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To the Contemporary Church[Confessions of Hell]A literal text of the revelations made by the demons Beelzebub, Judas Iscariot, Akabor, Allida, and Verobaduring a series of exorcisms' from 1975 to 1978 A translation from the French, by Nancy Knowles

Smith, of the book 'Avertissements de l'Au'delà à l’Église Contemporaine – Aveux de l’Enfer’ by Jean Marty. The revelations have also been published in German by Bonaventure Meyer in Switzerland. Jean Marty's book in French is available from 'Les Editions Saint Raphael, 31 Ouest, rue King, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada J IH INS.


B: The true Priesthood preserves celibacy, the Great Lady makes me say. The true Priesthood keeps its distance when confronted with easy living and the line of least resistance. The true Priesthood expends all its energy, entirely and totally, for the people, whom it identifies with Christ... with the Mystical Body of Christ. The true priest would sooner let himself be killed than fail to accomplish what Christ wishes, in the way He wishes it, and in the way Those up there wish it (he points upward).

Nowadays, the priests would have plenty of time to make visits to homes. Formerly, they did not even have any means of transport and they used to devote hours to pastoral visits. They used to make visits several hours' distance away, if they suspected that they could convert a soul. No sacrifice seemed too great to them. Today... look in the towns... are the people still visited? Very few still do so, and not through love for the well-being of souls.

Many people complain that they are not visited. The more the priests have the means of transport, and the easier it is, the less are they going out to meet the people. This comes about because they possess fewer graces and because they pray less... because they no longer say the breviary, because they are not ordained in the proper way, because they are no longer living the true Priesthood of Christ, the true imitation of Christ, which preaches, in the Name of God, the Cross: suffering and sacrifice. A true shepherd is ready to shed his blood for each of his sheep. He goes looking for the least of his sheep - if they are lost or tangled up in the brambles - through sacrifice and self-denial. Christ has said in the parable of the Good Shepherd, that He searches for His lost sheep until He finds it, that He takes it upon His shoulders, and then Heaven rejoices. He did not say that idly. He was saying it principally for the priests and the bishops, for the clergy...

This is an unchangeable teaching, which must be taken very seriously and if it is not done, then it is no longer the imitation of Christ. Those up there take no pleasure, in priests who are unwilling to go looking for their sheep and who do only what happens to come into their heads. E: In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, speak!


B: It is necessary to make sacrifices, as a parish priest, Vianney of Ars, used to make them. He used to pray for entire nights when he knew that there were some sheep in his fold who were not living at all according to the Will of God. He used to give everything and sacrifice everything. He did not even sleep in a proper bed. Often, he used to pray for hours in front of the tabernacle... sometimes in order to save only one, single soul.

He came under furious attacks from the rest of us down there (he points downward), often because of just one soul... and that when he was not at all clever, and was very weak in theology and Latin. The priests of today say to themselves: “We are clever, we are doctors, we know everything better.” But in the final analysis, those are not the things which They are concerned about up there (he points upward). They are not concerned whether someone is clever, or about what he has in his brain, or about what he knows about philosophy and mathematics. Before all else, they consider this: is he a true shepherd? Does he go to look for his sheep, is he ready to give his life and everything that he has for his sheep? That is what Those up there are looking at (he points upward), and the great evil today is that the priests of this time do not do those things anymore.

There should be preaching again about the Curé of Ars, and about Catherine Emmerich, who, on her bed of pain, did nothing but suffer and pray for the Church. Many other Saints have done that too. Padre Pio has suffered much for the Church and for sinners. It should be proclaimed from the height of the pulpits that it would be better to devote one's time to imitating Christ, rather than to gaining doctorates.

There must be some of those, it is true. But for the majority, it would be better if they did not study philosophy or mathematics or theology, etc. For many, it would be better to spend half their nights in prayer and invoking the Holy Spirit; to live the true imitation of Christ and the Marian doctrine of Saint Grignion de Montfort, for example: putting their trust completely in the Blessed Virgin, in her Most Pure Heart and in the Sacred Heart of Jesus; to look towards the Cross and do exactly what Those up there wish (he points upward). That would be better than toiling and studying for hours, simply to make an impression before the world... How I have been forced to say that (he shouts!) How I have been forced to say that!

E: In the name... tell the truth!

B: Lenin, for example, the Father of the Russian Revolution, has said that it was necessary to give up whole nights and all his time for the Revolution... But many priests do not even do what the unbelievers do. Lenin knew what had to be done to make the Revolution succeed. He gave up everything for that... But, She, the Great Lady, makes me say, the priests of today are no longer prepared to sacrifice themselves entirely, and to sacrifice everything that they have for the people.

It is true that they must reckon with this: the more someone sacrifices himself, the more we fight against him. That was the way it was for the priest Vianney. We started a fire in his room. But that is of no consequence, Those up there make me say (he points upward). In spite of everything, Those up there and the Great Lady will be victorious... and the priests who still practice the true priesthood will carry off an incomparable victory.

No doctorate, nor any other title, can be compared with the good done by priests who still have the true understanding of souls, and the true understanding of men, and who know how to put themselves in the place of each man. They ask themselves: “What else could I do to save these people? What is the best way to preach? What must I do to bring them back to the practice of the Sacraments?” Naturally, it is necessary at the same time for them to administer the Sacraments in the proper way and according to the ancient rite, so that the heavenly blessing may be attached to them. UNLESS THEY DO THIS, THEY HAVE TO SOME DEGREE LOST GROUND.

Heaven must be earned painfully. Christ exercised the true Priesthood in the most perfect, the most pure and the most incomparable way; and His Apostles did too. They did not wonder whether they would be imprisoned or martyred. They had no fear. Our priests, on the other hand, are afraid of losing their position if they do not do exactly what many bishops say, although this is not the truth, and this is not obedience anymore according to the way Those up there see it (he points upward). For we have already had to say that, now, one can no longer obey in cases where the command is not what it should be... Ah! This is crazy, that we have been obliged to speak in this way!

E: Can it be said that it is better to obey God than to obey men? In the name...!

B: God MUST be obeyed in preference to men! Did the Apostles have regard for men, Romans, or anyone else? They had courage. They went to prison and gave themselves up to martyrdom for Christ...

Where, therefore, among today's Christians, is the Sacrament of Confirmation, the mark of the Soldier of Christ, which they have on their brow? Catholics still bear this mark - and the priests have, in addition, that of their priestly consecration - and they would have the Angels to assist them. Why, for the love of Heaven, don't priests pray to the Holy Angels? Why don't they call on their patron Saints? And Saints Peter and Paul? And all the Apostles and Doctors of the Church? What things they could teach them, or how they could inspire them, if only they were invoked! And, before all else, the Holy Spirit.

The Apostles had no fear of anything and nothing was too high a price for them. They used to administer the Sacraments properly, and they had a great respect for them. That is where you should be looking - towards the first Apostles... not towards those who came later, towards isolated groups who did not live and did not act at all after the example of the Apostles. You must not look towards the mediocre, the negative, but upwards, towards the best and what was done by the best. If you do this, you cannot say: these ones here and those ones there did things well... and no more can you imagine that now the same thing is good. This is a monumental error.

Ah! How we hated this priest of Ars! We were in a terrible rage against him! He was so stupid, he did not even know Latin properly. How was he able to snatch such a great crowd of people away from us - people who, without him, would have come to Hell?

Ah! She makes me say: “If only there were more priests like this Curé (parish priest) Vianney!” It is not money, nor possessions, nor intelligence that count. What does count, is what the priests do, what the state of their soul is, and the way in which they carry out the Will of God. That is what counts, even if they should be the least among men in the eyes of the world, and seem to be of no consequence and to occupy only the lowliest of positions. Those priests are much greater in the eyes of Those up there (he points upwards)... than he who wears a bishop's miter, or a cardinal's hat, or anything else you like! Ah! How we have been forced to say that!


B: On this subject, we must say this again: it would be better for many bishops and cardinals if they had remained as the lowliest of laymen, and had never occupied such high positions, rather than manage their responsibility badly, and fulfill it in a mediocre way. They have a terrible responsibility. In the event of their coming to Hell, we are able to torment them much more. For many of their number, it would be better if they stayed as laymen; for a high position is also a weighty responsibility. For many, it would be better, unless they pray for entire nights and fast like the Curé of Ars, or unless they always do only what Those up there wish (he points upward).

If they had prayed to the Holy Spirit to obtain wisdom and enlightenment... about what they should do, before foolishly banning places of pilgrimage, or before acting simply in accordance with the advice of their Episcopalvicars or goodness knows who else! They must, even though it could make them unpopular, impose their own point of view and ideas, in opposition to all the ideas and points of view of their subordinates which do not come from the Holy Spirit. It would be much better to send those (subordinates) away, saying: “I am sorry, but I must act according to my soul and my conscience”; and to show courage, like the Holy Apostles, Peter, and Paul, who had an incomparable courage.

And Christ - what courage He had! He was persecuted. He suffered the attacks and the harassments of the Pharisees right up until His death on the Cross. Did He give way because of all that? Did He say: “If they attack me this way, I am giving up My mission. It is senseless to allow Myself to be crucified; men will not listen anymore after that”? He was able to foresee how many men would not follow Him. That should have been enough to discourage Him completely.

Certainly, He was God, but in the Garden of Olives, He was only a man. His Divinity was, in a kind of way, withdrawn from Him. He had to endure His humanity in all its weakness and all its loneliness. Nevertheless, He remained steadfast to the end, and it is in this way that His Apostles imitated Him. Did they say: “If we are attacked in this way - we had not expected that - we will not be able to stand fast any longer?” They did not say that. They remained steadfast to the end. Christ gave to the last drop of His Blood on the Cross in order that He might be imitated. And this imitation is indispensable, particularly for the Priesthood.

Bishops, cardinals, priests, the Great Lady makes me say, where are you going? Where is your modernism leading you?

E: In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son...!


B: Among the first Christians, under the emperor Nero, many let themselves be tortured to the extent of shedding their blood. They followed Christ to the point that they did not fear death. But the men of today look at the example of the priests, who are no longer what they should be and who also take the line of least resistance.

If the faithful were to see priests prepared for all sacrifices and for whom nothing is too much, no sacrifice too great or too difficult, no prayer too much, in their desire to do everything for their sheep, they would be the object of a great veneration and a great respect. The evil lies first and foremost within the clergy.

If they (the faithful) could once again depend on them (the clergy), if they were to hear proper sermons again, if the Sacraments were once again administered with all the respect which is their due, if they (the priests) had such a respect (they would receive) such graces that the lay people would more easily find the road towards Christ, and would see that it is necessary to follow the Way of the Cross and to make every effort so as not to go off along the slippery road, and the wide path which leads to the abyss. Many thousands of souls would then come back on to the narrow pathway that leads to Heaven.

We have already had to say previously, in connection with celibacy, how Heaven must be earned through sacrifices and self-denials, and that it can be earned. Heaven cannot be earned through automobiles, television, creature comforts, dissoluteness, and high living. It requires self-denial, fasting, the cross, the imitation of Christ... We do not want to speak anymore! How we have been forced to say those things!

Jean-Marie Vianney, for example, paid absolutely no attention to eating. That is why he used to receive graces for his sheep because he used to fast rigorously and to pray. He scarcely noticed that his potatoes were bitter. He used to eat what he had; he did not even notice when he was hungry. Naturally, it would not be reasonable for a priest to stop eating altogether. It is absolutely necessary for him to eat, but he must not go from one extreme to the other, and get into slovenly ways through dissolute living and gluttony.

While on this subject, we must now say (he cries out in a tormented voice): You priests, you bishops, you cardinals, preach again about virtue! Follow the Way of the Cross! Take refuge in the Heart of the Immaculate! Invoke the Holy Angels! In particular, invoke the Holy Spirit with His Strength! Preach the Gospel in its most authentic spirit - the preaching of virtue and of the cross!

E: Tell the truth... in the name of the Blessed Virgin!


B: For the love of Heaven! Come back you priests, follow the Way of the Cross... recognize at last that you are no longer leading your flocks in the proper way. The GREAT LADY makes me say: Bishops, cardinals, laymen, priests realize at last that the hour has struck! It is five or ten minutes past mid-day... it is past mid-day She makes me cry out.

She makes me say: Follow at last the way of virtue and of the cross, and see once again where you must go; where your place is, for you no longer know it. Do penance, pray - if possible day and night - and be converted; do penance and be converted... for... the day is going to come (he cries out in a terrifying voice)... the day of the just anger of God... of Him up there. Who will crush you if you are unwilling to see how you should lead your flock!

You laymen, pray also and do penance for your priests, who no longer see what road they are following! Set about this with all your powers and all your strength, otherwise there will be many more thousands of souls who will be lost!

Bishops, priests and lay people, follow the Way of the Cross. Behold: it is a long time since it struck mid-night. This is one of the last warnings, warnings from the Beyond, which will still be given in order that men may be converted and see clearly.

If you knew what road you are on! If you knew what hour has struck and what it is like down there in Hell, you would crucify yourselves! You would make martyrs of yourselves and you would do penance so as not to be damned; so as to be able to shorten that terrible Purgatory by only a few years.

That is what She, the GREAT LADY makes me say, and that is what Those up there (he points upward) make me say, over and over again.

For this book, the second part of it, this is now the last statement: Do penance, pray and change yourselves, for... the anger of God will crush you if you do not come back (he sighs)...

The GREAT LADY is weeping bitter tears, because She sees how many of her children, how many priests, bishops and cardinals are blind and do not see clearly.

She says, and makes me say: For the love of Heaven, hear at last the warning, the final warning from the Beyond, and do what She wishes. Beg God for grace. Come back, before it is too late and the anger of God comes crashing down on you... and She comes... and before She is obliged to let fall the arm of her Son!

We have spoken, we have spoken... this is the end, we have said the final words... for the second part of this book... How we have been forced to say these things... by order of the GREAT LADY! (He howls in a heartrending way).

June 18, 1977 (continuation)


E: In the name of the Blessed Virgin, tell the truth!

B: Here is the way it is: the Sacraments should not have had to be changed at all. This was brought about partly through the machinations of freemasonry. On the other hand, with Holy Communion, for example, the Pope happened to say that it was rather a severe law, which obliged people to remain fasting all night. In the mission areas especially, they could be obliged to remain fasting until midday, or even until the evening, and this was often hard.

But it was also an invaluable gain because people were obliged to do penance, to make very great sacrifices, which had the general effect of saving thousands and thousands of souls. Through these sacrifices and trials, very many souls used to be snatched away from us. That is why Heaven would have preferred that the law of the Eucharistic fast was not changed. Somebody said - the Pope or the cardinals, it doesn't matter who - that it could no longer stop at that point, and that a step should be taken to meet them. So the law was first reduced to three hours, then to one hour.

The law of the full fast: Before, one could not even have milk or anything like that - even liquid was not allowed: it was a penance, but Heaven approved of it. Heaven preferred that to the way it is now. The cardinals, and the Pope also to a certain extent, believed that now the crowds would flock to the communion table if the law were lightened for this reason. At first it did have the effect that a few more people were able to go to Communion. But now the situation is much more serious than it was before the law of the Eucharistic fast was changed. Now fewer people come to Communion, to the communion table - at all events, (fewer) people in the state of grace than used to come before the Council changed the law. Now the situation has become deplorable, and it is one more thing which is not at all pleasing to Those up there (he points upward).

If this law were still in existence, it would be more those who are deeply pious and in the state of grace who would go to Communion because they would be obliged to be fasting and through that, making more sacrifices. But if they are obliged to fast for only three hours, or even one hour, that is not a sacrifice anymore.

Broadly speaking, on the subject of this law of the Eucharistic fast, many people say to themselves: “If the Pope has been able to change the law and reduce the fast from all day to three hours, then to one hour, one can very well take something - say a quarter of an hour before going to Communion. It is no longer important. Now everything is easier: whatever one does, it is no longer important.”

The same applies to abortion, and it is the same for everything now. Formerly - the Pope would have done better to think of this - it was very much better when the law of the Eucharistic fast was in existence. For when there is no more sacrifice, no more self-denial there are far fewer heavenly blessings and far fewer graces. And men think about things much less when it is just like going through a turnstile.

Formerly, it was always necessary to think: “I must not eat. Who is coming into my heart today? The Most High, the Holy of Holies, Whose grandeur and majesty no human being would ever know how to attain.” That is the way people used to always think, and they used to pray about it beforehand, even during the night. Many still do, but not as many as before. Taking everything into account, there were (in Holy Communion) before this relaxation, many more Divine Blessings. The same goes for Confession.


E: In the name...! What is the story about Communion in the hand in the earliest times of the Church?

B: Christ - we saw this ourselves at the time - when He broke the Bread, did not give It into the hands of the Apostles. We do not wish to speak anymore! Not any more!

E: In the name....!

B: We do not like saying that! But we particularly do not like saying it at this time!

E: In the name of the Most Blessed Virgin!

B: At the time when Christ said: “This is My Body”, at the Last Supper, He put the bread directly into the mouths of the Apostles. There is no question about the Precious Blood; they drank It and did not have It in their hands first.

The Apostles who were present at the Last Supper never acted otherwise; they gave Holy Communion in the mouth ... Christ did not wish that later It would be received in the hand ... if later, they did receive It in the hand, it was because they had a wrong understanding of things... Christ never wished it. He Himself gave It into the mouth; and even the Blessed Virgin never received this Sacrament any other way, and always kneeling, bowing very deeply... Ah! We do not like saying this!

We were full of fury against Her (he points upward) whenever She received Communion. She saw and, in a mystical way, experienced everything that happened at the Last Supper. She nearly always knew everything. She was destined to guide the Church. The Apostles were also destined for this, but She had in a very large measure, to work with them.

We have had to say this before: She was on her knees day and night, praying for the Apostles, so that everything would go well in Christ's Church. The Apostles, who were at the Last Supper, never gave Communion any way but into the mouth. If that happened differently later on, it was not the fault of the Apostles. No more did Jesus and His Mother have any part in it. They (he points upward) neither planned for nor wished for that. It was absolutely not their intention.

E: Who did want to introduce Communion in the hand?

B: You must not ask that question!

E: In the name of the Father...!

B: It is we who schemed and plotted for that. We said to ourselves: If we can manage to introduce Communion in the hand among the early Christians, then, later on, they will be able to say: “There was Communion in the hand previously at the time of the first Christians.” And so it was that this Council, these men of today, would be able to say: “The first Christians communicated in the hand, therefore there is nothing wrong in it. They were the first Christians, It was the time of the life of Christ, they were near Christ. Therefore, it absolutely cannot be sinful.”

True, they did not know that this was not wanted by God. At that very moment, even then, we said to ourselves that if we could make that happen, the result would be a certain lukewarmness. However, Communion in the mouth was brought back. Certain saintly souls and very great Doctors of the Church saw clearly where this was leading, and that it would be better and that there would be much more respect if He up there (he points upward) were received in the mouth... if they could not simply take Him into their hands, into their filthy hands ... with nails too long or varnished, or uncared-for hands. We cannot even say it all. There are often people who have not washed their hands all day, when they go somewhere... I do not want to say that! ... It is a frightful irreverence.

There are many who do not believe in God so much. They see symbolism everywhere, a little like the Protestants. At the beginning, the Council was not like that, but later it was decided that it had to take steps towards the Protestants and the others. This was solidarity; this was good; this was Christian Charity; and so, partly with the help of the freemasons, we were able to reach the point where it was being said: “It is necessary to be charitable, conciliatory, to practice love of neighbor, to have dialogue one with the other...” until finally, the stage is reached where everything can be softened and changed a little ... and things rearranged in such a way that they lose their value and their profound meaning. So it can happen that important graces are lost because one goes along with the crowd.


“Who can disapprove of my cries, I am a little lamb, as I try to wake up my shepherd, whom I believe to be asleep and about to be eaten by a cruel beast”


Father Lamy (died 1931), the holy parish priest of La Courneuve, a suburb of Paris, whom Cardinal Amette, the Archbishop of Paris, used to call “a second Curé of Ars”, relates this anecdote from his frequent conversations with the Blessed Virgin and the Holy Angels:

“While he was conversing with Our Lady, she suddenly stopped speaking, turned around and said to the demon who was standing behind Her: “What are you doing here?” And the Adversary, in reply to the Immaculate Virgin, said these extraordinary words, which should be engraved in letters of fire (make no mistake about it) where they can be seen by everyone, in all the churches and chapels of the whole world:



In Me, the Eternal, there is no change.” (Mal. 3, 6)

Hell does exist, and it is eternal. Saint Matthew writes in his account of the Last Judgment: “Go far from me, you that are accursed, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and for his angels.”

(Matt.25, 41)

So speaks the Divine Master, Who finishes His discourse with these words:

“And these (the accursed) shall pass on to eternal punishment, and the just to eternal life.”

(Matt. 25, 46)

Saint Paul gives details about these ungodly, hardened “accursed ones”:

“...the day when the Lord Jesus appears from Heaven... as He pours out vengeance on those who do not acknowledge God, on those who refuse obedience to the Gospel of Our Lord. Jesus Christ.. They will be condemned to eternal punishment, far from the presence of the Lord, and the majesty of His power.”

(2 Thess.1, 7-9)

And Saint John, in the evening of his life, completes the description in the Apocalypse: “The smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever; day and night no rest is theirs, who worshipped the beast and his image, who bore the mark of his name.”

(14, 11)

In affirming that there is a Hell, and that Hell is eternal, the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) has only repeated what the Scriptures tell us. So:

“Make no mistake about it; you cannot cheat God.” (Gal. 6, 7)

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