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Christopher Mary Nnamdi Onuorah
Dec 21, 2022
In Consolers Forum
Christopher Mary Nnamdi Onuorah
Dec 21, 2022
Christopher Mary Nnamdi Onuorah
Dec 21, 2022
Christopher Mary Nnamdi Onuorah
Dec 21, 2022
In Foro de consoladores
hi, i am from vzla. if have bernabes spanish audio/videos please, where to find. Sorry i have a poor english. God bless you
Christopher Mary Nnamdi Onuorah
Dec 21, 2022
Satanists Attack the Virgin Mary on Christmas Eve - Oklahoma content media
Christopher Mary Nnamdi Onuorah
Dec 21, 2022
Battle Against Lucifer in Texas content media
Christopher Mary Nnamdi Onuorah
Dec 21, 2022
In Consolers Forum
July 5, 2017 | Robert Nunez 48 Houston Catholics say “Never!” to Blasphemous “P#ss Christ” Exhibit On June 25, members and friends of the American TFP and its America Needs Fatima campaign gathered in front of the Station Museum of Contemporary Art in Houston for a peaceful rally of prayer and protest against a blasphemous exhibit being displayed there. “P#ss Christ,” as it is called, is a vile and vulgar “art work” by Andres Serrano, which depicts a crucifix submerged in a jar of human urine. Despite the threat of rain and the scorching Texan heat, about 170 local Catholics attended the event, some coming from as far away as Louisiana. All were animated by the same ardent desire to defend the honor of Our Lord against this public outrage. The rally started at 4:30 p.m. to the sound of “Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above” as a statue of Our Lady of Fatima, carried by members of the American TFP, processed in and took her place in the front of the crowd. Young and old alike filled the sidewalks around the museum, praying the rosary, singing hymns, and holding signs and large banners. The participants also joined in proclaiming slogans of protest and reparation. “Will we stand idle while Our Lord Jesus Christ is publicly blasphemed?” “Never!” “Jesus, we love Thee!” “Forever!” The disgruntled museum staff promptly called the police. Soon, about a dozen officers appeared on the scene to investigate, but they quickly saw that it was a peaceful protest and allowed the rally to proceed. “I can tell that you have all done this before because you are following all the rules,” complimented the lead officer. Watch the Video The rally was interrupted by several people that taunted and defiantly waved rainbow flags. Undeterred, the protesters stood firm for the full two-hour rally, enduring the insults with bravery and offering it up in reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. They had much to hope in the beautiful words of Our Lord in scripture. “He who confesses Me before men, I will confess him before My Father in heaven.”
Houston Catholics say “Never!” to Blasphemous “P#ss Christ”  content media
Christopher Mary Nnamdi Onuorah
Dec 21, 2022
In Consolers Forum
June 30, 2010 | Gregory Escaro 46 July: Month of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ In the past, the feast of the Most Precious Blood of Christ was celebrated on the first Sunday of July as confirmed by past Popes and recalled recently by Pope Benedict XVI in his speech after praying the Angelus on July 5, 2009.1He made special mention of Pope John XXIII’s apostolic letter “Inde a Primis”(dated June 30, 1960) which explained the devotion’s significance and approved its litanies.2 The Old Fulfilled in the New Covenant Sacrifice is the highest form of religious worship which man offers to God as an act of praise, thanksgiving, petition or atonement.3 The most singular and pre-eminent sacrifice of the Old Law was the immolation of the Paschal Lamb which celebrated the sparing of Israel’s firstborn from the fatal sword of the Angel of Death in Egypt at the time of Moses and Pharaoh. The imagery of sacrificial blood from slain animals is made more vivid and meaningful if we recall Moses’ words from the Book of Exodus, “And he took the blood and sprinkled it upon the people, and he said: This is the blood of the covenant, which the Lord has made with you concerning all these words.” (Exod. 24:8) This old sacrifice took a new form in the New Testament when the Immaculate Lamb of God offered Himself on the altar of the Cross to redeem mankind from sin and the slavery of Satan. And during the Last Supper, Our Lord offered Himself in an unbloody yet real sacrifice when He uttered the following words, “For this is my blood of the new testament, which shall be shed for many unto remission of sins.” (Matt. 26:28) Truly, this “shedding of blood” or “pouring out of blood” took place and forms one of the glorious mysteries of our Faith.4 The Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ Catholic doctrine teaches the faithful that the blood of Jesus Christ is part of His Sacred Humanity and hypostatically united to the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.5 And as such, it is worthy of adoration and veneration proper to latreutical worship (cultus latriae) which is rendered only to God.  In other words, we adore the human nature of Christ because of its intimate and eternal union with the Person of the Divine Word. It is for this same reason that we honor the Most Sacred Heart or the Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Devotion to the Precious Blood This devotion is one of the most ancient of pious Church practices. It is said that the Blessed Virgin venerated the Most Precious Blood of her infant Son on the day of His circumcision as she collected the first relics of His Precious Blood on a piece of cloth. On that momentous occasion she united her tears with that of the Word Incarnate on account of not so much of the sensible pain but of His supernatural sorrow for the hard-heartedness of mortals.6 All About the Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success About Our Times It was the first of seven blood-sheddings of Our Divine Savior, the rest being: 2.  The Agony in the Garden 3.  The Scourging at the Pillar 4.  The Crowning with Thorns 5. The Way of the Cross 6.  The Crucifixion 7.  The Piercing of His Heart In his book, The Precious Blood, Father Frederick William Faber, D.D., calls Saint Paul the Doctor of the Precious Blood owing to his evident fondness to preach on the subject in his epistles (Rom. 3:25; Eph. 1:7; Heb. 9:12). He recounts that the lives of saints are replete with devotion to the Precious Blood making special mention of Saint John Chrysostom, Saint Austin, Saint Gertrude and Saint Catherine of Sienna whom he considered the Prophetess of the Precious Blood for putting emphasis on it as the solution to the ills of her times. Father Faber also remarks that the Precious Blood makes us appreciate more Christ’s redemption of mankind, His sacrifice and Passion. It also makes us comprehend the beautiful doctrine and the august realities of the Blessed Sacrament as we kneel in front of the tabernacle in humble adoration. Over time the Church gave Her blessing to the devotion by approving societies like the Missionaries of the Precious Blood; enriching confraternities like that of Saint Nicholas in Carcere, in Rome, and that of the London Oratory; attaching indulgences to prayers and scapulars in honor of the Precious Blood; and instituting commemorative feasts of the Precious Blood, Friday after the fourth Sunday in Lent and, since Pius IX, the first Sunday of July.7 Sadly, however, the feast was removed from the church calendar in 1969, the argument being that the cultus of the Precious Blood is included in the Mass and Divine Office of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). Nevertheless, it is still laudable and salutary to continue to see the month of July as dedicated to the Most Precious Blood, just as Blessed Pope Pius IX intended it to be.8
Christopher Mary Nnamdi Onuorah
Dec 21, 2022
In Foro de consoladores
Día de Consagración 21 de Julio, 2017 Notre Dame Catholic Church 7720 Boone, Houston, TX 77096 Celebrantes: Fr. Sebastine Okoye Fr. Clement Unchendu Nuevos Devotos Para Consagrarse Nombre Parroquia 1. Rutila Isabel Matul Alvarado Cristo Rey 2. Carolina Bustamante de Salas San Bartolomé 3. Carmen Willis Santa María 4. Mayra Judith Nava Charles Santa María 5. Genara García Santa María 6. Arturo Díaz San Maximiliano 7. Mari de Pantoja San Maximiliano 8. Rufina Robles San Maximiliano 9. Maria Linda Benites Santa Maria 10. Elizabeth Granda San Jerónimo 11. Obdulia Juárez Jimenez San Francisco de Sales 12. Stephen Ngozi 13. Kenneth Ifeanyi Omeke 14. Norbert Chibuikem Oparaji Programa 10:00 – 10:30 Registración / Desayuno de Bienvenida 10:30 – 11:00 Coronilla de Renovación 11:15 – 12:00 Santo Rosario y Letanías 12:00 Ángelus 12:05 – 12:40 Coronilla de la Sangre Preciosa 12:40 – 1:10 Mensajes dados al Hno. Barnabas Nwoye 1:10 – 1:45 Reflexión por Rev. Fr. Sebastine Okoye 1:45 – 2:00 Preparación para la Santa Misa / Cantos / Descanso 2:00 – 3:30 Misa Votiva De La Preciosísima Sangre De Ntro. Señor Jesucristo 3:30 – 3:40 Foto del Grupo 3:40 – 5:30 Refrigerio/ Comida / Testimonios Note: Favor de verificar la páginas de su libro. El acto de consagración se encuentra en su libro. SANGRE PRECIOSA DE JESUCRISTO, SALVANOS A NOSOTROS Y AL MUNDO ENTERO. Himnos Praise to the Holiest in the Heights 1 Praise to the Holiest in the height, and in the depth be praise: in all his words most wonderful, most sure in all his ways. 2 O loving wisdom of our God! When all was sin and shame, a second Adam to the fight and to the rescue came. 3 O wisest love! that flesh and blood, which did in Adam fail, should strive afresh against the foe, should strive and should prevail; 4 And that a higher gift than grace should flesh and blood refine, God's presence and his very self, and essence all-divine. 5 O generous love! that he, who smote in Man for man the foe, the double agony in Man for man should undergo; 6 And in the garden secretly, and on the cross on high, should teach his brethren, and inspire to suffer and to die. 7 Praise to the Holiest in the height, and in the depth be praise: in all his words most wonderful, most sure in all his ways. Ave Verum Corps natum Ave verum corpus natum de Maria Virgine Vere passum, immolatum in cruce pro homine Cuius latus perforatum fluxit aqua et sanguine Esto nobis praegustatum mortis in examine O Iesu dulcis, o Iesu pie, o Iesu fili Mariae. Hail, true Body, truly born of the Virgin Mary mild Truly offered, wracked and torn, on the Cross for all defiled, From Whose love pierced, sacred side Flowed Thy true Blood's saving tide: Be a foretaste sweet to me In my death's great agony. O my loving, Gentle One, Sweetest Jesus, Mary's Son [2] Salve, Regina Salve, Regina, mater misericordiae; vita, dulcedo et spes nostra, salve. Ad te clamamus exsules filii Hevae. Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes in hac lacrimarum valle. Eia ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte. Et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, nobis post hoc exsilium ostende. O clemens, o pia, o dulcis Virgo Maria. Ofertorio Nicaraguense Estribillo Te ofrecemos, Padre nuestro, con el vino y con el pan nuestras penas y alegrías, el trabajo y nuestro afáan. 1.Como el trigo de los campos bajo el signo de la Cruz, se transformen nuestras vidas en el cuerpo de Jesús 2.A los pobres de la tiera, a los que sufriendo están, cambia su dolor en vino, como la uva en el lagar. 3.Estos dones son el signo del esfuerzo de unidad que los hombres realizamos en el campo y la ciudad. 4.Es tu pueblo quien te ofrece, con los dones del altar, la naturaleza entera, anhelando libertad 5.Gloria sea dada al Padre y a su Hijo Redentor y al Espíritu Divino que nos llena de su amor. Misa Votiva Primera Lectura: Ex 11:10—12:14 En aquellos días, Moisés y Aarón hicieron muchos prodigios ante el faraón, pero el Señor endureció el corazón del faraón, que no dejó salir de su país a los hijos de Israel. El Señor les dijo a Moisés y a Aarón en tierra de Egipto: "Este mes será para ustedes el primero de todos los meses y el principal del año. Díganle a toda la comunidad de Israel: 'El día diez de este mes tomará cada uno un cordero por familia, uno por casa. Si la familia es demasiado pequeña para comérselo, que se junte con los vecinos y elija un cordero adecuado al número de personas y a la cantidad que cada cual pueda comer. Será un animal sin defecto, macho, de un año, cordero o cabrito. Lo guardarán hasta el día catorce del mes, cuando toda la comunidad de los hijos de Israel, lo inmolará al atardecer. Tomarán la sangre y rociarán las dos jambas y el dintel de la puerta de la casa donde vayan a comer el cordero. Esa noche comerán la carne, asada a fuego; comerán panes sin levadura y hierbas amargas. No comerán el cordero crudo o cocido, sino asado; lo comerán todo, también la cabeza, las patas y las entrañas. No dejarán nada de él para la mañana; lo que sobre lo quemarán. Y comerán así: Con la cintura ceñida, las sandalias en los pies, un bastón en la mano y a toda prisa, porque es la Pascua, es decir, el paso del Señor. Yo pasaré esa noche por la tierra de Egipto y heriré a todos los primogénitos del país de Egipto, desde los hombres hasta los ganados. Castigaré a todos los dioses de Egipto, yo, el Señor. La sangre les servirá de señal en las casas donde habitan ustedes. Cuando yo vea la sangre, pasaré de largo y no habrá entre ustedes plaga ex-terminadora, cuando hiera yo la tierra de Egipto. Ese día será para ustedes un memorial y lo celebrarán como fiesta en honor del Señor. De generación en generación celebrarán esta festividad, como institución perpetua". Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 115, 12-13. 15-16bc. 17-18 R. (13) Cumpliré mis promesas al Señor. ¿Cómo le pagaré al Señor todo el bien que me ha hecho? Levantaré el cáliz de salvación e invocaré el nombre del Señor. R. Cumpliré mis promesas al Señor. A los ojos del Señor es muy penoso que mueran sus amigos. De la muerte, Señor, me has librado, a mí, tu esclavo e hijo de tu esclava. R. Cumpliré mis promesas al Señor. Te ofreceré con gratitud un sacrificio e invocaré tu nombre. Cumpliré mis promesas al Señor ante todo su pueblo. R. Cumpliré mis promesas al Señor. Aclamación antes del Evangelio: JN 10:27 R. Aleluya, aleluya. Mis ovejas escuchan mi voz, dice el Señor; yo las conozco y ellas me siguen. R. Aleluya, aleluya. Evangelio: Mt 12:1-8 Un sábado, atravesaba Jesús por los sembrados. Los discípulos, que iban con él, tenían hambre y se pusieron a arrancar espigas y a comerse los granos. Cuando los fariseos los vieron, le dijeron a Jesús: "Tus discípulos están haciendo algo que no está permitido hacer en sábado". El les contestó: "¿No han leído ustedes lo que hizo David una vez que sintieron hambre él y sus compañeros? ¿No recuerdan cómo entraron en la casa de Dios y comieron los panes consagrados, de los cuales ni él ni sus compañeros podían comer, sino tan sólo los sacerdotes? ¿Tampoco han leído en la ley que los sacerdotes violan el sábado porque ofician en el templo y no por eso cometen pecado? Pues yo digo que aquí hay alguien más grande que el templo. Si ustedes comprendieran el sentido de las palabras: Misericordia quiero y no sacrificios, no condenarían a quienes no tienen ninguna culpa. Por lo demás, el Hijo del hombre también es dueño del sábado''. Homilía seguida por el Mensaje de Nuestro Señor al Hno. Barnabas 5 de Abril, 2000 a las 3PM Desierto de Monte Carmelo, Olo, Enugu State EL QUE QUIERA SEGUIRME, QUE CARGUE SU CRUZ Y ME SIGA. Durante esta hora, tuve una visión de nuestro Señor Jesucristo caminando solo en el desierto. Luego, se acerco a cierta ciudad y se sentó sobre una roca, a unas millas de ella. El permaneció allí y oro por largo rato. Cuando termino de orar, entro en la ciudad y predico a la gente la Buena Nueva sobre el Reino del Cielo. Al final, solo siete personas lo siguieron. Ellos salieron de la ciudad y bajaron hacia el valle de la Montana no muy lejos de la ciudad. En el valle, yo vi que había muchas cruces, demasiadas para ser contadas. Jesús les dijo a ellos, “Estas son las cruces rechazadas que su gente no quiso cargar. El que quiera seguirme, cargue su cruz y sígame. El negara al mundo, se negara a sí mismo, cargara su cruz y Me seguirá. El camino que lleva a la felicidad es un camino estrecho. Es un camino desértico, muy árido y difícil para avanzar. El que camine Conmigo no andará en oscuridad. Yo cambiare sus tristezas en alegría, sus dolores en gozo. Aquellos que Me amar, encuentran que Mi cruz es liviana y Mi camino es fácil de seguir. Hijos, quien quiera salvar su propia vida la perderá, pero quien pierda su vida por Mi, la encontrara”. Los siete hombres dijeron a una sola voz, “Nosotros hemos dejado todo y te hemos seguido. Muéstranos Tu camino, cargaremos nuestras cruces y te seguiremos.” Nuestro Señor los miro por un momento y les dijo que fueran y les comunicaran a sus familiares y amigos su decisión, y que luego regresaran. Todos se fueron de una vez, dejando solo a Jesús. El se sentó sobre una roca y bajo su Cabeza en silencio. Más tarde, todos regresaron y el viaje comenzó. Jesús empezó dándoles sus cruces para que las cargaran. La primera persona se quejo de lo pesada que era su propia cruz. El Señor le ordeno escore una entre las demás cruces. Cuando empezó a cargarlas, se dio cuenta de que las demás cruces eran más pesadas que la suya. Sin saber, regreso y tomo aquella en particular que nuestro Señor le había dado de primero y dijo, “Si, esta es la mía.” El Señor lo miro y calmadamente le dijo, “¿No es esa la que Yo te había dado?”. Todos tomaron sus propias cruces y el viaje empezó. Ellos cantaron y oraron mientras andaban con sus cruces. Jesús iba adelante. Era un viaje muy serio. Nadie volvió a mirar atrás. Ellos pasaron Colinas y tierras bajas. Escalaron montanas, atravesaron valles. Ellos sufrieron la aridez del caliente desierto. En un punto la fe de algunos de ellos empezó a fallar. El viaje era lento y firme, pero aun así, algunos no pudieron mantener el paso. Algunos hombre estaban cinco millas detrás de Jesús, otros tres, otros dos millas. En ese momento, algunos empezaron a sufrir tentaciones de libre albedrio. Vi a dos de los hombres cortar sus cruces en la base mientras que el viaje aun continuaba. En la tarde del primer día, ellos llegaron a un gran rio. Nuestro Señor Jesucristo llego primero. El se agacho, coloco su propia cruz sobre el rio y camino sobre ella hasta el otro lado. Los demás hicieron lo mismo, a excepción de los dos hombres más débiles que habían cortado sus cruces. Ellos midieron sus cruces y se dieron cuenta de que no podrían cruzar el rio. Entonces se sentaron, se lamentaron y lloraron ante Jesús, pero nadie se atrevió a escucharlos o a verlos. Ellos fueron dejados allí mientras los demás continuaron su viaje. Esto sucedió el primer día tal y como lo vi en la visión. El segundo día, ellos continuaron el viaje día y noche. Pasaron todo el día en el desierto y sufrieron más severamente que el primer día. Enseguida, vi que otros dos hombres pensaron que no habría ningún otro rio para atravesar, entonces, cortaron sus cruces como los primeros dos hombres. Cuando la tarde del segundo día llego, ellos fueron abandonados como los primeros, mientras que los otros tres y Jesús, nuestro Salvador, continuaron su camino. Ellos soportaron el frio de la noche, y luego entraron al tercer día. En el tercer día ellos llegaron a una Montana. Nuestro Señor se quedo allí y les señalo su destino final. Una tierra de felicidad y descanso! Pero antes de que pudieran llegar a ella, debían pasar cierta ciudad que el Señor les advirtió era un sitio de pecado. Nada santo se podía encontrar allí. Les indico no parar en esa ciudad y no comer ni beber nada allí. Los pecados de esa ciudad se habían acumulado demasiado alto hacia el Cielo y a la ciudad le estaba esperando la ira de Dios y la destrucción. Nuestro Señor dijo, “Los estoy dejando par air a buscar a la oveja perdida de Israel. Pero estaré allí para darles la bienvenida al final.” Inmediatamente se desapareció de su vista. Los tres hombres se encontraron solos, pero tuvieron coraje y continuaron. Eventualmente ellos entraron en esa ciudad, aquella ciudad pecadora. Ellos vieron su Gloria y sus placeres. Ellos fueron muy tentados con todos los placeres de esa ciudad. La gente se burlo vergonzosamente de ellos. Después de un tiempo, dos de ellos se rindieron y se unieron a la gente. El que quedo, quien fue más grandemente tentado que los otros, persevere en su fe, cargo su cruz y entro en la tierra de felicidad y descanso. Instantáneamente, una nube bajo y cubrió toda la tierra. Yo vi a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo sosteniendo una corona dorada mucho más brillante que el sol, bajando de las nubes con ángeles, demasiado numerosos para ser contados. Ellos vinieron para dar la bienvenida al único sobreviviente. Nuestro Señor coloco la corona sobre su cabeza y le hizo ver, otra vez, todo el viaje que el había hecho, todos los sufrimientos de la tierra y a sus amigos caídos. En pocos minutos el olvido los sufrimientos del largo viaje y la pesada cruz. Instantáneamente, la visión termino. El Santo Rostro Agonizante de Jesucristo se apareció y me dijo, “Dijo, has visto. Es así como los que Me siguen se quedan en el camino. Solo unos pocos luchan hasta el final. Luchen para entrar en la tierra de la felicidad. El camino es duro pero aquel que persevere hasta el final será salvado. Esta visión será dada a conocer a Mis Apóstoles en su día de consagración y renovación de su consagración. Yo prometo darles el Espíritu de Sabiduría para abrir su Corazón para tener un mayor entendimiento. El espíritu derramara luz dentro de la oscuridad de las almas y renovaras sus corazones. Yo soy el Agonizante Jesucristo quien los ama. La paz este con ustedes. Los bendigo.” Inmediatamente la visión termino. Me desperté y eran exactamente las 6pm. Así que la visión duro 3 horas completas. Una hora representaba un día, como lo vi en la visión. Regrese en mi y lo escribí. Acto de Consagración (se reza 3 veces) Los nuevos consagrados irán hacia el frente y se hincarán al frente mientras los otros otros devotos renovarán su consagración mientras recitan la oración de pie. (Página 48) Continuación de la Consagración: El sacerdote y los nuevos consagrados terminan la Dedicación Total a la Preciosísima Sangre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. (Página 132) El sacerdote esparcirá agua bendita, bendecirá los escapularios y los impondrá en los nuevos consagrados mientras los nuevos consagrados responden “Amen". El himno de consagración es cantado durante este proceso. El proceso se repite con la bendición y entrega de los Crucifijos. Continua la misa votiva. Para más información: Sis. Rosario Brewer - (936) 524 - 8338 Sis. Fausta - (713) 443-9465 Sis. Teresa Mendez - (713) 516 - 5150
Christopher Mary Nnamdi Onuorah
Dec 21, 2022
In Foro de consoladores
Notre Dame Catholic Church 7720 Boone, Houston, TX 77096 Celebrants: Fr. Sebastine Okoye Fr. Clement Unchendu New Devotees to be Consecrated Name Parish 1. Rutila Isabel Matul Alvarado Christ the King 2. Carolina Bustamante de Salas St. Bartholomew 3. Carmen Willis St. Mary 4. Mayra Judith Nava Charles St. Mary 5. Genara García St. Mary 6. Maria Linda Benites St. Mary 7. Arturo Díaz St. Maximilian Kolbe 8. Mari de Pantoja St. Maximilian Kolbe 9. Rufina Robles St. Maximilian Kolbe 10. Elizabeth Granda St. Jerome 11. Obdulia Juarez Jimenez St. Francis of Sales 12. Stephen Ngozi 13. Kenneth Ifeanyi Omeke 14. Norbert Chibuikem Oparaji Program 10:00 – 10:30 Registration / Welcome Breakfast 10:30 – 11:00 Chaplet of Renewal 11:15 – 12:00 Holy Rosary and Litany 12:00 Noon Angelus 12:05 – 12:40 Precious Blood Chaplet 12:40 – 1:10 Message given to Bro. Barnabas Nwoye 1:10 – 1:45 Teaching by Rev. Fr. Sebastine Okoye 1:45 – 2:00 Preparation for Holy Mass / Songs / Break 2:00 – 3:30 Votive Mass of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ 3:30 – 3:40 Group Picture 3:40 – 5:30 Refreshments/ Dinner / Testimonies Note: Please check the first page of your Precious Blood to know if your book is 3rd or 4th edition (the Nigerian printed edition) for both page numbers are given for the prayers during the Votive Mass/ Consecration PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST; SAVE US AND THE WHOLE WORLD. Himnos Praise to the Holiest in the Heights 1 Praise to the Holiest in the height, and in the depth be praise: in all his words most wonderful, most sure in all his ways. 2 O loving wisdom of our God! When all was sin and shame, a second Adam to the fight and to the rescue came. 3 O wisest love! that flesh and blood, which did in Adam fail, should strive afresh against the foe, should strive and should prevail; 4 And that a higher gift than grace should flesh and blood refine, God's presence and his very self, and essence all-divine. 5 O generous love! that he, who smote in Man for man the foe, the double agony in Man for man should undergo; 6 And in the garden secretly, and on the cross on high, should teach his brethren, and inspire to suffer and to die. 7 Praise to the Holiest in the height, and in the depth be praise: in all his words most wonderful, most sure in all his ways. Ave Verum Corps natum Ave verum corpus natum de Maria Virgine Vere passum, immolatum in cruce pro homine Cuius latus perforatum fluxit aqua et sanguine Esto nobis praegustatum mortis in examine O Iesu dulcis, o Iesu pie, o Iesu fili Mariae. Hail, true Body, truly born of the Virgin Mary mild Truly offered, wracked and torn, on the Cross for all defiled, From Whose love pierced, sacred side Flowed Thy true Blood's saving tide: Be a foretaste sweet to me In my death's great agony. O my loving, Gentle One, Sweetest Jesus, Mary's Son [2] Salve, Regina Salve, Regina, mater misericordiae; vita, dulcedo et spes nostra, salve. Ad te clamamus exsules filii Hevae. Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes in hac lacrimarum valle. Eia ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte. Et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, nobis post hoc exsilium ostende. O clemens, o pia, o dulcis Virgo Maria. Ofertorio Nicaraguense Estribillo Te ofrecemos, Padre nuestro, con el vino y con el pan nuestras penas y alegrías, el trabajo y nuestro afáan. 1.Como el trigo de los campos bajo el signo de la Cruz, se transformen nuestras vidas en el cuerpo de Jesús 2.A los pobres de la tiera, a los que sufriendo están, cambia su dolor en vino, como la uva en el lagar. 3.Estos dones son el signo del esfuerzo de unidad que los hombres realizamos en el campo y la ciudad. 4.Es tu pueblo quien te ofrece, con los dones del altar, la naturaleza entera, anhelando libertad 5.Gloria sea dada al Padre y a su Hijo Redentor y al Espíritu Divino que nos llena de su amor. Votive Mass First Reading: Ex 11:10—12:14 Although Moses and Aaron performed various wonders in Pharaoh's presence, the LORD made Pharaoh obstinate, and he would not let the children of Israel leave his land. The LORD said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, "This month shall stand at the head of your calendar; you shall reckon it the first month of the year. Tell the whole community of Israel: On the tenth of this month every one of your families must procure for itself a lamb, one apiece for each household. If a family is too small for a whole lamb, it shall join the nearest household in procuring one and shall share in the lamb in proportion to the number of persons who partake of it. The lamb must be a year-old male and without blemish. You may take it from either the sheep or the goats. You shall keep it until the fourteenth day of this month, and then, with the whole assembly of Israel present, it shall be slaughtered during the evening twilight. They shall take some of its blood and apply it to the two doorposts and the lintel of every house in which they partake of the lamb. That same night they shall eat its roasted flesh with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. It shall not be eaten raw or boiled, but roasted whole, with its head and shanks and inner organs. None of it must be kept beyond the next morning; whatever is left over in the morning shall be burned up. "This is how you are to eat it: with your loins girt, sandals on your feet and your staff in hand, you shall eat like those who are in flight. It is the Passover of the LORD. For on this same night I will go through Egypt, striking down every first born of the land, both man and beast, and executing judgment on all the gods of Egypt—I, the LORD! But the blood will mark the houses where you are. Seeing the blood, I will pass over you; thus, when I strike the land of Egypt, no destructive blow will come upon you. "This day shall be a memorial feast for you, which all your generations shall celebrate with pilgrimage to the LORD, as a perpetual institution." Responsorial Psalm: Ps 116:12-13, 15 and 16bc, 17-18 R. (13) I will take the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the Lord. How shall I make a return to the LORD for all the good he has done for me? The cup of salvation I will take up, and I will call upon the name of the LORD. R. I will take the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the Lord. Precious in the eyes of the LORD is the death of his faithful ones. I am your servant, the son of your handmaid; you have loosed my bonds. R. I will take the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the Lord. To you will I offer sacrifice of thanksgiving, and I will call upon the name of the LORD. My vows to the LORD I will pay in the presence of all his people. R. I will take the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the Lord. Alleluia: JN 10:27 R. Alleluia, alleluia. My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord, I know them, and they follow me. R. Alleluia, alleluia. Gospel: Mt 12:1-8 Jesus was going through a field of grain on the sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick the heads of grain and eat them. When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, "See, your disciples are doing what is unlawful to do on the sabbath." He said to the them, "Have you not read what David did when he and his companions were hungry, how he went into the house of God and ate the bread of offering, which neither he nor his companions but only the priests could lawfully eat? Or have you not read in the law that on the Sabbath the priests serving in the temple violate the Sabbath and are innocent? I say to you, something greater than the temple is here. If you knew what this meant, I desire mercy, not sacrifice, you would not have condemned these innocent men. For the Son of Man is Lord of the sabbath." Homily followed by Message from Our Lord to Bro. Barnabas 5th APRIL, 2000 TIME: 3.0 PM VENUE: DESERT OF MOUNT CARMEL, OLO WHOEVER WANTS TO FOLLOW ME MUST TAKE UP HIS CROSS AND FOLLOW ME During this hour, I saw in a vision Our Lord Jesus Christ walking alone in the wilderness. Later He came near a certain city and sat down on a rock a few miles away from the city. He remained there and prayed for a long time. When He finished praying, He went inside the city and preached to the people the Good News about the Kingdome of Heaven. In the end, only seven people followed Him. They came out of the city and went down to the valley of the mountain not far from the city. In the valley, I saw that there were many crosses there, too many to be counted. Jesus said to them: “These are the rejected crossed which your people failed to carry. Whoever wants to follow Me must carry his cross and follow ME. He will deny the world, deny himself, carry his cross and follow ME. The way that leads to happiness is a narrow way. It is a desert way, very dry and hard to go. Whoever goes with Me will not walk in darkness. I will change your sorrow into happiness, your pains into joy. Those who love Me find that My cross is light and that My way is easy to go. Children, whoever wants to save his own life will lose it but whoever losses his life for me will find it”. The seven man replied in one tone. “We have left everything and followed You. Show us Your way, we will carry our crosses and go after You”. Our Lord looked at them for a while and informed them to go and tell their relatives and friends and come back. The all left at once leaving Jesus who sat down on a rock and bent down His Head in silence. Later, they came back. The journey began. Jesus began to five them their crosses to carry. The first person complained of the weight of his cross. Our Lord ordered him to chose from the crosses. When He began to choose, he found out that the rest of the crosses were heavier than his own. Unknowingly, He came back and picked that particular one our Lord gave him at first and said: Yes; this is my own. Our Lord gazed at him and calmly said; is it not the one I gave you? The all took their own crosses. The journey began. They sang and prayed as they moved on carrying their crosses. Jesus took the lead. The journey was a serious one. No one cared to look back. They passed hills and low lands. They climbed mountains and went through valleys. They suffered dryness of the hot desert. At a point, the faith of some of them began to fail. The journey was slow and steady, but yet some couldn’t catch up. Some were five miles away from Jesus, some three, some two miles. At this point, they began to suffer temptation of free will. I saw two of the men cutting off their crosses at the base while the journey was still on. In the evening of the first day, they came to a great river. Our Lord Jesus Christ first reached there. He bent down and places His own cross across the river and passed. The rest did the same, except the two weaker ones who had cut their crosses. They measured their crosses, but could not cross the river. They sat down wept and cried to Jesus but no one dared to listen and look at them. They were left there while others continued their journey. This happened on the first day as I saw in the vision. On the second day, they continued the journey day and night. They passed the whole day in the desert and suffered more severely than on the first day. I saw that another two men thought that there would be no other river to cross, so they cut their crosses like the first group of people. When the evening of the second day came they were abandoned like the former ones. The remaining three and Jesus Our Savior continued. They passed the cold night and entered the third day. On the third day, they arrived at a mountain. Our Lord stood there and pointed to them their last destination; a land of happiness and rest. But before they could reach there, there was a certain city they had to pass. Our Lord told them that the city is a sinful city. Nothing holy can be found there. He told them not to stop in that city, not to eat or drink anything there. Their sins have piled up as high as Heaven, waiting for God’s wrath and destruction. Our Lord said: “I am leaving you to go and look for the lost sheep of Israel. But I will be there to welcome you in the end”. Immediately, He vanished from their sight. The three men found themselves alone. But they took courage and moved on. Eventually they entered the city, the sinful city. They saw its glory and its pleasures. They were tempted more with all the pleasures of that city. They were mocked at shamefully by the people of that city. At last two of them gave up and joined the people. The remaining one, who was more highly tempted that the others persisted in his faith, carried his cross and entered the land of happiness and rest. Instantly, cloud came down and covered the whole land. I saw our Lord Jesus Christ holding a golden crown brighter than the sun, and coming down from the cloud with the Angels, too many to be counted. They came down to welcome the only survivor. Our Lord placed the crown on his head and made him see again the whole journey he underwent, and the sufferings of the earth and his fallen friends. Within a few minutes, he forgot the suffering of the long journey and the heavy cross. Instantly, the vision passed. The Holy Agonizing Face of Jesus Christ appeared and said to me: “Son, you have seen. This is how those who followed Me ended up on the way. Only few struggled to the end. Struggle to enter the land of happiness. The way is hard, but he who endures till the end shall be saved. This vision will be made known to My Apostles on their days of consecration and renewal of their consecration. I promise to five you the Spirit of Wisdom to open your heart for more understanding. The Spirit will throw light into the darkness of souls and renew their hearts. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ who loves you. Peace be with you. I bless you”. Immediately, the vision passed. I woke up; it was exactly 6pm. So it took me complete three hours to witness the vision. One hour, represented one day as I saw in the vision. I came back to myself and recorded it. The Act of Consecration (said three times) New consecration will come forward and kneel in front while all other Devotees will renew their consecration will saying the prayer standing. (3rd Edition: page 22 • 4th Edition: page 23) Consecration continued: Priest and new consecrants finish the Total Dedication to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. (3rd Edition: page 101 • 4th Edition: page 109) Priest will sprinkle holy water, blessing the badges and putting it on new Consecrants while they say "Amen". Consecration hymn is sung during the process. (3rd Edition: page 22 • 4th Edition: page 22) Process is repeated with blessing and handing out of Crucifixes. Votive Mass then continues Para más información: Sis. Rosario Brewer - (936) 524 - 8338 Sis. Fausta - (713) 443-9465 Sis. Teresa Mendez - (713) 516 - 5150
Christopher Mary Nnamdi Onuorah
Dec 21, 2022
Christopher Mary Nnamdi Onuorah
Dec 21, 2022

Christopher Mary Nnamdi Onuorah

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