5TH FEB. 1997 TIME: 10.30 pm
During our final novena prayers with Mass, Our Lord appeared to me with His Crown of Thorns. He showed me His Five Wounds and said: “My children, honour these Wounds. Adore the Precious Blood, which comes out from them. Have mercy on Me, in My Agony. My children, listen. I say, listen. Some of you displease the Holy Trinity when you are praying. You invite the Holy Trinity and turn away your spirit from the Holy God, leaving only the clay for the Living God. My children, turn away from this attitude. Show respect to the One above all creation, the Creator Himself. My children, you displease Me much in this attitude. Pray only when you are willing to pray. Never, I say, never, pray when you are not willing to pray. Rather you make Me sad. The Father will not answer your prayer if you displease Him with absent-mindedness. My children, I need your prayers always, so, respect Me. My son, tell My children to ask for anything for seven minutes, I will answer. (Silence). Tell them to ask any question for three minutes. I will answer them. (Silence) I say you must ask reasonable questions. (A long silence). At this point, I was allowed to come back to myself and later I went back into a trance. “My son, listen, I need your sacrifice. Through it I will work out salvation. I heard your prayers. I will work for salvation. But I say to you, you will share with Me in My sufferings. The higher the suffering, the easier the journey becomes. The more you pray, the wider this devotion spreads. Therefore I say to you, you will be patient. In this end of age, My Father poured the Holy Spirit on His people. There also, the wicked spirit is being poured upon people by the Antichrist. My son, listen: out of disobedience in this end of age the word Pentecostal was first formed by the spirit of the Antichrist. I say, run away from them. Listen again; there is the Presence of the Holy Spirit in the Holy Catholic Church. All who belong to this ROCK, who obey and are holy, have the Holy Spirit. Charism also belongs to this ROCK. With these: Obedience, humility, love and holiness, you possess the fullness of the Holy Spirit. My children, listen. Warn all the charismatics who belong to this ROCK. Satan has entered. Many have been possessed by the spirit of the Antichrist. I say, be careful. My children, if your question is not answered, wait for Me in your personal reparation prayer by 3.00 pm. On the 7th of this month, I will answer you and give you a way out. Be happy that the Father accepts your sacrifice. Do the Benediction immediately.” During the Benediction, I was looking at our Priest raising the Blessed Host in the monstrance. Our Lord appeared and said, “I BLESS YOU IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, AND OF THE SON, AND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.”
Immediately He disappeared.
6TH FEB. 1997 TIME: 10.30 pm
During the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Our Lady appeared holding a beautiful flower in her hand. She calmly said; “My little children, peace from Heaven be with you. Children, accept all your sufferings with happiness. Try, I say to you, try as much as you can to edit all the messages. Heaven knows all your efforts. Father knows the work before giving it to you. Make my Son happy through your efforts. I am happy with your little efforts that is what motivated me to come and congratulate you. I will be happy if you read the quotations, which my Son gave you in the beginning of this call. The quotations are Hebrews 12:12-29 and 1 Cor. 10; 1-9. Meditate on them, your problem will be solved.” MY SON LOVES YOU, ADORE HIM ALWAYS “My Son loves you all. He wants you to pray, TO PRAY HARDER always. He is waiting for your prayers. See how He looks at you. Offer all your weaknesses to Him. Adore Him always. My children, whenever you come around this Holy Tabernacle respect Him Who loves you. Respect the sprinkled Blood that saved you. My Son is not happy with this attitude. He said; ‘I will stop you from coming here again’. But I interceded for you and He pardoned you. I beg you, my little children, be silent whenever you come around this Holy Tabernacle. Pray and meditate on His agony. Continue this adoration with Mass as usual. Respect the Holy Precious Blood on the altar. Plan this adoration and make it acceptable to my Son. My Son will not give any more messages or revelations to you again unless you try and edit all the messages. If you don’t obey, He might come and take away all the gifts He has given you. I am leaving you now, tell your people to obey the command of my Son. Say the 3.00 pm adoration and the Gethsemane Hour prayers silently, otherwise, Father will stop them. Peace from Heaven be unto you. My son be happy and smile. Bye.”
7TH FEB. 1997 TIME: 9.00 pm
During the novena prayer with Mass, as we were praying, in a vision I saw Our Lady dressed in a white garment and she had a crown on her head. She said; “I bless you all. May the peace from Heaven be with you. Make your faith stronger. Pray with love and love all who hate you. My children, I obtained grace for you from my Son. See what you will do and how so that it will please my Son. Let all your people pray harder now. Immediately after editing the Messages, Revelation, Warnings and Admonitions, make a three-day novena prayer with Holy Mass. You will pray harder and adore the Most Precious Blood present in the Most Holy Eucharist. My children, anyone who will disgrace my Son will not be welcome. Anyone, who starts the novena, will have to complete it. Otherwise, the novena will be repeated. After that, you will send this holy Chaplet of my Son’s Precious Blood to your Bishop. I am the Queen of heaven. PRAY HARDER NOW. PRAY, PRAY HARDER. I say Bye.” Immediately, I saw the Crown of Thorns, and the vision passed.
8TH FEB. 1997 TIME: 11.00 pm
During our prayer with Mass, Our Lady appeared to me. Her Immaculate Heart radiated rays through the Seven-sword pierced holes. She calmly said, “My children offer yourselves as living sacrifices to Jesus Christ, my Son. Offer all your actions and works to Him. Rejoice always as you climb the ladder leading to peace and salvation. This work is hard but easy for those who submit to the Divine Will of God. My children, listen, let me explain to you how to pray and what Heaven wants from you. My Son listens to you always. He wants to hear from you always. O my loving children pray this ejaculatory prayer always. Pray like this; MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST – SAVE US AND THE WHOLE WORLD, at least 500 times a day. Pray this ejaculatory prayer of reparation also for the sins that are committed against His Precious Blood. I beg you O my loving children to look back on all the orders, which my Son, has given you, and fulfil all of them. He is not happy about those who neglect His orders. My children, my Heart bears much pain, only love my Son and make Him happy, I will rejoice also and my pains will be healed. Learn how to console so as to be consoled. Pray with love and make Him happy. May the peace from Heaven be with you all. I bless you all. Bye.” Immediately She disappeared, and a large number of stars appeared. I looked till I came back to myself.
9TH FEB. 1997 TIME: 9.15 pm
During our novena prayer with Mass, Our Lady appeared to me holding a palm frond in her hand. She said: “I am happy; Heaven is happy also. Your efforts make Us happy. Continue praying with joy, O my loving children. My children, listen, you should edit the adoration prayers which you pray in each decade of this Chaplet, and those prayers which you pray before and after the litany of the Precious Blood of my Beloved Son tomorrow before you come. I will assist you. The Holy Ghost will come and be with you. My children, be careful that you do not change the meaning of these prayers. I command you to do this because you do not WRITE EXACTLY WHAT HEAVEN SAYS. I will help you tomorrow to make it well-edited. My Son will be waiting for you to fulfil His commands so that His work will endure. Wait for Him, He will come and help. He promised to save. He loves you all. He accepts all your sacrifices.” She then waved the palm frond and said, “Be blessed, peace from Heaven be with you.”
10TH FEB. 1997 TIME: 10.00 pm
During our novena prayer with Mass, Our Lady appeared to me holding again a palm frond in her hand. On her side were little Cherubim. Then she humbly said: “My children, listen, many whom you think will accept this devotion will neglect it. And those whom you do not know, or whom your minds get troubled about when you remember them and this devotion, will welcome it with happiness. My loving children, a time is coming when all of you will look disappointed; many of you will grow weaker and weaker in your devotion. At this time some of you will withdraw themselves bit by bit from this holy call till they reach the zero point. This period will be the last period of trial and purification in this Holy Call. After a short period, Father will raise this holy devotion like a sun coming out in the morning from the east. My loving children, I am praying for you that none of you will be lost during that period. Love prayers now there is enough grace in the world. Pray more seriously now. Endure all your sufferings and even accusing words from people during that period. My children, only those who endure till the end will get the reward of grace. I warn you all never to allow misunderstanding to conquer you so that Satan will not in any way come in and scatter you all. Live as a solid lead in the Hand of my Father. I promise you that no power can affect you in this form. I am with you all, I pray for you, I bless you all”
13TH FEB. 1997 TIME: 9.25 pm
As we were praying, Our Lady appeared holding a palm frond in her hand and said, “My children, peace from Heaven be with you. My loving children, allow the Will of the Eternal Father to be done in your lives. Think only of the good of others. Plan with Heaven only to save souls. Pray much for pagans and work hard for their salvation. Father thinks of you. He has made a plan for your lives. Be happy and work for the salvation of mankind. My children, now you have given your lives to my Son, Jesus Christ, make sure that no word which cannot save or heal the world will ever come out of your mouth. Count the words you say, for Satan, is jealous of you and the plans of Heaven for you. He is planning to accuse you with your words. I say be careful! My children, run away from evil gatherings so that you may not ruin your lives. Never, I say, never attack your leader so as to avoid the wrath of God. If you do attack your leader, the Holy Spirit will leave you. My children avoid lateness so that Father will bless you and hear your prayers. My Son commands you to pray and make reparation, which will bring peace to the world through His mercy. My children, are you doing it? What is reparation? How are you doing it? Children, answer these questions and make reparation for the sins committed against my Son’s Precious Blood. My children, share in the mercy I have for the world and have mercy on them. Have mercy on them and pray for them. O, pray for them and direct them to the Divine light. Help them to walk out of darkness. Teach them the way to Heaven. Help them to be baptized and share always in the Blood of the Spotless Lamb of God. My children, help all men to come to the full knowledge of the truth, so as to be able to share in the Most Precious Blood of my Son, which promises to save. The Precious Blood has power to save the world from this coming Chastisement. My children, never let an hour pass without receiving Holy Communion. Receive it spiritually always. Pray always for this holy call, the Devotion to the Most Precious Blood. Offer all your weaknesses for it. Through this, the holy Church will welcome it and save her life. I bless you all. Come into the light.” Immediately, Heaven opened she moved until she disappeared.
14TH FEB. 1997 TIME: 9.15 pm
As we were praying, Our Lady appeared to me in a vision holding a Rose flower and she said; “My children remain in peace from Heaven. Listen, my Son is not pleased with those of you who pray to Him with absent-mindedness. They speedily say prayers but think nothing of what they are saying. He called you so that you would teach the world the full knowledge of prayers. I say to you, my loving children, that a decade of the Chaplet of the Precious Blood of my Son, prayed well, is worth more than fifteen decades of it not said well. My children, pray and meditate on the Passion of my Son. Console Him with humility. (Little silence) CONTINUE PRAYING HARDER Then I asked her: “Mother, may all creatures honour thee. I praise thy holy name. Today is the last day of the three days’ novena. What next shall we do? Are we to continue? We are willing to do the Will of God!” (Brief silence) She continued: “My loving children, make another three days’ novena, do it with ‘consolation and adoration songs. Pray with your whole heart and, fulfil your agreement. My children, anytime you come, expose the Blessed Sacrament, and say the Chaplet of the Most Precious Blood. Immediately after this coming novena, I will allow you to rest. Then you can use the opportunity to edit all the messages and get them ready to be sent out for approval. I will direct you more on the remaining work. My children, pray well so that you will not provoke my Son who loves you much. I bless you.” Immediately, She disappeared, and a large number of stars appeared. Then I came back to myself.
18TH FEB. 1997 TIME: 9.30 pm
During our adoration prayer with Mass, Our Lady appeared to me holding a war spear and said; “My children, I fight for you always. The wicked man in the spiritual world who had been sent to you, in order to attack you will not hurt you. Through your prayers, I will defend you and defeat him. Encourage my children who had been attacked by the Ibono men, with words of the scripture taken from 2 Corinth. 4: 1-10. I say to them, fear not, I am with you. I bless you all. Peace be with you.” Immediately she vanished. (* Ibono, -a local cult which initially fought the devotees of the Precious Blood in Olo)
22ND FEB. 1997 TIME: 9.00 pm
During our three-day novena prayer with Mass, I saw Our Lord holding a Chalice. He came to me and gave me the Sacred Host from the Chalice. Immediately, I found myself on a mountain with my fellow people including our Priest kneeling in front of the Crucifix. I saw Archangel Michael with two little Cherubim. He said; “People of God, receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. I am Michael the Archangel sent by the Holy Trinity. Share with Our Lord Jesus Christ in His Suffering”. Immediately, he started sharing the host. After that, they left. Then Our Lord appeared in the cloud with the Crown of Thorns on His Head. He said: “My children, I bless you in the Name of the Holy Trinity. Peace from Heaven be with you. Share in the Trinitarian Love. My children, this period needs prayer more than your stomach needs food for survival. You will continue to pray harder for My holy church. I say to you, let your prayer move the strong rock in the hearts of people. Let your prayer chain Lucifer in the abyss and seize the power of Satan in this physical world. Pray harder now, I say, with your prayers, I will open the hard Iron Gate and let My people in. I say, only prayer will drive My holy Church through to the true knowledge of this devotion. Through your prayers, I will do marvellous things in your sight. When you see them your hearts will be full of joy.” BE CAREFUL HOW YOU LIVE NOW “My children, listen, this period is very risky. Any error you make will have an effect on the hearts of people who will hear you. Satan has only little chance. You have defeated him in many ways. Look carefully now, for he plans cruelly against you. Be careful on how you live, how you talk, and how you make friends, separate your lives from the lives of hypocrites and love them by praying for them. Love sinners and pray for them. My children, never
argue anything with anyone about this devotion. Never, I say never join the accusers in their evil words. I say to you, love those who hate you and pray for those who speak evil of you. Listen, I have told you this before, I am reminding you again. A group of people will come and accuse you in many ways. They will call you servants of demons. They will also broadcast your names in the streets. People will look at you and laugh at you. I say to you never utter a word; never lose hope. Continue praying harder for them. If you do, suddenly I will catch them in their own traps. They will come back with shame and believe you. At that time, you will understand what I am telling you now. You will lead them to the happy world. After the Tribulation, all men will come and adore the Most Precious Blood of their salvation. My children, learn to live SILENT lives so that you will not sell your birthright. Try, I say, try much to understand the words of wisdom. Speak only when it is necessary for you to speak. Listen, when your enemy accuses you, and correct your errors. Never let anything disturb your lives anytime you are praying; so as to gain the grace of God. My children, never fight against flesh or blood. I say to you, fight against the wicked spirit inside the Temple. Fight against the destroyer and defeat him. My children, you must overcome the temptation of the devil. Conquer Satan in his war against you, so that you will have power over him. I say to you unless you conquer, your victory will not come. Unless there is war, there will be nothing like a crown of victory. Fight and conquer in the battle, I am with you. Barnabas, I am happy with your little effort. Nothing will be lost. I bless you all.” Immediately a drop of Blood from His Sacred Head fell on me. Then I started hearing a song from above. Later the whole vision passed; I came back to myself and thought of the journey. Then everything came back to my memory.
23RD FEB. 1997 TIME: 9.00 pm
On the second day of the three-day novena, we were praying when I saw Our Lord hanging on the Cross. After a while, clouds covered the whole place. Immediately, the Sacred Head appeared with blood oozing out from all the Wounds on His Head. Calmly, Our Lord said: “How I wish you all, My children, were to practise holiness all the days of your lives. I am happy when I see you praying in humility and simplicity. Enjoy the lives of Saints and Angels in Heaven through your effort on holy living. My children offer your lives for holy purposes; purify your body by the work of holiness. Purify it through your suffering and prayerful lives. My children, remember that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit Who lives in you. So keep it holy. The spirit of truth dwells in a clean house and constantly pours into it the fruit of life. This fruit will germinate and bear multiple fruits of life, which men will reap and eat as the bread of life. This is the true conversion. My children, a holy life gives light to those in darkness. I say to you, learn to live a completely holy life. Barnabas, some are sleeping. Their hearts are far from Me. Tell them to return to Me.” (Brief Silence) He continued by saying: The battle is Mine “Barnabas, I love this adoration. Heaven is rejoicing over your effort, continue praying harder. I love your adoration.
Listen again; be certain that you offer all your actions and words to Me. Be consecrated to Me truly and constantly renew it. Barnabas, tell your Priest, My servant, the bearer of My agony, that all effort is not in vain. All lost will be found; that great happiness awaits a winner after a great battle. My Priest, listen, never lose hope when the wicked men harden their hearts and take away the knowledge of Heaven that they will hardly believe you regarding these Divine messages. Some will advise you to neglect My messages and even the holy Chaplet of My Precious Blood. Some will further tell you that you will soon be deceived by the mystics of this last age. Not only that, they will mock you and call you anything they like. All these will happen to you, so as to shake your faith. You will also suffer pains of the heart due to the cruel words of hypocrites. Even the one you trust will speak against this devotion. All these will be the fight of the Evil One against this call. My Priest, the Evil One will work more than these things; I said, with the aim of quenching this plan of Heaven. If you hold firm to your faith, My Precious Blood will reign and your joy will be complete. My children, if you withstand this period of mourning that is coming, I promise to refine the world with My Precious Blood. Be certain that the world will reject it at first but later welcome it when I raise up My Hand. But you need to pray harder. My children, because of these things, I have warned you all several times to pray, to edit all My messages and make constant reparation, so as to defeat the wicked spirit. (Silence) My children, there is a need to pray, no prayer is a waste. Your life is not like those of the world who have no experience of this call. Offer all your lives to Me – The battle is Mine. (Silence) I prayed; “Lord, my God, Jesus Christ, it is Your wish to save all men. You Yourself called us to this call. Remember that we are only mere instruments. Strengthen us to do Your Will; to overcome these temptations, and lastly to give you glory. Lord, we are willing to do Your Will Amen”. (Long silence) Then I saw a large number of heavenly soldiers with swords of war coming from Heaven. Our lord continued: “My son, faith is the only instrument I need from you in this spiritual war. Through your prayers, many kingdoms will be destroyed. These soldiers will fight for you always. Be holy, make the Temple holy, resist the devil and his work, love your enemy, I am with you all. In your holiness, I rejoice. I bless you all”
24TH FEB. 1997 TIME: 9.00 pm
On the last day of our three-day novena, as we were praying, Our Lord appeared with a multitude of Cherubim and said: “My children, peace be unto you. Your adoration pleases Me much. Heaven rejoices as you pray. The Throne of the Father was lifted up. I love your adoration. My children, today you have finished the novena as Mother ordered you. You are now free to submit the messages to your Bishop soon before the given date. Make everything clear to him. Give him the message I gave you about him. I say to you, I will open his heart and let him see this great privilege given to the world. I say, with joy he will welcome this Chaplet. My children, obey his advice. I will tell you further things to do after the journey. My children, never give any priest this Chaplet or these messages, except My devotees and those who had been aware of it, until you submit it to your new Bishop. Immediately you submit it to your Bishop, send it to My devotees who will spread it to the world. Make everything clear to them. I will reveal much about the Pilgrimage Days so that they will see and have faith in Me. My children, the Pilgrimage will come soon. I will let you know before the time comes. I tell you all, prepare yourselves for great work. You help in the evangelization of this devotion. My little children, you know, the hour is very short. Many souls will be lost if there are no efforts of fast evangelization of this devotion. I want you to continue praying harder always. Through prayer, I will direct your actions to the true work of salvation. Then, I will save many souls. My children, listen, I will command you to reveal this devotion to your parishioners before the Pilgrimage Days come. I say, you must pray harder for them. Oh! Pray that their hearts will change; pray that their eyes will open; I say, pray that I will save them. Barnabas, many people will neglect this call at first because they hate you. I say pray for them, pray for the hearts who will abandon this devotion and deceive other people not to listen to My holy message of salvation. I say to you, there will be hatred in the hearts of people. Only a few will rejoice at first. My son I promise that I will turn their hearts through your prayer. I will work miracles in their sight. And all will run with joy to this devotion and practice it every day before the great day of darkness comes. My children, I warn you never to reveal this message until all is fulfilled. Listen, My children, I chose you and sealed you with the Heavenly Mark. You share in My agony and pray for sinners. You make reparation and sacrifice for the good of the world. You answer the call with humility; you are still waiting for the future suffering and its mockery. You wait for the coming persecution, even the neglect and hatred of people against you. My loving children, will you like to lose a soul? Will you like to suffer the terrible Chastisement? I say will you like to lose the glorious crown waiting for you in Heaven after this terrible journey? I say to you, submit to the Divine Will. PRAY, I WILL TEACH YOU REPARATION PRAYER. Obey all the Warnings and Admonitions and live a holy life. Practise holy love and pray for sinners always. My children, this hour is very dangerous: Be careful that no one suppresses your zeal with deceitful words. Imitate My Holy Mother in her humility so as to endure till the end. Pray the Rosary always and meditate on the mysteries. Pray this chaplet of My Precious Blood calmly and feel the drop of My Most Precious Blood. PRAY, I will teach you the Reparation Prayer when the time comes for it. Be at peace always.” Immediately the vision of the Holy Trinity appeared in the cloud. The Holy Spirit flashed His Divine Light on us. Then I saw in the vision the Father and Son raise up their Hands and said; “Be blessed”
Then the Vision passed and I woke up.
1ST MAR.1997 TIME: 10.00 am
During this novena prayer with Mass, while we were praying, I saw the Holy Face of Jesus Christ. Blood was gushing out from His Holy Face. On that mountain, there was a cloud all over. Then Our Lord said; “My children, rejoice for I have done miraculous things for you. These marvellous things are hidden in your eyes. How happy shall that day be when your eyes will see the miraculous things the Lord has done. Take away all burdens in your hearts O! My loving children, Let your soul rest so that you will worship me with joy and gladness. I am near you, children. I am working in My garden. Oh! Come My loving children, love Me and follow this journey of salvation with hope, I am doing the work, no man will hinder it, if you can continue showing Me love and truth in My Divine messages. I say to you, My children, follow the Divine Will, you will not regret. SEND MY HOLY CHAPLET TO THE
BISHOP My children, you have given My servant Bishop Eneja the messages and taught him about the Chaplet. I say to you, make use of his advice but never give up. Never lose hope. That is all you need from him. Think about the advice and make your faith strong. Listen, now to what you will do as soon as possible. My children, you will send My holy Chaplet to the new Bishop who will consecrate it to Me when the time comes. You will speak to him in this way. Firstly, give him the holy Chaplet of My Most Precious Blood; briefly tell him the summary of the Chaplet. Secondly, give him the message about the devotion and worldwide evangelization of the devotion. Explain to him briefly My command to you and tell him that the hour is very short. Thirdly, give him the full messages and explain other witnesses as you saw. Fourthly, you are now free to speak as My Spirit gives you utterance. My children, I say to you, he will welcome it. My children, you will beg him to allow you to send letters to My devotees and the world evangelizers. Remember to tell him that the hour is very short to save souls, that I promise to save My people through this Chaplet. My children, love Me and console Me. Read the message of 28th Jan., (1997) with him. My Priest fear not to speak boldly on the message of the Precious Blood. I am with you. Tomorrow, I will tell you about the evangelization of this devotion, the day you will reveal this chaplet to your parish and preach the devotion. I bless you all”
2ND MARCH 1997 TIME 9.45 am
In our adoration prayer with mass, in a vision, I saw Our Lord; His hands were tied with rope. They mocked Him and laughed at Him. They covered His Eyes and said to Him, you are the Son of God tell us who beat You. They beat Him and pushed Him from one place to another, but Our Lord kept silent while the vision was on. The cloud covered the whole place and then appeared the Sacred Head and Our Lord said: My children, you will suffer the same persecution in this your lifetime. The world will hardly love you. The time you do good will be the time of hatred and neglect. I say to you My loving children, learn to be humble, look for help in Me; tell Me your problems and make your faith strong. I will do marvelous things through your humility. My children, you will continue praying harder and harder. Set aside one day in a week for adoration prayer. That day you will come and make reparation and renew your consecration. Go and prepare yourselves for evangelization. Study all the messages and have true knowledge of them. On Good Friday, you will teach My holy Chaplet to your parishioners. Preach the devotion to them and make My promise clear to them. Inform them to test My holy Chaplet; they will see and believe. I will tell you much about this condition before the time comes. My children, see how great it is for you to obey My orders. I say to you, pray and make the 3pm reparation prayer now. I command you to observe the Gethsemane Hour, as I send you out into the desert, with your full heart. 26th day of March will be the last day of this reparation prayer you do in the desert. 27th of the same March will be the day of Gethsemane Hour; you will watch with you parishioners as from 11.00 pm to 3.00 am. Make the adoration great. Happy are those who obey My command and fulfill the orders I gave them. I care for their souls. My children, listen, the Third Friday reparation prayer remains constant. You will continue it as you do and make it great. Remember to spend at least ‘One hour’ for Gethsemane Hour in the midnight of Thursday into Friday. You can make it individually or in-groups. I say to you, watch and never allow sleep to overcome you. Look; Satan will attack you so that many of you will not do it well. Sleep will not allow them. Make use of the desert training and never lose your zeal. My children, write out your personal inspirations; I say write out what makes you believe the messages, how I called you and personal experiences.
Do this quickly so that you will not regret. My Priest, try as much as you can to edit all My messages about this call and keep them well. See that no message is lost. The time for a great joy is coming. The month of this March and April will be for the starting of this evangelization. Take this work easy now. Do not rush it, but never leave it. Be balanced in your duty now. I will bring you a helper. Only obey Me when I call you. My children, I will tell you something about your vocations on 21st March 1997, prepare and wait for Me. I will be happy if I see you preparing for the evangelization. Go and study all My messages. I bless you all; peace from Heaven be with you”. Immediately the vision passed, I started hearing a song and came back to myself.
4TH MARCH 1997 TIME:10.50pm
I was praying when I saw in a vision the Agonizing Jesus Christ on the Cross. Blood was flowing out from all the Wounds on His Sacred Body. Our Lord said to me: “My son, pray that your people will wait with patience till the time comes when I will show My power to all men through My Precious Blood. Pray much for them. Barnabas, I will make the month of July great for My Precious Blood. Prepare for evangelization. I am coming to send you out. I bless you Peace be with you”.
9TH MARCH 1997 TIME:3.00 pm
During the spiritual communion, I saw in a vision the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus Christ, gushing out blood from all the Wounds of thorns: Our Lord said: “My son, why are you delaying yourself and My messages. The devotion will continue prolonging until you and your people obey all My messages, those commands, I gave you. Tell them when you return home to look back on all the orders I gave you and fulfill them. If you refuse to obey those orders, the world will not listen to you. My son, I promise to save My people. Help Me through your obedience. I bless you. Immediately the vision passed. Then, I saw the sun rising from the east with a Red Cross in the middle. There was a great lightning and thunder. I shivered and woke up.
15TH MARCH 1997 TIME 9.45 am
During our adoration prayer with Mass, in a vision, I saw the Agonizing Jesus Christ carrying the cross. There was a large number of people who followed Him to Calvary. As I was looking, they beat Him and forced Him to continue walking without rest. In a short while, I heard a great noise. Immediately, the cloud covered the whole place, and then I saw the Holy Face of Jesus Christ with the Crown of Thorns in the cloud. He kept silent for some time and said: “My son, listen, I will explain many things to you about the last Gethsemane Hour. Why can’t you welcome the great favour from Heaven now there is time for you? Why can’t you answer this call with love and fear, because the One Who called you is mighty and holy? The hour is coming when you will look for these opportunities but find them not. My children, enjoy this adoration now, a time is coming soon when there will be no adoration on earth; people will look for help and find nothing. The hour is coming soon; the hour of terrible persecution; only those who are well prepared with prayer and suffering will rejoice after the Great Hour of Persecution. My children, you passed the first transformation of life, the purification of soul and body; you suffered the effects and rejoiced. Be happy because you crossed the first transformation of life. You are now marked as the children of the Most High. Be careful that the Evil One does not tempt you and make you to suffer in many ways. Be careful! Live in peace with one another. Your humility will help you to overcome the great trials. The second transformation of life is coming. Happy will be those who will be found in this joyful gathering. The coming Chastisement has no power over them. My children, with love and happiness, continue praying and waiting for the great day of purification and transformation.
Immediately, I saw the Chaplet of the Precious Blood in that cloud; Our Lord held it and gave it to me and said: My son; take this Chaplet, show it to the world. Let everyone pray it always and make constant reparation for all the sins committed against My Precious Blood, produce this Chaplet and make use of it in your prayer. I will use this Chaplet to perform great miracles. My children, produce at least three chaplets before the month of July, the great month of My Precious Blood. The middle of the Chaplet is the Sacred Head and the Crucifix is complete Agonizing Jesus. The Wounds and the Blood appeared very well on the Crucifix. The small red beads are twelve in number. My children, make exactly what you see. I am with you all to help you. I will speak about this Chaplet again and tell you all about it.
My children, prepare yourselves for evangelization; Read all the messages and study the warnings. Read your Bible and stand eagerly to preach the devotion to My Precious Blood. People will laugh at those who can’t respond to My warnings. Those who do not show love to Me and fear My Presence in the Holy Eucharist will suffer pains of heart before people will believe them. Unless you pray and change your attitude now, all these will happen to you. My children, be at peace with everyone. Work with love with the charismatic groups. Wait with patience. I will show them! The leaders will suffer great sorrow, I will send to them. Because they neglected their duty and allowed the Evil One to rule them. The Evil One is the spirit who manipulated their inspiration, who made them blind not to see, who seized their understanding not to understand the cunning ways of the wicked man who deceives and makes them lazy.
My son, many souls are being lost forever; who will bring them back? Unless they pray and allow Me to come and direct them, they will continue their own way, which leads to eternal damnation. My children pray much for the innocent children who have been killed in this town, your own land. My children listen, warn My people to stop abortion; let all youths stop abortion; all men stop adultery. They were “fifty” souls killed by abortion in this very town (Olo) this year. They curse the land every day; they disturb Heaven with their deep cry of sorrow. My loving children, pray the Chaplet of My Precious Blood for them and warn My people to stop sin. He will greatly suffer he who kills the innocent children (Silence), My son, pray much for them. Tomorrow I will explain much to you. Prepare for evangelization, I love you. I bless you.” Then, there was a rain of blood (spiritually) in the whole world. Then I came back.
16TH MARCH 1997 TIME: 9.00 pm
During our adoration prayer with Mass, I saw Our Lord’s Passion on Calvary He was being stripped naked. Then they straightened Him on the cross and started nailing Him. He cried out in a loud voice. Immediately, there was a large cloud, which covered the whole place. Then the Sacred Head appeared and Our Lord said: “My loving children, listen and understand these words. I chose you, so that you may live a monastic live. I set you apart for a great work, which is hidden in the sight of the world. Through your prayers, mercy shall be granted to humanity and through your love for one another, people will learn to live at peace with one another. I told you to take away all the burden of hatred and make peace with everyone. If you do, you will gain their souls for Heaven. I say to you, you must complete your lives with holiness so that you will not lose your souls and other souls. Take out all the evil fruits; then germinate and grow like a healthy plant which will be a home of rest for all birds; wild animals will eat its fruits and grow fat and strong. 24 My children, I warn you never to let any of you become unspiritual like Esau. Never let your attitude wedge the plan of Heaven for the salvation of humanity. If you do, your lives on earth will gain nothing like Esau’s. Some will harden their hearts not to hear all My orders and become lost forever. It will happen to you as it happened to the Israelites on Mountain Sinai, those who refused to hear from the one I gave Divine message on earth. They will tremble and shake with fear when I come to them with My terrifying voice. But the time will be too late to save souls during the hour; the minute will be over and the second will be over.
My children, I make this call to be a holy call for you. The land you walk on is a holy land, a home of rest in the hour of disaster, the Heavenly Jerusalem, surrounded by thousands of Angels. Heaven celebrates daily the Feast of the First Born Son of God on that holy land which promises much better things than the blood of Abel. The land is holy; you must keep it holy. When the time comes, you will mount a complete crucifix on that land. I promise to heal any person who stands on that land. I will answer all their request. Whenever you come there, console Me, adore My Precious Blood and make reparation. Pray the holy Chaplet of My Precious Blood immediately after your Rosary and consecrate yourselves to My Precious Blood. Make a daily sacrifice for the sins of the whole world and pray for them. Pray for all, whom I told you to pray for. Obey all My orders. He will not escape My punishment he who fails to listen to My orders. The mighty wind will blow the person away. There will be great destruction, the heavens, as well as the earth, will shake and make a great noise. All the evil will be destroyed. Only the good will remain. Any person who survives this great Chastisement has the power to live with the Son of God and govern with Him for years to come. There will be no life for those who lose. They will be lost forever.”
“My children, why can you not hear these words and worship God in harmony? Read Psalm 130, I say to you, oh My loving children, to do this adoration with love and happiness. The time is coming when there will be no adoration on earth. There will be no one to celebrate Mass as worthy as this one you hear now. The whole world will cry with all their hearts to the Mighty One above, and find the great wrath of God for their answer. Rejoice, because you are called for this great work; rejoice for you are promised Heaven, and all authority belongs to you as the sons of the Most High God. Practice holy lives as children of God. I am happy to hear you praying with love and fear. My children, come in time tomorrow, I will tell you many things about the evangelization and the meeting with your Bishop. I will explain to you many things about these future events. I will also tell you more about the month of July. I am happy with all of you who try with zeal to obey My commands. I bless you. I have given Michael, the Archangel, command to guard you. Peace be with you all.” Immediately the cloud shook, and then the vision passed.
17TH MARCH 1997 TIME: 9.12 pm
In our preparation prayer with Mass, I saw in a vision the Great Torture of Our Lord. They tied Him to a pillar and brought out a layman who beat Him. After beating Him they led Him out to where they mocked Him and made a Crown of Thorns for Him to wear as king. Our Lord wore a red mantle and they made Him sit on a chair and gave Him an iron rod in His Right Hand. They were all mocking Him and laughing at Him. They beat Him and said: “ Hail! King of Jews”. I saw again the vision of His sorrows in Gethsemane. He knelt down in prayer, with the sweat of blood bathing Him from head to toe. As I was looking, a great cloud covered the whole place, I saw the Holy Face of Jesus, with the Crown of Thorns on His Head. Our Lord said: “My loving children, peace be with you. Offer all your sacrifices to Me with love. Make all your sacrifices with happiness. Love the suffering you are passing through. Rejoice in the labour I gave you. Make all your hours the hours of prayer now there is time. I say to you again, a time is coming soon when the Divine Ear will become deaf to hear His people. People will shout with their highest voice to Me and get no answer.
” HOW READY ARE YOU? “Pray always, My loving children let all of you wake up. Take up your Rosary, your Psalms, your devotion prayers and your Holy Mass as your daily bread. Learn to praise God and practice your adoration always. All the days of your life, consecrate yourselves to My Most Precious Blood and make daily reparation. My children, the time is very short for the spreading of this devotion. How ready are you? What have you learnt from Me? What changes have you made? What preparation do you make for the evangelization? Answer Me My loving children. I am preparing to send you out and set you free for the evangelization of this devotion. Listen, listen, My loving children; the hour is very short. Many nations will suffer the coming Tribulation cruelly because they did not get the remedy. Prepare yourselves; I am coming soon to set you free for evangelization. SPIRITUAL POISON OF THE EVIL SPIRITS My children, the wicked man is not happy with you. The evil forces are planning to destroy you. They pour spiritual poison on you. This makes you not to pray well; constant sleeping sickness, laziness and weakness, hatred, half-hearted love; neglect without a known reason, excessive talking and faithlessness. My children, these evil fruits are in you. Resist them and come back to the full knowledge of God and worship your God in spirit and truth. My children, listen again, I am happy in all your effort towards the goal of salvation of mankind. A great reward is waiting for you in Heaven. With love, I plead with you, My loving children, to send these messages to your Bishop as I had ordered you for long. I am with you to make Him accept this devotion. He will welcome it and fulfil your request. Today, I will make his heart the heart of sorrow for My agony. I will reveal to him many things about My agony. I will make him a messenger of My Precious Blood. He will spread My holy devotion and will save many souls. Send the Chaplet to My devotee Rev. Fr. Stephen Njoku and tell him everything as you told your bishop. Send to him many as messages as I inspire you to do.
My children, the month of July will be the month of Pilgrimage. Remember all My warnings and obey them. I will be happy, if all of you produce the Chaplet as I have shown it to you, you will use them and encourage others to join you. Prepare, I say to you, prepare for this great month. After that, I will allow you to return to your destinations freely, but you must continue preaching My devotion wherever you go. My children, you must produce this….” (He showed to me the medal of His Sacred Head with the Crown of Thorns). “Wear this as a sign of your covenant with Me. The very day you are ready, I will teach you the prayers of this consecration. I am very happy with you and your witness. I bless you all. Make your faith grow up”. Then the vision passed but I still looked at the medal for a long time till I came back to myself.
21ST MARCH, 1997 TIME: 10.00 pm
In our devotional prayer with Mass and adoration, I saw a great sword crossing another in the sun. As the sun rose, the sword developed more and more. Finally, a great crucifix appeared as the sun disappeared. Our Lord hung on the Cross in great sorrow. He wept in anguish and blood oozed out from the Sacred Wounds. The holy Crucifix remained for a short time until the Holy Face appeared and gently said:
“My children learn from Me to be patient and kind always. Accept the will of your God. Suffer yourselves to obtain His wish. Make your lives an offering of a holy sacrifice. I say, learn from Me for I am humble and worthy. Pray much for My Pope; pray for him always, the enemy is looking for a chance to get him. They are planning seriously to attack so that it will come for the fulfilment of the prophecies. Children, through the prayer and penance of My people, there is still a little time yet. My agony increases more and more because of the sins of the world. Teach men the value of My Precious Blood; let My agonizing life be in their lives always. Console Me always. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I love you all, I bless you all”. Immediately the vision passed. I saw in the cloud the Lamb of God holding the Cross in His Right Hand. I came back to myself.
24TH MARCH, 1997 TIME: 12.30 am
During the time of our devotional prayer with Mass, in a vision I saw many tortures, which Our Lord passed through. One of them is that they covered His Face with red cloth and beat Him continuously. They said to Him: “If you are the Son of Man tell us who beat you”. There was another one, which I cannot forget, they tied His Hands with rope and crowned Him with thorns and made Him sit on a bench. Blood was gushing out from all His Wounds. In spite of that, they pressed a needle on His Wounds and laughed at Him. That made Our Lord cry and I shivered. After the revelation, the cloud covered the whole place. Then, the Sacred Head appeared and Our Lord said: “My loving children, continue your prayer and watch carefully. Satan, your enemy, is planning for you. Pray harder always and wait for Divine Will. I will tell you more about your condition now on 26th March 1997. On that day I will speak much. Pray that you will understand the words and follow the Divine Will. Each word has its own meaning. Remember that all My words must be fulfilled when the time comes. Do all you can and wait for Me.
I will give you joy when the hour comes for it. I say to you, pray harder. I bless you.”
25TH MARCH, 1997 TIME: 9.00 pm
In our usual devotional prayer, I saw Our Lord being nailed to the Cross. Blood was gushing out from the wounds, that the nails caused. Our Lord cried bitterly. As He was crying a great cloud covered the whole place. The Holy Face with the Crown of Thorns appeared and He said: “My loving children, let all your life honour the Most Precious Blood. Consecrate your lives to My Precious Blood. Make known to the world the value of the Most Precious Blood. In danger, call upon the Precious Blood I will deliver you. My Precious Blood has been set for the salvation of mankind. My children, you will hear many people calling the Precious Blood in many ways, this is the work of the Holy Spirit. Who will teach them the best way to pray? When shall they know this great favour? Will you endure till the end and bring salvation to many people who will accept the devotion? Will you wait with obedience till the time comes for salvation? Who will remain faithful to all My orders and wait for the fulfilment of My promises? My children know today that all the messages from Heaven will be fulfilled when the time comes for their fulfilment. Any message that is fulfilled comes from God. Mark today; all My words and wait with endurance for their fulfilment. Translate the prayer into Igbo and edit all the messages. Never let even the least get lost. Keep them well and wait for Me to raise up My hand for salvation. I am happy to see you in your faith and holy zeal. When the hour comes, remember My Words. I bless you all”
26TH MARCH 1997 TIME 9.00 pm
In our usual devotional prayer with Mass and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, I saw in a vision Our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane praying deeply. The sweat of Blood was oozing out from His Body. As I was looking, this vision passed and I saw again Our Lord hanging on the Cross in great agony. Within a short time cloud covered the whole place, then the Sacred Head appeared in the cloud and Our Lord said:
“My children, you are now entering the field of evangelization. Be careful how you live now. I warn you again, never live like those of the world who have no knowledge of this devotion. Complete your holiness with the little good things you neglect. Wear the apron of humility and accept any condition in which you get yourselves. Listen, I give you command to pray this Chaplet often for the conversion of sinners. You are now free to minister with this Chaplet. The Church will require a record of all the miracles performed through this Chaplet. I say to you, record all of them and keep them. You are free to teach this prayer any place they welcome it. My children, fear not to preach the greatness of this Chaplet, I will perform wonders. I say to you, you will witness many miracles. When you hear them, praise the Most Precious Blood. My children, tell them to test My Precious Blood for them to see. You all will have faith. Your faith in My Most Precious Blood will make the devotion great. My children listen to this order. Immediately after this Good Friday, spread this prayer all over the town. I promise to convert many strong unrepentant sinners. Test and see. I promise that anything you ask through this Chaplet will be answered according to the Will of My Father. Remember all My promises and make them known to them. I will hear them and answer them when they call. Again, record all the miracles I will perform. The way you teach this devotion will show how great or less it is. My children, I am with you to help you. Tomorrow, make the adoration well; never allow sleep to overcome you. The evil one has already sent his agents. They will come and cause confusion. They will attack you. They will invoke men to accuse you. My children prepare for them, make the adoration great, through it I will change the heart of many and many people will welcome this Chaplet without a doubt. Remember to plan for the promise you and your people will make on Saturday. Let everyone buy a candle and then make the promise during the time of renewal of their baptismal promise (i. e during the Easter Vigil). Warn My people never to get involved again in the secret cult of Ibono. My children, let the world worship the Creator not the creature. Remember that all who worship creatures will be put to shame. After the Resurrection (Easter day) My children try to set a day out in a week for your general adoration. Remember to spend at least an hour for the Gethsemane Hour from the midnight of Thursdays into Fridays. Make constant reparation and inform others to join you. Renew your consecration and make daily consolation prayers. If your faith can move mountains, My children, pray for the sick, and minister to the dead person you will see and believe. I warn you, never let your life hinder the spreading of this devotion. I warn you, never let your life hinder the spreading of this devotion. (Silence) I am near to help you!
Obey My Holy Church!
Move the Hand of My Father with prayers.
I bless you all!!
30TH MARCH, 1997 TIME: 9.10 pm
In our meditation prayer after the Holy Mass. I saw Our Lord in a vision holding a great sword of war. Dazzling light came out from all parts of His Body. In the same vision, the Sacred Head appeared with the Crown of Thorns. Then, Blood from His Sacred Head dropped and tormented Satan in the abyss. This abyss opened exactly in front of Our Lord. Each drop increased the flame of the abyss and caused the demons to cry deeply. Within a short time, the cloud covered the whole place. Then the Holy Face appeared and said: “My children, pray much in this hour. Be careful how you live. Learn to pray always. I have told you several times to call upon the Most Precious Blood and see the greatness. My children, let all of you be balanced in your duties. Pray, O! Never give up in your prayer so as to remain in the Divine Will. The Will of the Eternal Father will soon be fulfilled if you continue in your effort. I will let the hearts of men acknowledge the value of My Most Precious Blood when the good time comes for salvation.
My children, let your faith save you and save many people who look at you. Be firm in what you know and never let anyone deceive you. Be an obedient son to My Church and let My Will be done when the time comes. Make your hope firm in your heart. Be happy that you are called into the field of your Father to work out salvation. I am with you always. Make all your effort and leave the rest for Me. I will come and open the gate when all men are tired and hopeless. I will save them and bless the world with My Most Precious Blood. Hold firm your faith. I bless you all!!”
3RD APRIL, 1997 TIME: 10.00 pm
In our adoration prayer in the chapel, I saw Our Lord Jesus Christ holding beautiful flowers of many kinds. He was walking in the garden of that flowering farm collecting the most beautiful flowers. As I was looking, this vision passed; then the Sacred Head with Crown of Thorns appeared in the cloud. He said: “My children, I wish that you all will understand the need for prayer. Pray always so as to save your lives and the lives of many people. Plan your lives now. May your lives grow and give joy to your Father in Heaven. Never forget that you are called to adore the Most Precious Blood and console the Most Sacred Heart, which bears all the pains. Listen, My children, fear not when your plan of life changes. Fear not when your friends, members of your family and even your fellow believers turn against you, accuse you in many ways and speak all kinds of lies against you. Remain in your prayers. I am what I am. Learn to pray always. Obey the instruction of the devotees whom you have given these prayers and messages. I will let you know a hidden thing behind this calling. Do not speak; the right time has not come. I am with you to strengthen you all. I bless you all. Remain in peace from heaven”.
7TH APRIL, 1997 TIME: 10.00 pm
After our protective Mass, during the adoration with an exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, I saw Our Lord in a vision pruning the branches of crops (plants) in the garden, which were not in accordance with the direction of the ridges. He took care of them and shaped them according to the path of the ridges. As I was looking, a great cloud covered the whole place. I saw the Holy face of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He rose up and said; “My son, you see how I work in My vineyard. I care for it and make sure that wild animals do not eat it up. In the same way, I protect you and shield you in My arms against the works and plans of the evil spirits. So, I advise you all to be the watchmen of My people. Pray for them and offer them to Me, My children, now your souls have come to feel the joy of salvation, and you have renewed your strength, make this call holy and spread it without fear. I am with you.
My children, minister with this prayer to a sick person, to those who are under the bondage of Satan and to all men who need help from you. Your prayer will be answered. Test and see the greatness of this prayer now that there is time. Listen, if this prayer is still hidden till the great day of evil comes, all who trust in Me will suffer greatly and all of you who are weak and lazy now will cry in sorrow till the evil hour passes.”
“One out of you, My flock, including those of you who are not here now, whom I called as Apostles of the Most Precious Blood, will go astray. The sheep will move out from My flock and enter a foreign land. The sheep does not want any mortification in his life. The only thing the sheep likes is to build up the flesh and have the finest green pasture. The sheep do not have fear of wild animals or the attack of the enemy. O! See the great lion, which is coming to eat up the sheep. My children, find out who the sheep is and call the sheep back. Warn the sheep never to neglect the duty of this call and pray always for his salvation. If the sheep delays or goes back to the foreign land, the enemy will destroy him.”
“My children, why can you not prove this devotion? Why can you not write and prove the greatness of the Most Precious Blood for the salvation of men? My children, you know that men neglect this Precious Price of their salvation. Who can write? Let him write on this title, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, the Price of Your Salvation. I am near to bless his intelligence. Read Hebrews 9:23 to the end, Hebrews 10, and meditate on these words of salvation. I will teach you much about the Most Precious Blood. I love you all. I know you all, you are Mine, show Me your love. I am looking for the one who will console Me. I bless you all. Peace be with you all”.
10TH APRIL, 1997 TIME: 9.30 pm
In our normal reparation prayer, I saw Our Lord Jesus Christ in the cloud. He held His Sacred Heart in His Hands. There were thorns around His Heart. Then, a great Divine Light radiated from the Sacred Heart and gave light to the world. Our Lord came near to me and said: “My children, what causes the coldness among you? I come always and show you love but you reward Me with coldness and mindlessness. I told you that a sheep would move out from My flock. I, the Chief Shepherd, have done My best to stop the sheep, but the sheep likes the foreign land. My children, if you can, look for the missing sheep and bring the sheep back. My children, listen; how many years will I use to train you? When shall you learn and grow up with strength and wisdom? When will you know Me? When will you love Me? My dear children, when will My word live in you? See, Oh! My children, what I got from you. (Referring to His Sacred Heart with thorns on His hand). My joy is not complete. Your weakness seizes My hope of salvation. When I see you sleeping in My Presence, My agony increases. The devil, the enemy, rejoices. Your prayer does not satisfy Me because of your weakness and mindlessness. Many do not care about My order; they follow their own ways. I am with you always, showing you love, but you turn back to Me and go your way. You love the creature more than the Creator and hate Him Who loves you. My children, do you think that I cannot command the Church to take up the duty of this devotion without your aid? I can do it. But what profit do I gain that I chose you and called you out? What will you gain in it if I do so? I am waiting for you to console Me, My loving children. Change your heart and show Me, personal love. Build up your lives with prayer and practice a monastic life. Fix personal dedication hour daily. I command you all. I will be with you and teach you My way during the hour. Remember to spend at least 15 minutes on the hour of 3 pm. Show Me your highest love as your dear friend. Make constant reparation with your ejaculatory prayers. Salvation will be given to those in need. My children, you will live a completely holy life. Your lives will be simple like those of My Saints in Heaven because you are not for the world but natives of Heaven. My Father is not happy with your attitude. He keeps silent and looks at you. This is what keeps everything stagnant. His expectations of you do not come forth. His hope grows weaker due to your weakness towards this call. My children, submit your whole being to Me and build up your life with constant prayer. This hour is a sorrowful period in the life of a Saint. You will do all these if you want to save your life and the whole world. Do penance always as much as you can. Plan this adoration well. I promise you that when the time comes, I will teach you more prayers for reparation and adoration. My children, I have some teaching and great warning for the world. But I will not say a word on that till you grow up and are ready to make use of them. I know all of you. Each one must play his or her own part. If not, the building will hardly be built. I tell you these things so that you might know that I am not happy. I am looking for someone who will console Me. I bless you all. Peace be with you all”. Immediately the vision passed but the Sacred Heart remained for some time and disappeared.