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DATE: 17TH MARCH, 1997

TIME: 9:12 PM



In our reparation prayer with Mass, I saw in a vision the Great Torture of Our Lord. They tied Him to a pillar and brought out a layman who beat Him. After beating Him they led Him out to where they mocked Him, and made a Crown of Thorns for Him to wear as king. Our Lord wore a red mantle and they made Him sit on a chair and gave Him an iron rod in His Right Hand. They were all mocking Him and laughing at Him. They beat Him and said: “Hail, King of the Jews!”.

I saw again the vision of His sorrows in Gethsemane. He knelt down in prayer, with sweats of blood bathing Him from head to toe. As I looked, a great cloud covered the whole place, I saw the Holy Face of Jesus, with the Crown of Thorns on His Head. Our Lord said:

“My loving children, peace be with you. Offer all your sacrifices to me with love. Make all your sacrifices with happiness. Love the suffering you are passing through. Rejoice in the labour I gave you. Make all your hours the hours of prayer now that here is time. I say to you again, a time is coming soon when the Divine Ear will become deaf to hear His people. People will shout with their highest voice to me and get no answer.”


“Pray always, my loving children; let all of you be awake. Take your Rosaries, your Psalms, your devotional prayers and your Holy Mass as your daily bread. Learn to praise God and practice your adoration always. All the days of your life, consecrate yourselves to my Most Precious Blood and make daily reparations.

My children, the time is very short for the spreading of this devotion. How ready are you? What have you learnt from me? What changes have you made? What preparation do you make for the evangelization of the world? Answer me, my loving children! I am preparing to send you out and set you free for the spreading of this devotion. Listen, listen, my loving children; the hour is very short. Many nations will suffer the coming tribulation cruelly because they did not get the remedy. Prepare yourselves; I am coming soon to set you free for evangelization.


My children, the wicked man is not happy with you. The evil forces are planning to destroy you. They pour spiritual poison on you. This makes you not to pray well; constant sleeping sickness, laziness and weakness, hatred, half-hearted love; neglect without known reason, excessive talking and faithlessness. My children, these evil fruits are in you. Resist them and come back to the full knowledge of God and worship your God in spirit and truth.

My children, listen again, I am happy in all your effort towards the goal of salvation of mankind. A great reward is waiting for you in Heaven. With love, I plead with you, my loving children, to send these messages to your Bishop as I had ordered you for long. I am with you to make Him accept this devotion. He will welcome it and fulfill your request. Today, I will make his heart the heart of sorrow for my agony. I will reveal to him many things about my agony. I will make him a messenger of my Precious Blood. He will spread my holy devotion and will save many souls. Send the Chaplet to my devotee, Rev. Fr. Stephen Njoku, and tell him everything as you told your bishop. Send to him as many messages as I inspire you to do.”


My children, the month of July will be the Month of Pilgrimage. Remember all my warnings and obey them. I will be happy, if all of you produce the Chaplet as I have shown it to you, you will use them and encourage others to join you. Prepare, I say to you, prepare for this great month. After that, I will allow you to return to your destinations freely, but you must continue preaching my devotion wherever you go.

My children, you must produce this….” (He showed to me the medal of His Sacred Head with the Crown of Thorns).

“Wear this as a sign of covenant with me. The very day you are ready, I will teach you the prayers of this consecration.

I am very happy with you and your witness. I bless you all.

Make your faith grow up”.

Then the vision passed but I still looked at the medal for long till I came back to myself.



DATE: 9TH JULY, 2002

TIME: 8:00 PM


In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of Our Lady who came with seven little Cherubim. She had a Rose flower in her left hand as she came nearer and quietly said:

“Peace from Heaven be with you, my son. I am happy to see that my Son and my God, Jesus, sent many Saints to you to give you the gift and lessons of the Golden Peace, which I spoke of in the past but you did not understand. You did not understand then because you had not been taught. Now that you have been taught, I hope you understand?

For those who understand and are willing to grow, hear my motherly advice: “Run away from the world of noise. I mean leave the world of commotion and enter the world of quietness, I mean silence, and I mean peace. Put your ears away from those musical sounds of the world that disturb your true living being; I mean your soul. Do not yearn to be satisfied with the worldly music they call ‘high-life’. Begin now to derive true satisfaction and total peace that come from the mysteries of silence.

See, the world has converted this worldly music into the Church’s worship. This has come to lead many astray; to drive the Church from its perfect peace to the total emptiness where pride reigns.

O, my son, it pains my soul greatly to see the Holy Church of my Son turning from its silent and peaceful worship to a noisy and empty worship. I see with great sorrow, the agony of my Son which high-life music and dancing in His Holy Temple are causing Him. This is not worship, my son, rather, a scourge. I say, this worldly act, in the Temple of God, throws a cruel spear to pierce the Heart that loves much. Do not become a part of them. Learn to worship rather than to scourge. The self-exaltation and its glorification, which the world and the pagans and the Pentecostals gain in their empty music, are nothing but vainglory, the mother of pride.

My children do not make your gatherings like theirs. Learn from the mysteries of silence. Be satisfied with the joy of the true peace that comes from the power of silence.

O, my loving children, how happy I am today to inform you of my love for the desert, for the birds of the air, for the flowers of the garden, I mean for all the loving creatures of God. O, desert, you have given my soul the solitude she desires most. You have led her back to her loving Husband that she had abandoned when she, my soul, entered the world of sin, the world of commotion. O, quiet desert, I love to stay in you. O, happy solitude; through you, I have seen the Face of Him who loves me most; my God and my Saviour. Blessed be the God of Solitude.

My son, this is my love for the desert. For all my loving children who wish to attain these levels of perfection, they must love the desert and its solitude. Your love for the desert and its solitude is the beginning of the silence of the mouth and of the soul. The silence of the soul weighs you before the presence of the Lord. You then see your emptiness or your fullness in the Lord. Son, know that when I mean desert, I also mean all the quiet places that give the satisfaction which the real desert gives.

Detach from the world, I appeal to you my children. I say, detach from the slavish chain of money, and of all kinds of wealth. Detach from yourself; I mean your attachment to your life. Children, remove yourselves from these chains that hold you captive in the world. Know also, my children that your slavish attachment to your mother, your father, your brother, your sister and your friends will hold you captive in the world and keep you from growing.

As your mother who knows the needs of your soul, I appeal to you again to detach yourselves from the world and its pleasures. May Jesus be everything. I say, may my Jesus occupy the emptiness of your very souls. When the souls of the worldly men suffer the pain of restlessness, due to their attachment to the things of the world, the souls of my children will enjoy true peace due to their attachment to their Divine Master.

Children, when you have been composed as you offer yourselves wholly as living sacrifices, learn to listen to the Voice of God in your very soul. If you do not hear anything, wait, be calm, and allow the commotion of your soul to clear. When your soul obtains the true silence from God, you will begin to hear the little Voice of Love. You are to listen to this voice as you pray, as you read the holy books, and as you go about your daily work. This is the realm of Contemplation that you have been taught.

The last steps are mortification and perseverance in prayer. Know that the lighter you are, the easier for the soul to communicate with the Divine Spirit. So, gather the petal of mortification of the Perfect Rose for perseverance in prayer, I mean your continued struggle to attain the highest level of perfection. Son, I pray you all to persevere. Gather the lessons of the Saints and grow. I will teach you more in the days to come. Peace from Heaven be with you. So I leave you.”

Immediately, the vision passed and then appeared the Holy Face of Jesus Christ who calmly said:

“My children, you have heard my Glorious Reign announced. Indeed, my Reign has been born in your midst. Those who are spiritually blind will not see. The carnal-minded people will not understand. O, like the newborn baby, my Glorious Reign is fast growing. I see with joy the coming days of peace, which will come after the Purification. I see with joy the purity and perfection of my Little Lilies, who are scattered all over the world. my blessing remains for you all, Little Lilies. My blessing remains for you. (At these words, He made the sign of blessing) O! Gather these lessons of perfection and grow to be my Saints.

Children, see how I took you by the hand and led you through the level of emptiness to this level of perfection. Happy are all who follow me to this level of perfection; they shall grow to be my Saints.

Barnabas by now, you can understand how I use you many times when a serious matter is to be treated. Your true living being escaped the canopy of distraction to enter the realm of peace and of silence. You see that, at this level, you understand everything. Nothing is a mystery at this level. See, you hardly ask questions because everything is clear. You are in relationship with me.

I choose this gift of relationship because the earth is full of noise. Distraction is everywhere. Again, my people have gone far into the errors of modernism. My Church has been modernized and paganized. Many lessons are needed to bring everything back to its perfect order for the Glorious Reign. See, I am sending my Saints to help bring things to order. They are doing their best. I am seeing the fruit of their work. I will see to it that the devotion to my Precious Blood spreads all over the world as soon as possible, so as to gather my Little Lilies for my Glorious Reign.

Children, learn all the lessons I have given you in this devotion. I say, learn my lessons of love, of the Seal, of the Cross of Perfection, of the Rose of Perfect Purity, and this Golden Peace. Answer all my Calls: the Call of Gethsemane, of the Third Friday Devotion, and of the Seal Hour. Gather all the graces needed to meet the hour.

The Beast is around. The final battle is about to reach its climax, then, the turning point. This turning point will reveal the Glorious Reign that has been born in your midst and which you have celebrated. Struggle and get through this perilous time to the Era of Peace. May I see my Little Lilies there; may I see those who wiped my Bloody Face, I say, may I see my Veronicas in the Era of Peace. I will console them; I will wipe away tears from their eyes. I will give them peace and rest; I will be their God, and they will be my sons and daughters. Children, may I see you there.


My mother and saint Cecilia will teach you much at the next novena.

May the peace and blessings of the month of July remain with you. So, I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.”

Immediately, the whole vision passed.



DATE: 27TH JULY, 2003

TIME: 10:00 PM



In my prayer during this hour I had a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ who calmly said:

Children, do not follow the emptiness of the world and lose your soul in these days of darkness. The hours I foretold you in the past have come. This is the hour when people will lose the sense of true value. When I say true value, I mean those things that will last. This is the hour when my people will no longer remember Heaven, Hell, Death and Judgment. No one will preach them; even my pastors will not mention those words to the people. The world as well will not like to hear these words: Heaven, Hell, Death and Judgment. Pleasures and enjoyment will be the matters of the day. Your own eyes will see the kingdom of sin, where people will lose all sense of Heaven, Hell, Death and Judgment and perpetuate sin. They will like to make the world of sin a permanent home.

Children, this is the hour when prayers, mortification and holy sacrifice will be matters of the past. Those that still hold their prayers, mortification and charity will be regarded by the world as useless people. The world will call persons of these virtues mad. This reveals the fact that no one will encourage holiness and life of sacrifice any more at that time.

Children, the life of meditation and of solitude will vanish and no one will encourage them anymore. You will see with your own eyes how the holy adoration by my Church will disappear. This shall be so as you see the high life music and their naked dancers replacing the holy adoration by my Holy Church. Everyone will encourage it and take pleasure in sin. Money will rule the life of many people. Lying will be the business of men and cheating will be the matter of every minute.

Children, this is the hour, as you can see that the power of blindness has covered the eyes of many. The power of true reasoning has gone into hiding. Men are wallowing in the darkness of sin and of pride. See how men have gone far in the bondage of pride; they are worshippers of themselves and of mammon.

Children, I say to you again, do not follow the empty world and lose your soul. Answer my call of true love. Be what I created you and called you to be, and do what I created you and called you to do. Remain faithful in your prayers and holy mortification. You will find rest in me.

I plead with you again; do not trouble much about those things that do not give life to the soul. Do not worry your soul with the vain pleasures of this sinful world. Rather, think of the glory of my Kingdom of Peace. O, let the joy of this Kingdom keep you firm in your difficult days.

All who keep their trust in man will not survive these days of woe. All who love pleasure more than the Cross will not survive these days of iniquity. All worshipers of money and all who lie to be rich will not survive the days of the beast. The darkness of these days will cover their eyes. Children free yourselves from the emptiness of this sinful world and have peace in me.

I made this appeal because I see many lovers of mine who are following the way of the Beast. I want you to return and have my peace. Children, even if all men will become blind, hear my call of love and have your sight. Yield yourself to my Love. I will not let you walk in darkness.

One of the ways to true love is to live a hidden life. This is a life of simplicity; you are unknown to the world, but surely a great man in my Kingdom. So I appeal to you again, be humble.

Receive my blessing; I bless you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Immediately, the vision passed.




TIME: 12:00 AM



In my Gethsemane Hour of prayer, I saw in a vision the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus Christ crowned with Thorns. The Precious Blood of Jesus mingled and flowed from the numerous wounds of the thorns in the Sacred Head. Our Lord gently raised His Head and said;

“My children, I am happy with your effort to fulfill my wish. I saw how you suffered greatly for my sake. Your faithfulness to me pleases me much. Let my Precious Blood protect you all.

My children, it is enough. The ears have heard my message. The hearts have received the warning of Heaven. Your effort and your faithfulness please me. So, Heaven has done the work for you through your little effort. I say, pray much for repentance.

I will like to receive your adoration as you have planned it. Children, I will like to receive your adoration. Come and adore the Most High God. My children, you are little lambs that live among wolves. I advise you to be careful, watch and pray always, hide your lives from the wolves. I say run for your life.

The hour in which you are living now is dangerous. Be humble, my loving children. My sons, through humility and simplicity, the Red Army will be defeated. Be humble! Oh! Be humble. Accept all pains for my sake. Keep your mouth shut during the hour of violence and confusion. The Spirit of truth will direct you.

My children never leave your Gethsemane Hour because of any ordinary condition. I have much to advise and reveal to you. Whenever you come, pray and do not annoy me with your coldness. I say, do not sleep in my presence.

Run; run for your lives. Encourage your brothers to be faithful till the end. The great wind shall blow; a wind so great that even the giant green tree will fall. Think about the weaker trees. Pray for your brothers and build their faith with my word and promise. Love those who hate you. Make them friends and ask for God’s mercy on them. Be wise to know when your enemy comes. I love you all. I bless you all.”

Immediately the vision passed, I saw a great war arrow rotating constantly. As I looked, dawning light appeared in the middle of the arrow. Instantly, a sword with two sharp edges appeared.

I shivered and woke up.



DATE: 27TH JULY, 2002

TIME: 9:00 PM




In my prayer during this hour, I saw a vision of the Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ, who calmly said:

“Peace be with you my son. I come to teach you on the balance point of spiritual growth. I choose to teach you this so that you will not enter the field of frustration. Those who will listen and learn will find it easy to attain the highest level of perfection. They shall possess perfect beauty and enjoy the sweetness of true love. They shall enjoy all these things on earth, and greater enjoyment in the world to come.

Today, I have chosen to remind you of the lessons of my mother to you at the beginning of this year. I will reform you and redirect you to follow the lessons of Heaven to attain perfection. If you look around your level of emptiness, you will see the roads leading to the field of frustration. I have come to show you a path through which you can grow to enjoy my love and attain perfect beauty.

Come! Let us move to the Garden of Perfect Beauty where you shall meet the balance point. Children unless you balance, you cannot step into the last level of perfection. Even the level of total emptiness will lead you astray. I will use the knowledge of what you know to explain this lesson. Listen, balance level is the resting state of the mind, which gives forth the peace of the soul. Or see it this way: “It is the peace of the soul which gives rest to the mind of the flesh.

Children, to have this rest of the spirit, listen to this admonition: Free yourself from idleness, or laziness. Work hard to earn your living, search for wisdom always and struggle for excellence in your daily duties. Struggle always not to be a burden to anyone. Even as you go out for evangelization, do not be a burden to my flock. Struggle to be free. Oh, happy are the free souls for they enjoy the true rest. I created you to be free. Be free and enjoy the true rest.

Children, owe no one anything. Be free-givers rather than receivers. Run away wherever you see bloody money. Oh, struggle to purify your wealth with the holy sweat of your struggle for perfection always. Offer everything as prayer. Watch over your spiritual growth always. Weigh yourself with the weighing scale of true peace. Whenever your spiritual life affects the true peace of the mind or the flesh in union with the peace of the soul, you are spiritually and physically unbalanced. In the same way, whenever your earthly labour affects your spiritual growth, that is, if it affects the true rest of the soul, then you are physically and spiritually unbalanced. Know that in this unbalanced state, any effort of yours to grow is leading to the forest of frustration. You can see with your own eyes many children of mine who are in this forest of frustration already. Many of them are mad; many are false prophets; many are false teachers who have opened churches for wealth; the rest are lost in the world of sin.

Come out; come out from the forest of frustration. Your Master is calling you to the Garden of Perfect Beauty. Oh, come to my Holy Garden and see the Golden Peace. My lovers shall meet their Love at this level. Love will make them beautiful. That beauty shall be the mirror of all that is the beautiful. The world will call it Perfect Beauty.

Oh, how beautiful my queen will shine forth. I will take her and make her my temple. In this temple, I will build my Everlasting Tabernacle. I will live there forever. My glory will always be upon her.

Barnabas, the souls of my lovers are my queens. They are those who attain Perfect Beauty. I love them. They are my queens. Tomorrow, my mother will teach you about the childlike trust I am looking for from my lovers.

Remember, that I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, who is searching for my lovers. So, I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

Immediately, the vision passed.



DATE: 12TH APRIL, 2005

TIME: 1:00 AM



In my prayer during this hour, I saw in a vision of the Agonizing Jesus Christ who gently said.

“Peace be with you my son, and peace to all my children. I say to you all, let there be light in your midst and in your souls. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I come to give you peace.

Children, there are two groups of people that will suffer and even perish in sin, error and confusion. The first group comprises those who are not aware of this time. They continue in their own evil way of life and have no time for prayers and grace. Such people have no idea or concern for my messages and warnings of this time. Pleasure and enjoyment in sin are the gods they worship. Indeed, they will suffer greatly when the Man of Darkness manifests. Confusion and terror, will weigh them down. Then, sin will run their life. And many of them will perish.

The second comprises those faithless friends of mine, who think only of carnal needs and body protection. I mean those who work only for the salvation of the flesh, but pay less attention to the soul. You know them by the spirit of fear in them. I say that their life is bounded with fear. Their faith in me and in my words is so little that they will hardly see the light of true love. Barnabas, this group looked faithfully and devotedly, but they have no faith in them; so they did not understand my messages of this time. They are carried away by fear, not by love. You can see then leaving their homes and running for the safety of the flesh, while the soul is down. You can see them storing food for the need of the flesh, while the soul is dying of starvation. Many of them many leave the church and the sacraments, and go for exterior consolation and delight. All these things will constitute their error and confusion. It will reveal their blindness and show how they will perish in error and sin.

Do not be part of any of those groups. Rather, remain in my love and be little. Learn my way in the mysteries of my love which I revealed to you in the lesson on the City of God’s Love. Work hard to save your soul first, other things will follow latter. Pray much at this hour and engage in many sacrifices for the needs of the world. Make good use of every hour you have. Convert all times and every moment into times and moments of evangelization. Target and win all souls for me. I need the souls of men. I have paid the price with my Blood. Bring them to me through this devotion and by every holy means. I need them now. So I bless you all who have come, in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

Immediately the vision passed.



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