that My Pope has fled from Rome and has run for his life to another country, the hour
has come. My children will suffer much. I say to you, let all pray much that My true
teaching will be in your hearts. Many nations will perish and disappear from the face of
the earth. But My children will be saved. Those who love Me and call on Me for safety
will be saved, I say to you. Those who adore My Precious Blood and console Me in My
agony will not be affected. My Precious Blood will save and My Mother’s Immaculate
Heart will protect.
My children, during the Chastisement many holy ones will die accidentally because they
did not obey My warnings. Many will suffer terrible agony because they neglected My
warnings. I say to you, pray, pray that the flock will hear the voice of the Shepherd and
run for their lives. If the flock remains adamant to the alarm of the Shepherd the wild
animal will come and destroy. I say to you, the Shepherd will not regret. I say to you;
pray, pray much. Make effort and obey all the instructions.
Teach them the simple prayers. Teach them; ‘PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST –
SAVE US AND THE WHOLE WORLD.’ My Father will protect and save them. Pray for the
rest of the visionaries and mystics in the town. When the hour comes, I will call them
and set them to work.
When you see or hear about the tablet, My Spirit will tell you which one is the tablet.
Be humble and accept the Divine Will, you will reach the end. Offer your families to My
Precious Blood. I will save them. I promise to convert them before the great Tribulation
comes. There will be peace and love. I say to you, adore and honour My Precious
Blood. I will allow My Precious Blood to fall on the heart of every sinner offered to My
Precious Blood. I say, offer them to Me and pray for them always. Through My Precious
Blood, I will destroy all evils in your families. I have heard your prayers. Rejoice for
your request has been granted.
My children, never fail to give testimony when you see this goodness from the One Who
loves You. Adore My Precious Blood and let all men join you.
Barnabas, the remaining days are great and holy. Your adoration will be great and holy.
Come with reverence and awe and worship your God.
All who feel sleepy and weak will not be in this chapel, let them remain outside and offer
their adoration to Me. They should not enter this chapel till that day’s devotion is over.
If you do allow them, I will withhold My greatest favour from you. I will not speak about
this again till the last day of this novena. If anyone of you loves Me, let him console Me
and pray for unrepentant sinners.
I love you all. I bless you all”.
30 TH JULY, 1997(9:00 PM)
During our novena with Mass and adoration, I saw in a vision Our Lord Jesus Christ
hanging on the Cross in a great agony. Blood constantly flowed out from all His Wounds,
especially the Four Wounds, till cloud came down from Heaven and covered the whole
The Holy Face of Jesus Christ with the Crown of Thorns on His Head appeared and said:
“My children, today being the eve of the last day of this novena, in the great month
dedicated to My Precious Blood, let all of you who come here keep your temple holy.
Live a completely changed life, a life full of love, humility and faith. Run away from sinful
lives and always be charitable to one another.
My children, anyone who destroys his temple by sin will suffer the everlasting hell. I say
to you, be holy for this call is holy. This call will undergo many trials. The way is a
desert way. Only those who want to do the Will of God will join at first. You will be
shaken and purified so that the steadfast and purified ones will be saved. Many nations
will fight against you and this holy call. I say to you, many among you will not reach the
New Jerusalem because of their sinful lives; Many will complain and fight their leaders.
Many will leave the Living God and worship idols. Many shall be killed in the battle
because of their weak faith.
My loving children, pray, pray; pray that your eyes will be opened to see the great
happiness that awaits you after this great battle. Pray, I will reveal to you hidden
mysteries about this call, so that your faith will be strong. They will not understand this
call, all who live natural lives, I say, the spiritual things are far from them. Never, I say
to you, never abandon your faith. Strive to enter the Promised Land.
Listen, today, My children, I have written it in Heaven that no nation will conquer this
devotion to My Precious Blood. I promise to defeat many nations because of you. The
nations will hear about you and praise the Living God. I say, the devotion to My
Precious Blood will be known in the world, from one generation to another generation,
even if My first devotees abandon their faith. The devotion to My Precious Blood will be
known to the world. All who are under My Precious Blood will not fear any longer.
When the hour comes for its approval, the Church will welcome it and make it known to
all men through the power of the Holy Spirit of love. I say to you, only obey and fulfill
My order.
Never give up prayers. Children, your prayers will make the hour come soon. None of
your prayers will ever be fruitless. I will hear them and answer you when the good hour
comes. My children, Satan has no power over the obedient. I love you all. Continue to
show Me love. I bless you all.
Immediately the vision passed, the Sacred Host appeared in Heaven, half was flesh
while the other half was bread.
I looked and came back.
31 TH JULY, 1997(9:00 PM)
Today being the last day of the novena in the great month of July, we were on the
mountain, consoling and adoring the Agonizing Jesus Christ. In a vision, l saw a large
number of evil spirits (Archdemons) coming from the west to attack us. They came with
a great wind and force. At the same time, l saw the host of Heavenly Angels and
Archangels coming from the east to attack them. When they saw the Heavenly Armies,
they stopped and the great wind stopped too.
Archangel Michael and the host of Angels flew to attack them. Immediately, a Holy
Crucifix appeared in the air, blood flowed from the Sacred Head, which turned into fire
as it fell on them and consumed them.
Immediately, cloud came down from Heaven and covered the whole place. In the cloud
appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ. Blood was constantly flowing out from the
Wounds of the Crown of Thorns. Our Lord calmly said:
“Let My Precious Blood cover you all”(immediately blood flowed out from His Sacred
Head and covered us) He continued by saying:
“My children, today, you are crossing the Great Red Sea. Happy are those who are
chosen to be the Apostles of My Precious Blood. Your enemy will not see you again. You
are no more slaves in a foreign land. I am leading you back to the Promised Land
through the power of My Precious Blood. You and the chosen ones will adore My Precious
Blood in that land. Your children’s children will worship Me and adore My Precious Blood
forever. I say, all nations will acknowledge the value of My Precious Blood and My holy
Death. Today, you have passed the second purification and transformation hour. Happy
are those who accept all the sufferings. My great promise is waiting for them.
Rejoice, O 24 people who were chosen by Heaven because they fulfilled the order l gave!
I seal you with My Holy Wounds and My Precious Blood. The wicked man will not harm
you. My Precious Blood will defend you always. I promise to reveal to you My Five
Wounds and My hidden tortures. You and your families will adore My Precious Blood and
l will save them. I have heard all your prayers.”
Instantly, Heaven opened and the Holy Trinity appeared. I saw the twenty-four people
kneeling behind the Crucifix. The Divine Light of the Holy Spirit flashed on them and the
Son raised up His Hand and said “I bless you all”, then Heaven closed. The Holy Face
continued by saying;
“All who attended the first novena are blessed. Through My Precious Blood you will be
saved. The Heavenly Dominions and Powers will fight for you alL.”
Rejoice, all of you who fulfill the second novena. The Immaculate Heart of My Mother will
protect you. Holy Archangel Michael will guard you always. I will hide you in My Holy
Wounds, all who fulfill this great last novena. Your enemy will not see you. Before your
death, l will give you My Precious Blood.
My Children, anyone who hears My messages and devoutly adores My Precious Blood
will get these favours like those who do this great novena well.
My Priest, your greatest agony has passed. You consoled Me. Now, l am going to
console you. Through My Precious Blood l will lift you up. Your terrible days have gone.
Receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit and spread this devotion in the whole world. I say
fear not, fear not for this devotion, the terrible hour has gone. When the right time
comes, My Church will welcome it. I say to you, My humble Priest, minister with My
Precious Blood, many miracles will follow you. I say, command the dead to rise again
through My Precious Blood; It shall be done. Command the sick to be well through the
power of My Blood; I promise to heal them. Release the captives through My Precious
Blood and tell the righteous to rejoice in My Blood. Let Archangel Raphael and twenty
Heavenly Cherubim be with you and fight for you. If you love me, make this devotion
known to the world. I bless you. My first devotees, the chosen Apostles of My Precious
Blood, Heaven is happy with you. Your efforts please Me much. Rejoice because l will
keep all My promises to you. Those who hate you will love you. I will bring your people
The second sorrowful hour has gone. Spread this devotion and pray much. Barnabas, l
will change the seat of your vocation and put it in a better form for this call. Nothing will
wedge you and your brethren again. I am with you all. I bless you all.
My children, your prayers are answered. One of the women who is here on this
mountain will give birth to a baby boy. The boy will be an Apostle of My Precious Blood.
A woman came from Owa. Tell her to rejoice for her sickness is cured. My Priest will
bless her family and destroy the charm or idols. All the anointed sick people, go and
give testimony, for you all are healed. Many unrepentant sinners will turn back. Adore
My Precious Blood when you see them returning to Me. My children don’t rejoice for the
miracles but rejoice that you are among the first people who witness this call. All who
remain faithful, till the end will not lose. Remember Me always; l am the agonizing
Jesus Christ. Show Me love and console Me. I bless you all.”
Immediately, the vision passed. I saw the great battle against the forces of darkness.
Through the power of the Precious Blood, Archangel Michael defeated the enemy. Then l
saw Jesus coming out of the cloud holding a palm in His Hand as the Heavenly Hosts,
were singing a song of victory.
In the cloud, I heard a loud voice saying, “Through the Blood of the Spotless Lamb,
enemies were defeated. All men adore the Precious Blood of your salvation.” Then I
came back.
18 TH AUGUST, 1997(9.00 pm)
In our usual devotional prayer with Mass, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and
adoration prayer, I saw in a vision two great swords crossing each other. In the middle
came the Divine Light. As the light was coming out, the Holy Face with the Crown of
Thorns appeared. Our Lord raised His Face gently and said:
“My children, why are you so weak now? Many are far from Me. Wake up, I say, wake-
up, My children. The Chastisement has come.
My children, spiritual men devote great time for spiritual matters. You who are born of
the Spirit will devote time for spiritual growth. Pray always, the hour is at hand. The
enemy has come.
My children, through your prayers, you have won spiritually. You have conquered many
kingdoms of evil spirits through your prayers. I say to you, prepare for physical
warfare. I say, build up your faith. It remains little effort. Through the sign of My
crucifix, you will win the battle. Let My people worship Me as they did before.
Children, why are you running? Do you want Me to come and die for you again? I say
to you, there will be battle before victory comes. Fight and win the battle now. Fight
the battle now that there is mercy on earth. If you escape the battle now, there will be
no one to fight the battle. When the wicked spirit comes, My people will find it difficult
even to come out. At that time there will be a great number of martyrs.
Listen, My children, even if there is shedding of blood, you will not be defeated. I have
promised to win the battle through the power of My Precious Blood. Gather My people;
let all who are faithful fulfill this order. Attend your normal Sunday activities as you did
before. Say, Precious Blood of Jesus, fight the enemy. You will know what to do when
the hour comes.
Through your prayers, I assure you victory. I am with you; I will fight for you.
Children, this is the beginning of the Chastisement. All My people will suffer it in many
ways. No one will escape. Through your prayers, I am with you. Before the day comes,
spend a night of adoration all who are eager to go for the Battle. Look at My Crucifix and
meditate on My suffering. You will be filled with power. I bless you all.”
(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be…)
(The Rosary: Intention: Conversion of sinners and Renewal of the Face of the Earth)
5 TH OCT., 1997(8.00 am)
Immediately after Mass, I went to the Chapel to pray. Instantly, I saw in a vision the
Holy Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ bathed in blood and His Head crowned with thorns.
He raised His Face and said to me:
“My son, spend the rest of this year in prayer of adoration, of reparation and of
thanksgiving. Enjoy your sacrificial life with faith and love. Soon, your rest will come.
Read Hebrews Chapter 4, and be filled with courage. Be wise to follow the Divine Light.
My son, increase your devotion, pray and do penance always. Pray for the repentance of
sinners, and pray that many will withstand the coming Tribulation. I say, pray much for
Son, tell My people to dedicate their lives fully to Me. Let all men gather together, adore
My Precious Blood and pray for the shortening of the hour of the coming Tribulation in
which you are now living, for after fighting to an end, you will enter the new era, which
awaits you. Through My Precious Blood, mercy shall be granted to the world.
My son, the hour has come when the greatness of My Precious Blood will be revealed to
humanity. The blind eyes will see the gate of salvation, which has been opened.
Salvation will be made known to all men. The ocean of My Precious Blood will flow to all
who want to be saved. Anyone who calls on My Precious Blood with love and awe will be
My son, let My children gather all the messages and prayers, which I taught you, and
make this devotion great. Children, your obedience will make you holy, your humility
will defeat all your enemies; and your faith will save you. Show Me love and spread this
devotion to My Precious Blood. (Brief silence)
Barnabas, show Me love. I say, be humble, prepare your heart for My Seal, and be
ready to endure great pains before the great joy comes. So I bless you.”
Immediately, cloud covered the whole place. Then I came back.
21 ST NOV. 1997(2.00 pm)
“My children, how I wish that you know this hour you are living in now! Strengthen your
trembling knee. Wake up, come, and let us meet them. Your coldness pierced Me like a
sword all who came late. I ordered you not to taste any food till 12midnight. On that
hour you will wake up and pray the Chaplet of My Precious Blood for the suffering souls
in Purgatory. In your suffering, I receive consolation
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ.”
Immediately the vision passed.
21 ST NOV. 1997(2.00PM - 5.00 pm)
In our monthly devotional prayer I saw in a vision the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging on
the Cross in the cloud. Blood was oozing from all the Wounds on His Sacred Body. At
the same time, I saw a large crowd coming from twelve different roads leading to the
Crucified Jesus on the Cross.
Among the peoples, some were wounded, some had their legs broken, some had parts
of their body cut off and some people were being carried. As they came and stood in
front of the Crucified Lamb, the Most Precious Blood from the Wounds of Our Lord Jesus
Christ flowed to them and set them free.
They were all healed. Immediately cloud covered the whole place. Their clothes turned
to snow white. They all praised and adored the Most Precious Blood with their heads
bowed low.
Then, the Sacred Head with the Crown of Thorns appeared in the cloud as the crowd
disappeared, and said;
“My children, wake up. The hour has come, wear all the armour I gave you and become
ready for battle. Let all who have no sword, gun and weapons sell their possessions and
buy one. The hour of fulfillment of the prophecies of your age has come. The hour is this
in which you are living now. Be a wise soldier and be obedient to your Commander. For
this reason, I want you to spend the rest of this year in silence and with prayers of
Consolation, Adoration and Reparation. Do not expose yourselves to the world again
until this year has passed. Live in humility and hide yourself as you are in a prayerful
mood. I say you must advise the needy.
Increase your love and welcome the peace I gave you always. Pray for your members
abroad. The enemy has received permission to test them greatly. Children, the right
hour has come to spread this devotion to the world. That is why I delayed the coming of
My vicar to suit the plan of heaven for this devotion. Pray much and have faith.
Listen children.
Tape the prayers well.
Edit all My messages.
Write the prayers well.
Write at least 24 stanzas in all the songs as I ordered you; prepare everything well for
the spreading of this devotion.
Listen again, children; firstly, send this devotion to the first devotees without fear.
Secondly, send this devotion to all the devotees who are practising My Agonizing life in
and outside this country.
Thirdly, do these things quickly before 21 st Feb. 1998. Children, do not be worried about
finance. Your sacrifice is enough.
Do not feel alone, children; spiritually all is well. My Blood will feed you, always. I am
with you in your outing. Come with zeal, your coldness pains Me much. All shall be
shaken and tested. Many will feel dryness and disappointment. But all who are faithful
till the end will rejoice at last. They will rejoice with Me in Heaven. I bless you all”.
Then, the vision passed, immediately cloud covered the place. Then I come back and
recorded the message.
(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be…)
(Chaplet of the Precious Blood: Intention: For the forgiveness of sins and the Grace of
Purity in the world)
25 TH DEC 1997(GETHSEMANE HOUR-1.00 am)
During my reparation prayer, I saw, the vision of Our Lord’s scourging at the pillar. After
they had beaten Him, they tied His Hands and Feet and rolled Him from one end to the
other. Our Lord wept while Blood was oozing out.
Immediately, cloud came down and covered the whole place. Then, the Sacred Head
appeared and said:
“Son, watch with Heaven tonight in prayer, in meditation and in consolation. Make
reparation for all the sins committed against the Spirit, the Son, and the Father. Son,
men crucify Me again and again with their sins.
Today, I am in a great agony because of the sins of the world. Many will be lost forever
only because of the sins of the flesh. They chase the perishable wealth and lose
eternity. Many of My people are falling out of their faith because of the wave of this last
hour. The enemy knows that his hour is very short, that is why He uses many tactics for
you. Do not be drunk, be wise and be filled with the Spirit.
Live for Me, only for Me, I will lead you and be with you during the hour of dryness.
My Precious Blood will be a shed for all who consecrated themselves to Me. I will make
an ocean of My Precious Blood flow in a dry land for all who follow the Divine Will during
the coming Tribulation. It will be a stream of life-giving water. Anyone who swims in the
ocean of life will be free.
Those who love the Son will rejoice and adore the Most Precious Blood of their salvation.
Let all who devote their lives to Me, increase their love for My agony. Call on My
Precious Blood always; you will be protected. The enemy is at the doorpost of the
entrance gate. Pray, pray and watch always. This hour is dangerous. Call, call on My
Precious Blood and you shall be saved. I love you. I bless you.”
Immediately, the Holy Chalice appeared suspended in the middle of the two-edged
sword. The Divine Light constantly came out from there
31 ST DEC. 1997(10.00 pm)
In our adoration prayer, I saw in a vision the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus Christ in
the cloud. Blood continuously oozed out from the Wounds caused by the thorns on His
Sacred Head. As I was looking, the cloud shook. Our Lord calmly raised up His Face and
Children, listen to the Good Shepherd and run for your lives. I say, peace be with you. I
am the Agonizing Jesus. I love you all; I bless you all.
Let all of you, My children, who are winners, remain in the faith. Soon, you will reach
the land of your promise. There will be no more pains, no sorrow, no terror, no
persecution; all these difficulties will pass away. My Precious Blood will reign forever.
Children your enemy is not yet tired of you. He is looking for a chance to take away the
crown of victory from you. Oh, see how he poured his fruit into the world; men hate
each other. The hatred will conceive and give birth to division, division in My holy
Church. Many, have lost their first love and crucified Me again and again. Children all
men are subject to change but My word will not change.
I plead with you, My loving children, let all men examine themselves and wake up from
where they have fallen. Let all men make this night a chance for reconciliation.
Oh make this night a holy night. Pray, pray and ask the Father to send the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit will give power to all who welcome Him. Let all the prayerless Christians ask
for the Spirit of power and love, because the prayerless Christians will suffer greatly and
get lost.
Soon, you will enter the year of the great Chastisement, the year of dryness and
confusion, the year in which many faithful ones will run out from Zion, the year of
greatest persecution, the year of heresy and of iniquities in My holy Church and the year
of purification and great test. Who will survive it? Who will endure till the end?
Children, this year is of great suffering. Men will look for safety. In the hills, in the
valleys and in the deserts, and find none. Many of My children will run for their living in
different parts of the world. I say, there will be terror everywhere. The gathering of My
children will be hard. Oh, a great number of My children will abandon their faith.
Children, many societies in My Church will suffer because they do My Will. Many faithful
ones will fall and forget the New Jerusalem. Only those who endure till the end shall be
O My children, let all men consecrate themselves to My Precious Blood. You will find
hope. My agony will fill you with power, My Wounds will heal you, My tears will console
you and My Precious Blood will save you. My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will protect
Children, I promise to reveal much to you about the greatness of My Precious Blood.
This year, live a holy life. Be prayerful and never abandon your faith. The enemy has
come. Be filled with the Spirit of Power. Be faithful. Peace be with you. I leave you”.
Immediately the vision passed. The two-edged sword appeared. I heard a voice saying,
“This sword marks the great Persecution, the shedding of blood. Pray and have faith.”
2 ND JAN, 1998(12.00 am)
In my Gethsemane Hour of prayer, I saw in a vision the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus
Christ crowned with Thorns. The Precious Blood of Jesus mingled and flowed from the
numerous Wounds of the thorns in the Sacred Head. Our Lord gently raised up His Head
and said;
“My children, I am happy with your effort to fulfill My wish. I saw how you suffered
greatly for My sake. Your faithfulness to Me pleases Me much. Let My Precious Blood
protect you all.
My children, it is enough. The ears have heard My message. The hearts have received
the warning of Heaven. Your effort and your faithfulness please Me. So, Heaven has
done the work for you through your little effort. I say, pray much for repentance.
I will like to receive your adoration as you have planned it. Children, I will like to receive
your adoration. Come and adore the Most High God. My children, you are little lambs
that live among wolves. I advise you to be careful, watch and pray always, hide your
lives from the wolves. I say run for your life.
The hour in which you are living now is dangerous. Be humble, My loving children. My
sons, through humility and simplicity, the Red Army will be defeated. Be humble, Oh! be
humble. Accept all pains for My sake. Keep your mouth shut during the hour of violence
and confusion. The Spirit of truth will direct you.
My children, never leave your Gethsemane Hour because of any ordinary condition. I
have much to advise and reveal to you. Whenever you come, pray and do not annoy Me
with your coldness. I say, do not sleep in My Presence.
Run, run for your lives. Encourage your brothers to be faithful till the end. The great
wind shall blow, the wind so great that even the giant green tree will fall. Think about
the weaker tree. Pray for your brothers and build their faith with My word and promise.
Love those who hate you. Make them friends and ask God’s mercy on them. Be wise to
know when your enemy comes. I love you all. I bless you all.”
Immediately the vision passed, I saw a great war arrow rotating constantly. As I was
looking, dawning light appeared in the middle of the arrow. Instantly, a sword with two
sharp edges appeared.
I shivered and woke up.
(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be…)
(The Consolation and Adoration Prayers: Intention: For the hastening of the Reign of
Glory on Earth)
8 TH JAN 1998 (GETHSEMANE HOUR-11.00pm)
In our devotional prayer, I saw in a vision the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging on the
Cross in the cloud. Blood constantly oozed out from the Wounds on the Sacred Body.
Within a short time, cloud shook and the first vision passed. Then appeared the Sacred
Head with bloody Face. Our Lord calmly raised up His Face and said:
”My children, this I did for you; how will you console Me? (brief silence)
Children, the hour is coming when many of you will abandon Me because of the wave of
this perilous time. During that time your heart will be in great agony. You will lose your
trust in this devotion. The zeal of prayer will disappear.
Many souls will be in confusion. Children, build your faith in Me; make it strong. Call on
My Precious Blood and be filled with power.
Children, soon you will meet this hour in its fullness. It is the hour in which I told you
that many of My visionaries and mystics would suffer greatly. The time is known as the
hour of dryness, the time when many of my visionaries and mystics will seek My Face
and see only darkness. The whole world will be in confusion. Many, I say, many faithful
ones will fall. Even some of My visionaries will abandon their faith.” (Brief silence)
Then I asked: Please, Lord, can you explain to me why many apparitions are regarded
as false now? Are they truly false? (Silence)
“My children, pray always. Be simple and obedient. Soon you will understand why. Many
of the Spiritual Directors of My visionaries do not know the need of editing My
messages. The Divine message is pure but the heart of man is full of iniquity. I say, edit
all My messages. Many apparitions suffer and will be closed due to lack of proper
collation of My messages.
For generations to come, My word will not pass away. The prophecy must come true.
This is the mark of true vision.
My children, spread the devotion to My Precious Blood throughout the whole world.
Make My promise known to them. Inform them to consecrate to My Precious Blood. I
promise to save them; I love you all. I bless you all”.
Then, the vision passed, and the great sword appeared in the space. I came back.
16 TH JAN. 1998 (11.00 pm)
In our Gethsemane Hour, I saw the vision of the Lamb standing in the cloud, holding a
cross. Within a short time, I saw a large number of people with palm fronds in their
hands. They came from the four corners of the world.
As the vision was going on, cloud came down and covered the whole place. The Sacred
Head appeared with the Crown of Thorns a s the Precious Blood mingled and flowed.
Then Our Lord said:
“My children, the hour has come when I will reveal the greatness of this devotion. Eyes
will see; ears will hear and tongues will speak about the greatness of the Price of their
My children, understand this hour and live a holy life. Fulfill My humble appeal to you to
live a simple monastic life. Pray always; never, I say, never lose hope. Maintain your
silent lives and make constant reparation for the sins committed against My Precious
Blood. Edit My messages now before the great hour of dryness and confusion comes.
During that time, men will find it hard to hear My messages. I say to you, devote your
lives to prayer now that there is time. Devote time for prayer; devote time for prayer,
My loving children.”
When you knew nothing, I called you and you answered Me. I led you through a wild
desert to the promised era. You were humble and followed Me with faith. You loved Me
and obeyed My voice. Now you have grown; your love has decreased. My words seem
nothing to you. And your faith has lessened.
My children, will you abandon your faith? Would you like to go back? Are you afraid of
Me? I know that you are afraid of the Red Sea, this wild desert and the great mountains.
Be faithful to Me. I am a Good Shepherd. Soon you will reach the Land full of milk and
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I love you all. I bless you all.”
Immediately the vision passed as stars appeared. Then, I came back.
18 TH JUNE, 1998(9.00PM)
In our adoration prayer, I suddenly saw the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus Christ
crowned with thorns. He was in great anguish and pity. Blood bathed His Face.
He calmly raised His Head and said:
“My children, I called you when you knew nothing. When you were like a newborn baby,
I cared for you. I covered you as hens cover their chicks. You were not harmed, you
rejoiced in My protection and showed Me your little love. I was happy with you and
made My love to multiply in you.
My children, you were once hot but now, you are cold. You showed Me love at one time,
but now, you pierced My heart with a sword. You consoled Me once, but now you are
mocking Me. I was naked, you clothed Me, but you, My beloved ones, have forcefully
snatched all My clothes from Me. You are the ones who daily expose Me to public shame.
My children, My children, why are you doing all these things to Me?
Wake up, My children; let your souls wake up. This hour is the fullness of time – the
hour of the fulfillment of all the messages which the Saints and My Mother had foretold
Wake up, wake up, arise, arise, shine, shine in the darkness, and never let the darkness
overcome your light. Carry out this devotion, let all men adore My Precious Blood and
be saved. This hour is the hour of iniquity. Much prayer shall be offered daily.
May all men know about this devotion, and let all men practise it. Let all who were
saved by My Precious Blood acknowledge the value of My Precious Blood. Through My
Precious Blood, you are saved and shall be saved.
My children, let My humble Priests know more about this devotion. You all shall make
the Third Friday devotion great. My Priests shall adore My Precious Blood greatly on that
day. Mass for the adoration of My Blood shall be offered. The Blessed Sacrament shall
be exposed. The Chaplet of My Blood shall be recited; Consolation and Adoration Prayers
shall be taught to them, they shall hear My words.
All men will do reparation and change their lives. My Priests you shall minister with the
power of My Precious Blood and marvelous miracles will follow. Any one who calls on My
Precious Blood shall be saved. I love you all. I bless you all.”
Suddenly the vision passed.
(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be…)
(The Stations of the Cross: Intention: For the Release of souls in Purgatory and for the
Conversion of hardened sinners)
15 TH MARCH, 1999(2.30 pm)
In our prayer, after Holy Mass, I saw in a vision the Agonizing Jesus Christ in
Gethsemane, praying. After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In
the cloud appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ bathed with blood, and His Head
crowned with thorns. He calmly said:
“My children, I am pleased with all your little efforts towards the salvation of souls. Your
littleness consoles Me. Children, I am in Gethsemane for you and all My people in the
whole world. I am in Gethsemane always because of the hour that is coming, the
horrorful hour, so fearful and terrifying. Children, how many will survive?
For the love I have for you and for all men, I am here in Gethsemane, calling you to
come and watch with Me.
Remain in Gethsemane with Me so that you will not give up when the hour comes.
My children, I speak much about Gethsemane but you pay little attention to it. Practise
it and make it known to all men, so that you will not fall when the hour comes.
Send this devotion to My Apostles: Crown of Thorns, P. O. Box 49, Lingfield Surrey RH
76 YQ England. They are eagerly waiting for it. They will adore My Precious Blood. I
have made them ready to spread this devotion. Do not delay as before. Soon, it will be
too late and the evil man will not allow it to spread any more.
Have mercy on Me. Have My Will done on earth. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ.
Receive My blessing”.
Immediately, He blessed us in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Then, the vision passed.
2 ND APRIL, 1999(12 NOON)
During our meditation prayer, on the first day of the second month of Seal, I saw a
vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging on the Cross, bleeding.
After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared a
Chalice WITH A TONGUE OF FIRE ON ITS MOUTH and at the same time circled with a
Crown of Thorns.
The Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ appeared and said:
“My children, carry your own cross and follow Me. Carry your cross; follow Me; we are
going to Calvary.
Children, lift up your cross. I will make it light and give you peace. Come; crucify your
sinful nature with Me on the Cross of Calvary. So, the old being will die, and the new
being will rise with Me when the glorious hour comes. I promise you My children, that I
will raise you into a new life when My Glory is revealed.
For all of you who are seeking Me, I am the One Who hung on the Cross of Calvary,
bleeding for your sake. Look at My Head and see the crown you made for Me, the Crown
of Thorns for your King and Saviour. Look at My Wounds and the Precious Blood I shed
for your sake, and have Mercy on Me. Come to Me and console Me, for I am looking for
you. Anyone who finds Me finds life.
Children, today, I am building in your heart, a tabernacle for consolation of My agony.
Children, inside your hearts, may I find consolation. I, in turn will give you peace. I
promise to do it in all hearts eagerly waiting for the Lord.
Children, children, the hour has come for you to surrender to every Cross. They are all
yours. For My sake and for the gospel, carry it with Me to Calvary. I will make it light
and reward you with everlasting paradise. Children, Calvary is a mountain of salvation.
All who carry their crosses to Calvary have Heaven as their heritage with the Angels and
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ; make My Will known to the whole world. I bless you
Immediately, the vision passed. Then appeared again the chalice crowned with thorns,
which finally vanished.
11 TH APRIL, 1999(12.30 pm)
In our meditation prayer during the hour of Seal, I saw, the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ
crowned with thorns,
Precious Blood constantly dropped from the Pierced Side. After a while cloud came
down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Agonizing Face of Jesus
Christ. He calmly said:
“My children, offer Me your lives as living sacrifices; offer Me your lives; console My
Agonizing Heart. My Heart, My Heart is bearing a great agony now, the agony of
betrayal and denial. Come near to Me, My children, and be My consolers. I am the
Agonizing Jesus Christ. Open your heart to Me. I am waiting for you to open your hearts
to Me, yet you pay no attention to My knocking. Children, think of Me and you will find
Me, the master key; with it, all the rusting locks that shut hard the doors of your hearts
will be made open. I will come in and build tabernacles for the hour of My agony, which
will be the tabernacles of My rest. Open your hearts to Me. I am the Agonizing Jesus
My children, this is My Seal. I am ready to put My Seal on all who open their hearts to
Me. All who welcome Me now I am in agony shall be welcomed by Me and My Mother
and all the heavenly Angels when they come to Me in My glory in Heaven.
Children, this Heart, which loves you, is sorrowful unto death. Give Him rest and He will
give you peace. Many Hearts, many Hearts after welcoming Me, drive Me out without
any cause. What have I done to you My children? Am I not the One Who saves? Why are
you torturing Me with the iniquities of your heart? Children, offer Me your lives, your
plan and your thoughts, I will lead you to salvation.
Children, open your hearts to Me. I am building My tabernacle of rest in you, so that
your heart will not be troubled when the evil man comes in his fullness. May the
Precious Blood flowing out from My Sacred Heart, bless you all. Peace be with you.”
Immediately the vision passed. The Sacred Heart remained for some time and vanished.
Then, I came back to myself.
(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be…)
(The Anguished Appeals - 1 st to 4 th Appeal prayers: Intention: For the Pope and for the
Needs of the Church)
30 TH APRIL 1999(12 NOON)
In our meditation prayer during the Hour of Seal, in the cloud appeared two Angels; one
was holding a Chalice and the other a sword with two edges. As they were coming
down, there was a great trumpet blast, which shook the whole place. After a while, cloud
came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared the Holy Face of Jesus
Christ. He calmly said: (Brief Silence)
“My Children, I need more of your sacrifice. Children, offer the rest of these days with
silence, with prayers and with fasting. Leave your abodes often and visit Me in the
Chapel, where I wait for you day and night; in the desert and lonely places, where you
can think of Me, talk to Me and adore Me. Remember that I am the Agonizing Jesus
Children, offer Me these sacrificial lives of yours, for people who are living in the outside
world, those who know nothing about the Seal. Through your sacrifice My Father will
look at My Precious Blood and SEAL them.
My children, I need more of your sacrifice before the last Month of Seal, so that more of
My people will be SEALED. I love you all. I want all men to be saved.
I seal you all, who are eagerly waiting for My Seal. Remain in Me and I in you. Children,
if you do, you will conquer the world. In your heart the ocean of My Precious Blood will
constantly flow. Children, you will not be dry. Only abide in Me and I will abide in you
Children, I call you all to enter into the Gethsemane Hour of prayer. I am there praying
that your faith will not fail. Come and watch with Me.
My Mother’s Immaculate Heart is flourishing in love for you, her humble children. She
will visit you and let you know more about the last month of Seal. She said, “I will hide
you all in my Immaculate Heart”
Children, accept her wishes. I need more of your sacrifice. Sacrifice your lives for Me.
You will be rewarded.
I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I love you all. I seal you all”
Then the vision passed.
7 TH MAY, 1999(12 NOON)
In our prayer during the Hour of Seal, I saw a woman coming out of the sun. Her
clothes were as bright as the rays of the sun. She held a long sharp sword and was
coming down, with great force. I could not withstand the sight. I fell down. When I rose
up, I saw the Two Hearts separated with a Chalice. The one on the right hand was
crowned with thorns, while the other was pierced with seven swords. On the top of the
Chalice was a tongue of fire.
As I was looking, Our Lady appeared and said:
“My children, this is the Seal which Heaven builds in hearts of men. Remain in the
Father and the Father will remain in you; you will not lack anything. I, the Mother of
Sorrows, have come to co-operate with you and share with you a message of love.
My sorrow is great. I turn to you all, my loving children, with tears and plead with you
to join me in the war against my adversary. The evil one knows that he has a little time
So, with great wrath, he fights against you and the holy Church of my Son.
As Heaven makes every effort to seal her children, so the enemy also seals his own
children with the mark of 666, the number of the Beast.
My sorrow is great, join me in the battle against the wicked Dragon, all who are sealed
with the Blood of the Lamb. Fight with me against the heresies that destroy the root of
the Church. Fear not their great number. Through the Blood of the Spotless Lamb, the
faith of the true Church, of the true doctrine, and of holiness, will soon be restored. This
is the Reign of the Most Precious Blood, which you all are waiting for.
Gather all who are sealed and form a great army against my adversary.
The last Month of Seal is so great that all men need to be sealed. All who are not sealed
will not enter the Land of Glory that is coming.
On that month, Father will send the Angels of Seal. They will give you the mark of
salvation. This shall be the seal with the Blood of the Spotless Lamb. When the evil one
comes, he will pass all who are sealed and kill those that do not receive the Seal.
My children, may all the sons and daughters of Jacob be sealed. I plead with you all,
only make this known. I will do my work.
FEAR NOT to spread these messages. Soon much of them will come to pass.
May the flame of my Heart protect all of you my loving children everywhere in the whole
I am the Mother of God and your Mother. I hide you all in my Heart. FEAR NOT AGAIN. I
will fight for you all.
Remain blessed”
Immediately the vision passed.
1 ST JULY, 1999(7.00 pm)
During our novena prayer, I saw a vision of Our Lord Jesus Christ hanging on the Cross.
At the side of the Cross stood Our Lady looking sorrowfully at her Son on the Cross. As I
was looking, cloud came down and covered the whole place. Then appeared the Holy
Face of Jesus in agony. He gazed steadily at me and said:“My children, I welcome you
all in this month. I call all men to My Precious Blood. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ.
Come nearer to Me. Hear My Agonizing Appeal. Come! Come!! Come back to Me. The
Chief Shepherd is calling. The land you have settled on and are enjoying is a strange
land, the land of wolves and wild predators. Come back, let us follow the desert way to
the Land of Promise, the land full of milk and honey; the evergreen pasture land. Hear
Me calling you to return. O! My flock return and save your lives. My children, as the day
is passing, My agony is multiplying. My agony is multiplying because of the sins of the
world, and how many will suffer destruction, and perish. Children, suffer with Me now;
carry your cross and the rejected crosses with Me. Follow the narrow gate, the desert
way to the Land of Glory. Adore My Precious Blood. Very soon, I promise you that the
Kingdom of My Father will reign on earth. At that time all men will know the Divine Will
and follow it.
Children, remain faithful till the end. I am with you. I will visit you during these novenas
and teach you more about My Agonizing Life and the coming of My Father’s Kingdom on
earth. After this month, stand firm to make My Will known to all men. Barnabas, I am
near to you till death, if only you are in Me and I in you. I am nearer to teach you about
My Agonizing Life. I love you all I bless you all”
Immediately, the vision passed.
(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be…)
(Anguished Appeals – 5 th to 7 th Appeal Prayers and the Crown of Thorns Prayer:
Intention: For the Atonement of the sins committed against the Precious Blood)
2 ND JULY, 1999(12 NOON)
In our prayer during the Hour of Seal, I saw in a vision the cloud open and Our Lady
stood at the entrance gate of Heaven carrying a sword. At her command, all the
heavenly Angels obeyed. They all carried a chalice, which had a tongue of fire on the tip.
They moved with great force to all parts of the world. After a while, cloud came down
and covered the whole place. Then, the first vision passed.
In the cloud appeared the Sacred Head of Jesus Christ crowned with thorns. His Holy
Face appeared boldly; the Face appeared agonizing and was bathed with blood. He kept
silent for a short time and said:
“My children, I welcome you all again in this last Month of Seal. Peace be with you all. I
am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, I love you all. Be ready to have your Seal.
I come to inform you all more about the Seal and the coming of My Father’s Kingdom on
earth. As the blood of bulls and goats was used for the first seal of Passover in the olden
days, so My Precious Blood will be used for the second Seal of this Second Passover. All
who are not sealed will not pass into the Glorious Era that is coming, the period of My
Father’s Kingdom. The great darkness will swallow them up. All who are sealed have
been given the mark of ownership. They shall possess the land of promise and enjoy My
Reign of Glory.
Listen, My children, many of you who are sealed will suffer many trials and persecutions,
but through the first Seal they will be courageous, through the second Seal they will be
bold, and through the third Seal, they will triumph. All who are not sealed have no
power to withstand trial or persecution. I say to you, some will be killed, while
defending the faith. And only a few will pass the terrible period without harm. They are
those who suffer and die with Me now. Children, do not fear, when the hour comes to its
full force; know also that My Reign of Glory is near.
Many, I say many, will not understand these things now; but those whom My Father has
given the knowledge will understand it. They will take their belongings and run for their
I will teach you much about the Seal during these Hours of Seal. Barnabas, because of
your stubbornness, I held you, I seized your source”.
I anxiously said:
“Father, what have I done? (He kept silent for a while and said).
I visited you many times but you did not know Me. I said to you “I am the Agonizing
Jesus Christ, and still you pay little attention to My agony”. (Silence)
I prayed: “Father, I have sinned; have mercy. I promise to change my attitude. Help me
by your grace to know you. Lord make me humble”. (Silence)
“Be sealed with the Precious Blood from My Right Hand. Children, feel the pains of My
Right Hand and be healed. I bless you all”.
8 TH JULY, 1999(7.00 pm)
In our novena prayer, I saw a vision of the Lamb sitting on a throne and being adored
by the heavenly beings I heard them saying: “Holy, Holy is Your Name, O Spotless
Lamb of God. Adoration to You, O Sacrificial Lamb. Reign forever. Amen.
After a while, cloud came down and covered the whole place. In the cloud appeared a
chalice. On the mouth of the chalice, was a Host giving out rays. Above it appeared also
the Holy Face of Jesus Christ bathed with blood. He kept silent at first and finally said:
“My children, peace be with you. Learn from Me how to console so as to be consoled.
Forgive one another so as to be forgiven.
Children, what shall it cost you to save your souls? What shall you then choose in
exchange for eternity? Who shall take away the crown of victory from you? Children, say
Yes always to the Divine Will. Carry your crosses and follow Me. Struggle harder so as
to be among those who will venerate My Adorable Face in Heaven.
Children, I called you so as to hasten the Reign of My Glory on earth. Pray hard and
teach men all that I have given you. Very soon, very soon, My Glorious Reign will come.
At that time all will adore My Precious Blood. Men will love one another. All men will
acknowledge the meaning of My agonizing life. They will adore Me. My Holy Wounds
shall be healed, and My Sacred Heart will be consoled. This is the triumph of the
Immaculate Heart of My Mother.
Children, offer your lives to Me. Spread this devotion and hasten My kingdom on earth. I
am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I love you all. I want all men to be saved. Console Me.
Pray that you will understand all the messages that I will give to you from now. I have
only little time with you.
Children, when the hour comes, you will understand what I mean.
Pray and never give up. I bless you all. So, I leave.”
Immediately, the vision passed.
9 TH JULY, 1999(12 NOON)
In our meditative prayer during the Hour of Seal, I saw a vision of an Angel holding a
chalice as he came down from the cloud.
After a short time, cloud come down and covered the whole place. Then there appeared
the Holy Face of Jesus Christ. He calmly said:“My children, have your Seal, the Seal of
the New Covenant. The New Seal I made with all men on mountain Calvary at this
Children, have your Seal now and constantly renew it every Friday of the year;
especially in these three Months of Seal I gave you. On these days, the ocean of My
Most Precious Blood will flow into your heart and renew you (for those who are sealed).
Have your seal now, so that you will not be dried when you enter the desert of dryness.
At that time My Most Precious Blood will strengthen all of you who are sealed. Your weak
soul shall be courageous. You shall not be thirsty or hungry anymore because the Blood
you drink is a life-giving Spirit, and the Body you eat is the Bread of life.
Rejoice O Jerusalem for in you the Tabernacle of My Love was built. The ocean of My
Most Precious Blood will flow out and renew the world. You are surrounded by the hosts
of Heavenly Angels who guard you day and night. No one has power to destroy you
My children, when you enter the era of My Glorious Reign, keep all that I have given
you. Constantly renew them. If your children ask you, what does it mean? Tell them that
the Blood of the Spotless Lamb of God, the Blood of the New Covenant, the Most
Precious Blood of the New Seal that was shed for all men brought us out from a wicked
generation to this peaceful generation. They will adore My Most Precious Blood and
constantly renew this Seal. At that time, your eyes will be opened to see, and your mind
will also be opened to know, what I meant when I said “BE SEALED”.
Children, remain in Me and I in you. Have My Will done in you. Pray always, make My
Will known to all men. Let your lives hasten the Reign of My Glory. I am the Agonizing
Jesus Christ. Look for My lost sheep. Bring them back to Me. I will be consoled. I bless
you all. So, I leave.”
Immediately the vision passed.
(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be…)
(The Chaplet of Renewal/Litany of the Holy Spirit: Intention: For our personal needs)
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, Save us and the whole world.
Hebrews 12: 12-29
12. Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, 13. And make
straight steps with your feet: that no one, halting, may go out of the way; but rather be
14. Follow peace with all men, and holiness: without which no man shall see God. 15.
Looking diligently, lest any man be wanting to the grace of God; lest any root of
bitterness springing up do hinder, and by it many be defiled. 16. Lest there be any
fornicator, or profane person, as Esau; who for one mess, sold his first birthright. 17.
For know ye that afterwards, when he desired to inherit the benediction, he was
rejected; for he found no place of repentance, although with tears he had sought it.
18. For you are not come to a mountain that might be touched, and a burning fire, and
a whirlwind, and darkness, and storm, 19. And the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of
words, which they that heard excused themselves, that the word might not be spoken to
them: 20. For they did not endure that which was said: And if so much as a beast shall
touch the mount, it shall be stoned. 21. And so terrible was that which was seen, Moses
said: I am frighted, and tremble. 22. But you are come to mount Sion, and to the city of
the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to the company of many thousands of
angels, 23. And to the church of the firstborn, who are written in the heavens, and to
God the judge of all, and to the spirits of the just made perfect, 24. And to Jesus the
mediator of the new testament, and to the sprinkling of blood which speaketh better
than that of Abel. 25. See that you refuse him not that speaketh. For if they escaped not
who refused him that spoke upon the earth, much more shall not we, that turn away
from him that speaketh to us from heaven. 26. Whose voice then moved the earth; but
now he promiseth, saying: Yet once more, and I will move not only the earth, but
heaven also.
27. And in that he saith, Yet once more, he signifieth the translation of the moveable
things as made, that those things may remain which are immoveable. 28. Therefore
receiving an immoveable kingdom, we have grace; whereby let us serve, pleasing God,
with fear and reverence. 29. For our God is a consuming fire.
1Cor. 10:1-19
1.For I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that our fathers were all under the cloud,
and all passed through the
sea. 2. And all in Moses were baptized, in the cloud, and in the sea: 3. And did all eat
the same spiritual food, 4. And all drank the same spiritual drink; (and they drank of the
spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock was Christ.) 5. But with most of them
God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the desert.
6. Now these things were done in a figure of us, that we should not covet evil things as
they also coveted. 7. Neither become ye idolaters, as some of them, as it is written: The
people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play. 8. Neither let us commit
fornication, as some of them committed fornication, and there fell in one day three and
twenty thousand. 9. Neither let us tempt Christ: as some of them tempted, and perished
by the serpents. 10. Neither do you murmur: as some of them murmured, and were
destroyed by the destroyer. 11. Now all these things happened to them in figure: and
they are written for our correction, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
12. Wherefore he that thinketh himself to stand, let him take heed lest he fall. 13. Let
no temptation take hold on you, but such as is human. And God is faithful, who will not
suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able: but will make also with
temptation issue, that you may be able to bear it.
14. Wherefore, my dearly beloved, fly from the service of idols. 15.I speak as to wise
men: judge ye yourselves what I say. 16. The chalice of benediction, which we bless, is
it not the communion of the blood of Christ? And the bread, which we break, is it not the
partaking of the body of the Lord? 17. For we, being many, are one bread, one body, all
that partake of one bread. 18. Behold Israel according to the flesh: are not they, that
eat of the sacrifices, partakers of the altar? 19. What then? Do I say, that what is
offered in sacrifice to idols, is any thing? Or, that the idol is any thing?
Exodus 24:1-8
1.And he said to Moses: Come up to the Lord, thou, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abiu, and
seventy of the ancients of Israel, and you shall adore afar off. 2. And Moses alone shall
come up to the Lord, but they shall not come nigh; neither shall the people come up
with him.
3. So Moses came and told the people all the words of the Lord, and all the judgments:
and all the people answered with one voice: We will do all the words of the Lord, which
he hath spoken. 4. And Moses wrote all the words of the Lord: and rising in the morning
he built an altar at the foot of the mount, and twelve titles according to the twelve tribes
of Israel. 5. And he sent young men of the children of Israel, and they offered
holocausts, and sacrificed pacific victims of calves to the Lord. 6. Then Moses took half
of the blood, and put it into bowls: and the rest he poured upon the altar. 7. And taking
the book of the covenant, he read it in the hearing of the people: and they said: All
things that the Lord hath spoken we will do, we will be obedient. 8. And he took the
blood and sprinkled it upon the people, and he said: This is the blood of the covenant
which the Lord hath made with you concerning all these words.
Hebrews 9:21-end
21. But he that regarded not the word of the Lord, left his servants and his cattle in the
fields: 22. And the Lord said to Moses: Stretch forth thy hand towards heaven, that
there may be hail in the whole land of Egypt, upon men, and upon beasts, and upon
every herb of the field in the land of Egypt.
23. And Moses stretched forth his rod towards heaven, and the Lord sent thunder and
hail, and lightning running along the ground: and the Lord rained hail upon the land of
Egypt. 24. And the hail and fire mixed with it drove on together: and it was of so great
bigness, as never before was seen in the whole land of Egypt since that nation was
founded. 25. And the hail destroyed through all the land of Egypt all things that were in
the fields, both man and beast: and the hail smote every herb of the field, and it broke
every tree of the country. 26. Only in the land of Gessen, where the children of Israel
were, the hail fell not. 27. And Pharao sent and called Moses and Aaron, saying to them:
I have sinned this time also; the Lord is just: I and my people are wicked. 28. Pray ye
to the Lord, that the thunderings of God and the hail may cease: that I may let you go,
and that you may stay here no longer. 29. Moses said: As soon as I am gone out of the
city, I will stretch forth my hands to the Lord, and the thunders shall cease, and the hail
shall be no more: that thou mayst know that the earth is the Lord's. 30. But I know that
neither thou, nor thy servants do yet fear the Lord God. 31. The flax therefore and the
barley were hurt, because the barley was green, and the flax was now boiled: 32. But
the wheat, and other winter corn were not hurt, because they were lateward. 33. And
when Moses was gone from Pharao out of the city, he stretched forth his hands to the
Lord: and the thunders and the hail ceased, neither did there drop any more rain upon
the earth. 34. And Pharao seeing that the rain and the hail, and the thunders were
ceased, increased his sin. 35. And his heart was hardened, and the heart of his
servants, and it was made exceeding hard: neither did he let the children of Israel go,
as the Lord had commanded by the hand of Moses.
1.For the law having a shadow of the good things to come, not the very image of the
things; by the selfsame sacrifices which they offer continually every year, can never
make the comers thereunto perfect: 2. For then they would have ceased to be offered:
because the worshippers once cleansed should have no conscience of sin any longer: 3.
But in them there is made a commemoration of sins every year. 4. For it is impossible
that with the blood of oxen and goats sin should be taken away. 5. Wherefore when he
cometh into the world, he saith: Sacrifice and oblation thou wouldest not: but a body
thou hast fitted to me: 6. Holocausts for sin did not please thee. 7. Then said I: Behold I
come: in the head of the book it is written of me: that I should do thy will, O God. 8. In
saying before, Sacrifices, and oblations, and holocausts for sin thou wouldest not,
neither are they pleasing to thee, which are offered according to the law. 9. Then said I:
Behold, I come to do thy will, O God: he taketh away the first, that he may establish
that which followeth.
Matthew 26: 27-28
27. And taking the chalice, he gave thanks, and gave to them, saying: Drink ye all of
this. 28. For this is my blood of the new testament, which shall be shed for many unto
remission of sins.
Mark 14:23-24
23. And having taken the chalice, giving thanks, he gave it to them. And they all drank
of it. 24. And he said to them: This is my blood of the new testament, which shall be
shed for many.
1 Cor. 11:25
25. In like manner also the chalice, after he had supped, saying: This chalice is the new
testament in my blood: this do ye, as often as you shall drink, for the commemoration
of me.
Hebrews 9:19-22,
19. For when every commandment of the law had been read by Moses to all the people,
he took the blood of calves and goats, with water, and scarlet wool and hyssop, and
sprinkled both the book itself and all the people, 20. Saying: This is the blood of the
testament, which God hath enjoined unto you. 21. The tabernacle also and all the
vessels of the ministry, in like manner, he sprinkled with blood. 22. And almost all
things, according to the law, are cleansed with blood: and without shedding of blood
there is no remission.
Hebrews 10: 29
29. How much more, do you think he deserveth worse punishments, who hath trodden
under foot the Son of God, and hath esteemed the blood of the testament unclean, by
which he was sanctified, and hath offered an affront to the Spirit of grace?
Hebrews 12:22-27
22. But you are come to mount Sion, and to the city of the living God, the heavenly
Jerusalem, and to the company of many thousands of angels, 23. And to the church of
the firstborn, who are written in the heavens, and to God the judge of all, and to the
spirits of the just made perfect, 24. And to Jesus the mediator of the new testament,
and to the sprinkling of blood which speaketh better than that of Abel. 25. See that you
refuse him not that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spoke upon
the earth, much more shall not we, that turn away from him that speaketh to us from
heaven. 26. Whose voice then moved the earth; but now he promiseth, saying: Yet
once more, and I will move not only the earth, but heaven also.
27. And in that he saith, Yet once more, he signifieth the translation of the moveable
things as made, that those things may remain which are immoveable.
Hebrews 12:24
24. And to Jesus the mediator of the new testament, and to the sprinkling of blood
which speaketh better than that of Abel.
Letter of John 5:6-12
6. This is he that came by water and blood, Jesus Christ: not by water only, but by
water and blood. And it is the Spirit which testifieth, that Christ is the truth. 7. And
there are three who give testimony in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy
Ghost. And these three are one. 8. And there are three that give testimony on earth:
the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three are one. 9. If we receive the
testimony of men, the testimony of God is greater. For this is the testimony of God,
which is greater, because he hath testified of his Son. 10. He that believeth in the Son
of God, hath the testimony of God in himself. He that believeth not the Son, maketh him
a liar: because he believeth not in the testimony which God hath testified of his Son.
11. And this is the testimony, that God hath given to us eternal life. And this life is in his
Son. 12. He that hath the Son, hath life. He that hath not the Son, hath not life.
Hebrews 13:10-16
10. We have an altar, whereof they have no power to eat who serve the tabernacle. 11.
For the bodies of those beasts, whose blood is brought into the holies by the high priest
for sin, are burned without the camp. 12. Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify
the people by his own blood, suffered without the gate. 13. Let us go forth therefore to
him without the camp, bearing his reproach. 14. For we have not here a lasting city, but
we seek one that is to come. 15. By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise
always to God, that is to say, the fruit of lips confessing to his name. 16. And do not
forget to do good, and to impart; for by such sacrifices God's favour is obtained.
Hebrews Chapter 4
1.Let us fear therefore lest the promise being left of entering into his rest, any of you
should be thought to be wanting. 2. For unto us also it hath been declared, in like
manner as unto them. But the word of hearing did not profit them, not being mixed with
faith of those things they heard. 3. For we, who have believed, shall enter into rest; as
he said: As I have sworn in my wrath; If they shall enter into my rest; and this indeed
when the works from the foundation of the world were finished. 4. For in a certain place
he spoke of the seventh day thus: And God rested the seventh day from all his works. 5.
And in this place again: If they shall enter into my rest. 6. Seeing then it remaineth that
some are to enter into it, and they, to whom it was first preached, did not enter because
of unbelief: 7. Again he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, Today, after so long a
time, as it is above said: Today if you shall hear his voice, harden not your hearts. 8.
For if Jesus had given them rest, he would never have afterwards spoken of another
day. 9. There remaineth therefore a day of rest for the people of God. 10. For he that is
entered into his rest, the same also hath rested from his works, as God did from his. 11.
Let us hasten therefore to enter into that rest; lest any man fall into the same example
of unbelief. 12. For the word of God is living and effectual, and more piercing than any
two edged sword; and reaching unto the division of the soul and the spirit, of the joints
also and the marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13. the vision passed, the Immaculate Heart of Mary pierced with seven swords
appeared in the cloud. I heard the Cherubim who appeared in the cloud saying the
Then I came back.